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How to solve the installation failure of WIN7 network card driver

How to solve the installation failure of WIN7 network card driver

Editor: Xiao An Source: Internet Time: 2020-04-16 03:40:10

Failed to install the WIN7 network card driver? This section introduces how to solve the problem of WIN7 network card driver installation failure. If you don't know anything about it, please follow the editor to learn it. I hope it will be helpful to you.

1. Press win+r to open the operation window, enter gpedit.msc and press Enter,


2. Open in sequence: user configuration → management template → system → driver installation. Find and open the code signature of the device driver on the right,


3. In the interface, click Enabled → Warning → OK,


4. After setting, restart the computer, enter the safe mode, and uninstall the network card driver;

5. Restart the computer. When the system pops up, choose No to install the driver, and then use the driver wizard to install the driver.

If you don't know how to solve the problem of WIN7 network card driver installation failure, don't miss this article.

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