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A series of discussions on "cultural inheritance and development"

The era mission and artistic responsibility of the national cultural platform

——An exclusive interview with Wang Ning, member of the 14th CPPCC National Committee, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and president of the National Grand Theater

Zhu Jiang, Wang Xuechun
December 5, 2023 15:14 | Source: People's Network
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This year, the National Grand Theater has been in operation for more than 10 years. It not only carries the functions of performing arts center platform, theme original art platform, art popularization education platform, comprehensive art exhibition platform, cultural exchange and cooperation platform and digital culture communication platform, but also plays an important role in deepening cultural exchanges and mutual learning, and enhancing the influence of the dissemination of Chinese civilization. Recently, the People's Daily Online interviewed Wang Ning, member of the 14th CPPCC National Committee, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and president of the National Grand Theater, and discussed how the National Grand Theater can communicate with people of culture and art, and tell Chinese stories through literary and artistic exchanges.

host: The purpose of the National Grand Theater is to be popular, artistic and international. How to combine the performing arts with these three points?

Wang Ning: People oriented, artistic and international, which is the purpose of the National Grand Theater when it was founded. Over the years, we have constantly expanded the role played by the three purposes, and put forward new ideas of leading, inheriting, innovating, opening and inclusiveness. At the same time, we also proposed that the National Grand Theater should play the role of six platforms, including the performing arts center platform, the theme original art platform, the art popularization education platform, the comprehensive art exhibition platform, the cultural exchange and cooperation platform and the digital culture communication platform, so as to better play the purpose of the National Grand Theater.

Among the purposes of "three natures", the first one is the people's character. How can we embody the people's character? It is to satisfy everyone's love of literature and art. At the same time, we should go deep into the lives of the masses, so that the masses can feel the close integration with life through literary and artistic creation. Many of the works created over the years are closely related to people's lives. For example, the national opera "Female Teachers in Mountain Villages" (now renamed "Rainbow in Summer") tells the extraordinary experience of female teacher Yang Caihong taking root in the education cause in poor mountain areas, and reflects the social group of rural educators' choice of ideal, career, love, and valuable dedication.

Second, artistry. Art is the root of the theater, and works are the foundation of the theater. Over the years, we have also made many high-level works of art. At the same time, as a national cultural platform, we are also working together to bring together artists from all over the world to create various art forms and reach the highest artistic level.

Third, internationality. As a national cultural platform, we should promote the spread and influence of Chinese civilization, both "going out" and "inviting in". Over the years, the National Grand Theater has established a long-term and stable cooperative relationship with international art organizations. Up to now, 300000 artists from around the world have appeared on the stage of the National Grand Theater.

host: The National Grand Theater belongs to the national cultural platform. From this perspective, how should practitioners of contemporary performing arts help the inheritance and development of Chinese culture?

Wang Ning: The National Grand Theater inherits Chinese culture from two aspects. One is to tell the history of Chinese culture. In this regard, we have created many classic works, such as the drama Lin Zexu, the opera Fang Zhimin, the guests on the iceberg, and the Jinsha River. Through these stories, we tell the history and inherit the history.

Another aspect is to better inherit our artistic classics and traditions. For example, we will plan projects related to intangible cultural heritage, such as Beijing Opera and classical folk music, and do a good job in inheriting culture and history.

host: The National Grand Theater has also created many works of art to promote China's excellent traditional culture, including those you mentioned just now. How to make these excellent works "go global"?

Wang Ning: Culture is the bridge and link of international friendly exchanges. From the beginning of its establishment to today, the National Grand Theater has always insisted on "going out" and touring. For example, in the first half of this year, the chief artist of the National Grand Theatre Orchestra went to Brazil and Argentina to perform. At the end of this year, the National Grand Theater will join hands with the China ASEAN Center to perform two operas in Malaysia and Singapore.

