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Interview with Wang Xiangming: Exploring the ecological construction model and playing the "combined fist" of targeted poverty alleviation

October 17, 2020 09:53 | Source: People's Daily Online - Powerful Countries Forum
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, October 17 (Reporter Zhou Jing, intern Liu Dan) Since this year, in the face of complex and severe domestic and international situations, central enterprises have been pioneers and active, making important contributions to winning the battle of epidemic prevention and control and the battle of poverty alleviation, and demonstrating the responsibility of a major power in the war exam. "It is the duty and responsibility of China Resources to be responsible for the country and benefit the people." Recently, Wang Xiangming, chairman of China Resources Group, said in an exclusive interview with reporters from the People's Daily Powerful Countries Forum that China Resources is actively resuming production and serving the economy and society under the premise of not relaxing the prevention and control of the epidemic. At the same time, the Group increased its investment and continued to use its own advantages to help fight poverty in various ways.


Wang Xiangming, Chairman of China Resources Group

Prescribed actions+optional actions to play the "combined fist" of poverty alleviation

In 2002, the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council listed Guangchang County, Jiangxi Province, as the designated poverty alleviation county of China Resources. In 2012, Haiyuan County of Ningxia became the second designated poverty alleviation county of the Group. Wang Xiangming introduced: "Since 2002, China Resources has invested a total of 550 million yuan to provide all-round assistance through new rural construction, industrial poverty alleviation, investment poverty alleviation, talent poverty alleviation, education poverty alleviation and other ways. At present, Guangchang County and Haiyuan County have been lifted out of poverty."

There are both mandatory and optional actions. If targeted assistance to Guangchang County and Haiyuan County is a required action, it is a voluntary action since China Resources built the first hope town Baise Hope Town in 2008. "Over the past 12 years, the Group has invested more than 800 million yuan accumulatively to build 10 CR Hope Towns in the old revolutionary base areas and poor areas, including Baise in Guangxi, Xibaipo in Hebei, Shaoshan in Hunan, Gutian in Fujian, Zunyi in Guizhou, Jinzhai in Anhui, Jinggangshan in Jiangxi, Haiyuan in Ningxia, Jianhe in Guizhou, and Hong'an in Hubei; and 2 Hope Towns in Yan'an in Shaanxi and Gutian in Nanjiang in Sichuan are also under planning and construction." Wang Xiangming said.

"Every Hope Town is not a one-time donation. What we are exploring is an ecological construction model, which can radiate and drive the surrounding areas of Hope Town to get rid of poverty and become rich." In Wang Xiangming's view, the Group's main experience in poverty alleviation is four: first, environmental transformation. Renovate or reconstruct the people's houses, the surrounding environment, including some infrastructure and supporting facilities; Second, industrial assistance. Give full play to the advantages of China Resources diversified industrial group, combine the China Resources Minsheng industrial chain with the local natural resource endowment, and focus on helping the planting and breeding industry; Third, the poverty alleviation team was restructured to form a support organization consisting of villagers, the government and China Resources, so as to form a sustainable industrial support and improve self hematopoietic function; The fourth is to reshape the spirit. Create the spiritual goal of local villagers to create value by themselves, help them change their ideas, and become rich and start businesses spontaneously and initiatively.

Stabilizing Employment and Seeking Long term Revitalization of Hubei Post epidemic Economy

When talking about the measures to deal with the impact of COVID-19 on strengthening and stabilizing employment, Wang Xiangming said that since August 22 this year, the China Resources job fair has been launched nationwide. This time, the Group brought out more than 2000 entity enterprises and 47000 positions in five business sectors for recruitment from the whole society. Among them, 5000 posts are special enrollment plans for college graduates, and about 1100 posts will be employed locally in Hubei.

In addition to starting recruitment, China Resources Group signed a series of strategic cooperation frameworks with Hubei Province after the epidemic, with a total amount of 150 billion yuan. Wang Xiangming introduced that China Resources will invest in the construction of urban complexes in several development zones in Hubei, such as Gejiu and Xiangyang, and introduce Vientiane Plaza, China Resources Kapok, Milanhua Hotel, office buildings, etc., to provide basic support for the further development of the development zone and the introduction of high-end talents. At the same time, we will carry out the project of "fishing light complementation", combine environmental remediation with solar power generation, and use commercial project profits to supplement the sustainable investment in environmental protection of the Yangtze River, so as to achieve the sustainable goal of environmental transformation and green cycle development. "The lake surface occupied by power generation will be paid to the people. According to the current standard, 1000 yuan will be paid to the people for one mu of pond a year. In addition to the benefits of fishermen, the project output value can also bring a considerable amount of taxes to the local area." Wang Xiangming said.

Digital transformation gives enterprises the wings of wisdom

In recent years, the digital economy has developed vigorously. While promoting the development of productivity and the transformation of production relations, it has put forward new requirements for the digital transformation and upgrading of enterprises. Facing the challenges brought by digitalization to enterprises, Wang Xiangming said frankly: "For traditional enterprises, the challenges are huge."

"China Resources is an early central enterprise in promoting digital transformation. As early as the 80th anniversary of the founding of China Resources in 2018, it formulated the Smart China Resources 2028 Plan." Wang Xiangming said that China Resources will comprehensively promote digital transformation and intelligent development. He hoped that by the end of the 14th Five Year Plan, all industries under China Resources will fully realize digitalization, new industries, new businesses Major breakthroughs have been made in the development of new products, cross sector integration has reached a new level, data assets have been preliminarily mined and realized, and the per capita production efficiency, industry competitiveness and customer service ability of the whole group have been significantly improved.

"Digitization will bring us an innovative way of thinking and new growth points." Wang Xiangming is full of confidence in the digital development of the Group.  

(Editor in charge: Prince Hou, Zhang Guigui)

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