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Super screen recording master

Super screen recording master

 Super screen recording master

Language: Simplified Chinese

Version: v1.1.5

Updated: 2022-11-16

Size: 28.7M

Software manufacturer: Guizhou Zhongke Huachuang Technology Co., Ltd

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Super Video Recording Master is a screen recording application that provides an unlimited length of high-definition video recording and supports multiple recording modes and front camera switches. It also has video editing and parameter setting functions, which are suitable for recording games, live broadcasts, tutorials and videos.

Application Introduction

The video recording master is a professional mobile phone video recording software. The video recording picture is clear, the video recording function is powerful, and it supports unlimited mobile phone screen recording. The recording interface is simple to operate, and there is no jam phenomenon, making the video recording more smooth. It supports vertical and horizontal screen recording, making game recording more convenient and fast. It supports the opening and closing of the front camera, recording while explaining, making your life, learning and teaching more convenient. It supports the video editing function, video splicing and synthesis. The video recording master also provides the settings of the resolution, frame rate, code rate and other video recording parameters to meet all your needs for video recording.

[Main features of screen recording master]

-Screen recording masters support the shooting masters of Rubik's Cube, EV, mobile phone, screen recording, and Quick Show, as well as various film variety videos from Tencent Video, iQiyi, and Youku, which can be recorded for an unlimited period of time. After recording, the videos will be automatically saved locally

-Smooth game recording, sharing game skills, making game strategies, and becoming a game expert;

-To record live games, there is no limit to the duration of recording. One key will automatically record in the background, and you can easily watch the live playback;

-Recording tutorial videos, classroom lectures, APP operation tutorials, games, micro classes, etc;

-Record web games, video calls and online videos;

-Screen recording masters support horizontal and vertical screen recording, floating window recording, live game broadcasting, and standard definition, high-definition, and ultra clear video quality for your choice;

-Video clip function is added for screen recording clip, where you are dissatisfied, you can change it, and screenshot sharing is supported;

[Here we are]

Online feedback

QQ No. 3133881878

You can do it day and night! Hurt each other~

Super screen recording master, simple and easy to use, to meet all your screen recording needs~

Update log

Fix known bugs and continuously improve user experience!

A small message
As a simple and easy to use system tool software, Super Screen Recording Master has been widely used by users. PC Download Network also provides several other software download channels, such as Are you hungry Attu Cinema Film Home I hope these software can help you solve problems.
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 Super screen recording master

Super screen recording master