In addition, we have strengthened cooperation with international art institutions. In the years of the epidemic, the National Grand Theater and art institutions in many countries conducted online performance exchanges. Through the weekly broadcast of online programs, more than 20 million viewers around the world came to watch our programs and gave them high ratings. In addition, not long ago, the National Grand Theater and several top art institutions in the world (the Royal Opera House in Muscat, Oman, the Foundation of the Verona Open Theater in Italy, and the Los Angeles Opera House in the United States) jointly produced the opera "Laxme", and audience feedback was very good.

host: You mentioned in other interviews that performing arts institutions should give full play to the role of aesthetic education for all. How do you think art institutions can play the role of aesthetic education for all while realizing commercialization?

Wang Ning: It is a very important mission and a long-term task for the National Grand Theater to improve the artistic literacy of the whole people and play the role of aesthetic education.

The improvement of aesthetic education for all is not achieved overnight, but needs long-term adherence. In this regard, the National Grand Theater has done several things.

One is public performance. In order to popularize the public's understanding and love of culture, the National Grand Theater will launch public benefit performances or low price tickets every Saturday and Sunday. In addition, there are hundreds of public benefit performances every year, so that people can watch high-quality plays in their own cities.

Another is that the National Grand Theater should play the role of aesthetic education. Therefore, we often hold art master classes and invite teenagers to participate. At the same time, we also held "the first class at the beginning of school", art class, ideological and political class, etc., to achieve the goal of popularizing art education.

host: What new plans does the National Grand Theater have for cultural inheritance and development?

Wang Ning: The National Grand Theater has been established for 16 years, and this year is an important year for the National Grand Theater, because we will realize the construction pattern and development direction of one hospital and three sites. This brings new opportunities as well as new challenges to the National Grand Theater. In the future, we should focus on the following aspects.

First, play the role of one hospital and three sites; Second, we put forward the idea of "being high above". The so-called "high above" means to have a high position, high standards, high quality and high efficiency. As a national cultural platform, the National Grand Theater must have a higher level of artistic creation to play a leading role; Third, we will continue to open up and innovate. We should not only continue to carry forward China's excellent traditional culture, but also insist on taking modern art as an important part of innovation. Not only the art form, but also the degree of art display need innovation. It is hoped that these goals can be achieved and that all sectors of society can give strong support to cultural undertakings.

Extended reading: a series of discussions on "cultural inheritance and development"

Civilized exchanges and mutual learning promote Chinese culture to go global -- An exclusive interview with Li Jinsheng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China International Culture Group Co., Ltd

Deeply Cultivate Traditional Culture and Inherit the Quintessence of Chinese Opera -- An Exclusive Interview with Wang Yong, President of the National Peking Opera Theater and Vice President of the Chinese Dramatists Association

Exploring the Origin of Yin Shang Civilization, Archaeological Work is Promising -- An Exclusive Interview with Wang Zhenzhong, Member of the Academic Department of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Deputy Director of the Historical Department, and President of the Chinese Yin Shang Culture Society

How to promote cultural inheritance and development in the new era and new journey?

Inherit and carry forward traditional culture through literary and artistic innovation -- An exclusive interview with Dinar Abra, Vice President of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and President of Xinjiang Dancers Association

Passing the People's Spiritual Power in the Fireworks of the World -- An Exclusive Interview with Yan Jingming, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association and Deputy Director of the Culture, Literature, History and Learning Committee of the CPPCC National Committee

Constructing the "Three Systems" of Art with Chinese Characteristics and Telling the Story of Chinese Culture -- An Exclusive Interview with Zhou Qingfu, President of the Chinese Academy of Arts and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee

Popularizing classical classics and promoting traditional culture -- An exclusive interview with Mo Lifeng, a senior professor of humanities and social sciences at Nanjing University

Shine the national cultural brand and shine the new era of literature and art -- An exclusive interview with Jing Xiaoyong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Oriental Performing Arts Group

How can Chinese art help culture to be confident and self strengthening—— Interview with Fan Dean, Chairman of China Artists Association

Promote cultural inheritance and development and promote patriotism -- An exclusive interview with Xing Guangcheng, member of the academic department of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and director of the China Frontier Research Institute

How to protect the covered bridges from history?

(Editor in charge: Zhu Jiang, He Yingchun)

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