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How does the partition tool diskgenius save the file recovery progress - how does diskgenius save the file recovery progress

How does the partition tool diskgenius save the file recovery progress - how does diskgenius save the file recovery progress

Editor: Xiao Jingzi Source: Internet Time: 2023-07-09 00:35:02

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Partition tool diskgenius Professional v5.5.1.1508

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Do you know how the partition tool diskgenius saves the file recovery progress? Today, the editor will explain how to save the file recovery progress with the partition tool diskgenius. If you are interested, please follow the editor. I hope it can help you.

Step 1: After scanning, click the "Tools" menu, and then select the "Save File Recovery Progress" option.

Step 2: Select the save path and name the file, then click the "Save" button.

Step 3: Select the partition whose recovery progress has been scanned and saved before, and then click the "Restore File" button. Click the "Load Scan Progress" button on the Restore File window.

Step 4: Select the scan progress file you saved, and then click the "Open" button.

Step 5: click the "Start" button on the file recovery window, and the scanning progress before the software starts to load.

The above is all about how to save the file recovery progress with the partition tool diskgenius brought by the editor. I hope this article can help you!

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