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Expert: make good use of the wisdom of the masses to fully release the community's prevention and control ability

10:18, February 5, 2020 | Source: People's Daily Online - Powerful Countries Forum
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, February 5 (Bo Chendi) After the Spring Festival holiday, major cities ushered in a wave of return. Community prevention and control is essential to prevent the spread of the epidemic. To this end, grass-roots communities around the country frequently take measures to implement prevention and control measures to individual households. But at the same time, it also exposed such problems as residents' dissatisfaction with community work, and the pressure of grass-roots community workers to "rotate". How to do community prevention and control work better? An exclusive interview with Zhu Lijia, a professor in the Public Management Teaching and Research Department of the Central Party School (National School of Administration), was held at the People's Daily Power Forum.

Mass prevention and mass governance enable voluntary services to play a greater role in community prevention and control

Powerful Nation Forum: In the prevention and control of the epidemic, the tasks of community workers at the grass-roots level are generally heavy and heavy, but they are not adequately staffed. What measures should be taken to not only reduce the pressure on the staff, but also make the prevention and control work more effective?

Zhu Lijia: The community epidemic prevention work gives full play to our institutional and organizational advantages. At the front line of epidemic prevention work, basic communities have basically mobilized, and they are responsible for guarding the territory. However, at present, due to the heavy task of prevention and control and the arrival of the return tide, the task of grass-roots community staff is really heavy. In this situation, the role of volunteer organizations should be brought into play. Relevant policies on volunteer organization services should be introduced as soon as possible, and detailed rules on volunteer services should be formulated, so that volunteer organizations can provide volunteer services with a certain professional level scientifically, orderly and effectively in epidemic prevention publicity, stabilizing social emotions and other aspects on the premise of ensuring their own safety, so as to make up for the shortage of human resources in community epidemic prevention. Retired medical professionals, such as nurses and doctors, can also be encouraged to participate in community prevention and control work and provide effective and professional prevention and control guidance. We should mobilize the masses as widely as possible to protect themselves and make good use of the collective wisdom of the masses.

Forum of Powerful Countries: Recently, some outsiders in Beijing have taken relatively strict prevention and control measures to rent concentrated areas. Some communities even stipulated that people returning to Beijing from other places were "forbidden to enter", causing disputes. How to balance the relationship between the return personnel from other places and the prevention and control work?

Zhu Lijia: Beijing is a city with a large floating population. As the capital, its prevention and control measures should be stricter, more precise and more standardized. I think we should do three things: first, prevent and control the epidemic accurately; 2、 We must give full play to the important role of communities in the prevention and control of epidemic situations; 3、 The municipal party committee and the municipal government should issue corresponding rules for community epidemic prevention. On January 29, Beijing released the Work Plan for Community (Village) Prevention and Control of Pneumonia Caused by New Coronavirus Infection in Beijing (Trial), which stipulates the tasks and work guarantee of community work. The community should make the prevention and control work more standardized according to the unified regulations, and fully release and play the community's prevention and control ability.

With the increasing number of people returning to Beijing from other places, the prevention and control work in Beijing is also facing new challenges. Recently, it was reported on the Internet that a community discouraged people from returning to Beijing and tenants from moving in. In response to this situation, the relevant departments of Beijing said that any community, village or property had no right to prevent people returning to Beijing from entering the community on their own after they passed the temperature test. In my opinion, the government departments should come up with a detailed plan for people returning to Beijing from other places, including those who need to be isolated, and introduce some specific measures to better and more effectively use the epidemic prevention and control.

Avoid formalism and achieve "one line above, one needle below"

Powerful Nation Forum: How can residents ensure their normal life supply after responding to the suggestion of "not going out, not walking around"? How to minimize such conflicts when delivery and express delivery are not allowed to enter the community?

Zhu Lijia: People need to live and communities need to prevent epidemics. If there is a conflict between the two, grass-roots community workers should innovate their work methods and carry out work according to the actual situation. First of all, we should ensure the most basic living supply for the people. It is suggested that the community can allow residents to buy food and necessities in different periods and batches to avoid "piling up". In terms of price, we should also check to ensure that daily necessities such as vegetables are kept in stock, the price of vegetables is reasonable, and the supply is sufficient, so that the people can be reassured that they "don't go out and walk around". In addition, some communities do not allow express delivery to enter, which has caused residents to "pile up" to get express delivery. To solve this problem, the community can set up express delivery and take away storage sites to avoid unnecessary gathering of personnel.

Forum of Powerful Countries: Formalism still exists in epidemic prevention and control in some places. Some grass-roots community workers face different superior departments every day and have to submit many reports, which makes them physically and mentally exhausted. How to avoid this situation?

Zhu Lijia: The most fundamental thing is to have a centralized management, and not every department should ask for reports. Especially at the county level, there should be a unified department for timely statistics of the epidemic situation, and it is not necessary for every department to go down to the community. In extraordinary times, "one thread above, one needle below" should be achieved to work efficiently.

Powerful Forum: Long term high pressure and intensive work, community workers also have bad feelings. How to relieve the psychological pressure of community workers?

Zhu Lijia: Psychological counseling for community workers is necessary. At present, not only the isolated objects need psychological counseling, but also medical staff, public security officers, community workers and other staff need to adjust their physical and mental health. When necessary, they should carry out psychological crisis intervention and psychological counseling to guide them to face the epidemic with a positive attitude. At the same time, the working hours of front-line staff should also be scientifically and reasonably arranged, and their rest, shift, etc. should be scientifically planned.  

(Editor in charge: Wang Zhe, Huang Yuqi)

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