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Navicat released a new free version of the database management tool Premium Lite, which is compatible with MySQL, MariaDB, etc

Navicat released a new free version of the database management tool Premium Lite, which is compatible with MySQL, MariaDB, etc

Edit: pcsoft information Source: Internet Time: 2024-06-26 08:01:59

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       Navicat The company launched a free database management tool for beginners—— Navicat Premium Lite This tool supports basic database management and collaboration functions and is suitable for entry-level users.

       Main functions of Navicat Premium Lite:

       Multi database support: As a simplified version of Navicat Premium 17, it can connect multiple database systems including MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server, OceanBase and GaussDB.


Data viewer: The built-in editor supports viewing, updating, and deleting records in grid view, tree view, and JSON view.

Object Designer: provides a clear interface, manages database objects, and decomposes the query writing process into structured tabs.

SQL Editor: provides a seamless coding environment for code completion, code segments, and syntax highlighting to speed up the coding process.

Import and export function: support the import and export of text file formats such as TXT, CSV, XML and JSON, so as to facilitate data conversion between different formats.

Collaboration: allows users to synchronize connection settings, queries and other information to cloud services, so as to achieve team sharing anytime, anywhere.

Secure connection: Data security is guaranteed through SSH tunnel and SSL encryption technology, and advanced authentication methods such as PAM, Kerberos, X.509 and GSSAPI are supported.

Native design: Navicat designed native applications for specific platforms to provide a smooth use experience.

Dark mode: provide dark theme, reduce the impact of screen brightness on eyes, and protect vision.

       Download information:

Interested users can download Navicat Premium Lite at the following address: Navicat Premium Lite download address

The launch of Navicat Premium Lite provides users with a comprehensive and easy-to-use database management tool, which is particularly suitable for entry-level users who need to perform basic database operations.

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