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AMD ROCm software stack update: support up to 4 RX/Pro graphics cards, and add WSL2 for initial compatibility

AMD ROCm software stack update: support up to 4 RX/Pro graphics cards, and add WSL2 for initial compatibility

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       AMD Recently released ROCm 6.1.3 version update , while maintaining support for up to four GPUs, this version adds compatibility with the TensorFlow framework and is initially compatible with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2).

ROCm is an open software stack launched by AMD, which integrates a variety of programming models, tools, compilers, libraries and run packages, aiming to help developers create AI and HPC solutions for AMD GPU.

The most significant improvement of ROCm 6.1.3 is its support for multiple GPUs, which can significantly improve processing speed by using up to four GPUs at the same time. It is worth mentioning that it not only supports AMD's Pro series GPUs, but also is compatible with RX series GPUs, which focus on games.

The multi GPU support function of ROCm version 6.1.3 covers several official GPUs, including RX series graphics cards such as Radeon RX 7900 XTX, RX 7900 XT, RX 7900 GRE, and Pro series graphics cards such as Radeon Pro W7800, Pro W7900, and the new Pro W7900 dual slot version.

In addition, ROCm version 6.1.3 also initially supports Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2), which means that Windows users can now use ROCm open software stack to develop AI and HPC applications for AMD GPU in the Linux terminal environment.

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