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How about the original god's Heming Remnant Weapon - Introduction to the original god's Heming Remnant Weapon

How about the original god's Heming Remnant Weapon - Introduction to the original god's Heming Remnant Weapon

Editor: Xiao Wanzi Source: Internet Time: 2024-01-02 06:48:51

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Original spirit 4.1.0

Size: 372.07MB Language: Simplified Chinese

Type: role play Grade:

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Recently, a lot of small partners asked how about the original god Heming Remnant Weapons. Let's take a look at the introduction of the original god Heming Remnant Weapons. I hope it can help everyone.

1、 Weapon Introduction

Basic Attack Power: 741

Weapon Paraphrase: Attack power 16.5%

Weapon Skill: Key to Cloud Collection's downfall

When the target hits during the falling attack, the falling attack damage of the characters in the whole team will be increased. When other characters hit the enemy during the falling attack, the elemental energy of the outfitter can also be restored.

2、 Weapon breakthrough materials

The transformation between the clouds in the sea of fog × 6, the gold pill between the clouds in the sea of fog × 14, the mercury pill between the clouds in the sea of fog × 14, and the lead pill between the clouds in the sea of fog × 5.

Curse forbidden drawing scroll × 27, magic sealing drawing scroll × 23, energy guiding drawing scroll × 15.

Yuanguang fin × 41, Moonlight fin × 27, Feather fin × 23.

Introduction to the game

Original God is an open world adventure game produced and distributed by Shanghai Mihayou Network Technology Co., Ltd. The game takes place in a fantasy world called "Tivat Continent", where the people selected by God will be granted "Eye of God" to guide the power of elements. The player will play a mysterious role called "Traveler", meet his companions with different personalities and unique abilities in the free travel, defeat the strong enemy with them, and find the lost relatives - at the same time, gradually discover the truth of "God".

The above is the full introduction of the original god Heming Aftertone Weapons brought by Xiaobian. I hope it can help you better experience the game.

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