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How to unload freezing point reduction?

How to unload freezing point reduction?

Editor: Xiao Xin Source: original information of PC Download Network Time: 2018-05-03 01:08:07

How can the freezing point restore software be uninstalled? Today, I will teach you how to uninstall the freezing point restore software when you don't want to use it.

Method steps

1. Freezing point restore software is a software that can protect the security of our computer data. After locking, no matter what you do to the computer this time, it will return to its previous appearance after the next restart. It is very safe. Today, I will teach you how to uninstall it when you don't want to use it.


2. First of all, if we want to uninstall it, we can double-click the installation package of the software to start the uninstallation. But when the partners use it directly, they will encounter the following prompt, because we are still in a protected state and need to close the software before uninstalling.


3. Then on the computer desktop, we press ctrl+shift+alt+F6 to start the freezing point restore window, and enter the password to open the software.


4. Then we switch to the startup control, select the option to restart after startup, and then click OK, or apply and restart. After the restart, the computer will not be protected by the software.


5. After restarting the computer, we double click the installation package again, and we will see the uninstall button inside. We can follow the steps prompted to complete the uninstall.



The above is the uninstallation tutorial of the freezing point restore software. Have you learned it? Come and have a try.

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