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What to do if the network connection configuration of 360 first-aid kit can't be repaired - solutions that can't be repaired

What to do if the network connection configuration of 360 first-aid kit can't be repaired? Solution if it can't be repaired

Editor: Xiao An Source: Internet Time: 2020-14 02:55:07

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360 first aid kit for disconnection 13.0

Size: 3.9MB Language: Simplified Chinese

Type: network security Grade:

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When some friends use the 360 network disconnection first-aid kit to repair the network, they encounter the problem that the network connection configuration cannot be repaired. What should we do? The following editor will share with you the solution to the problem that the network connection configuration of 360 offline first-aid kit cannot be repaired. Friends in need can come to see this article.

First of all, we need to understand what causes the network to fail to connect. In the process of surfing the Internet, most of the reasons for the network to fail to connect are that the network cable is not plugged in properly, or there is a network driver, or the network card is disabled, and the network server is not turned on, etc, The problems that can not be repaired by the network connection configuration of the 360 network disconnection first-aid kit also need to start from these aspects.

 The network connection configuration of 360 offline first-aid kit cannot be repaired

If the network connection configuration of the 360 offline first-aid kit cannot be repaired, you need to open the 360 security guard on the computer. You can find the 360 offline first-aid kit in the lower right corner of the main interface. After clicking this option, you need to select a comprehensive diagnosis. Through this diagnosis, you can help users understand whether there is a problem with the network configuration. If there is a problem in this regard, You only need to repair it. In most cases, you can solve the problem that the network configuration is abnormal and the computer cannot use the network.

 The network connection configuration of 360 offline first-aid kit cannot be repaired

Therefore, if you encounter a problem that the network connection configuration of the 360 network disconnection first-aid kit cannot be repaired, you can use this step to repair it. If it is not because of this problem, you can check whether the network is in the normal plug in state, or whether there is a problem with the driver software.

The above is the solution that the network connection configuration of the 360 offline first-aid kit shared by Xiao Bian cannot be repaired. Those who still don't know how to do it can come and have a look.

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