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Language: Simplified Chinese

Version: 4.11.2

Updated: 2024-05-18

Size: 137MB

Software manufacturer: BCP (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd

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PICOOC is an application and intelligent body fat scale integrated solution designed to promote health management. It can track important indicators such as exercise level, body circumference, weight, etc., and provide personalized fitness plans and walking goals based on these data to help users achieve healthy physical conditions.

Application Introduction

The most intelligent and best used body indicator monitoring and daily exercise management app!

It not only automatically records your daily exercise volume and calorie burning, but also analyzes the positive effects of every minute of walking and every exercise for you. Each step is of great value for good figure and healthy physique. With accurate physical sign monitoring, it will bring you surprises and changes that can be seen from time to time.

The product PICOOC App can be used alone to track and analyze your weight, body circumference and other key shaping indicators, and set the most reasonable daily walking goal according to your body state, automatically record the walking situation, and provide feedback report in a timely manner.

It can be used in conjunction with the intelligent body fat scale, which can instantly synchronize 9 important physical indicators such as weight, fat rate, visceral fat index, etc., to evaluate and analyze the body state, and create customized dynamic fitness goals based on the evaluation report to help you clarify the direction and get closer to your ideal self every day.

Update log

1. New upgrading of recipes: new popular recipes such as "5+2 light fasting", "breakthrough platform period", "large base slimming" will help you eat scientifically and reduce fat efficiently;

2. Optimize some user experiences;

A small message

As a simple and easy to use life health software, PICOOC has been widely used by users. PC Download Network also provides several other software download channels, such as Love Story WeChat Reading Cat mobile game trading platform I hope these software can help you solve problems.
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