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Star drawing

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Language: Simplified Chinese

Version: 0.6.5

Updated: 2024-05-16

Size: 229.82MB

Software manufacturer: Beijing Chuntian Zhiyun Technology Co., Ltd

Record No.: Jing ICP Bei No. 2023020373 - 15A

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Star painting app is an innovative AI camera application, which can easily create personalized portraits. By taking photos or importing photos, AI technology can create pictures of various styles for you. Star painting APP can not only create AI avatars and customize effects, experience virtual life, but also easily upload pictures, enter keywords to switch styles, such as Sufeng, Cyberpunk, Japanese comics, etc., to build a more perfect star painting world with users.

software function

1. Explore you in a parallel world: through AI technology, use three photos to describe your appearance in a parallel universe and realize your fantasy.

2. Free input of your AI image: want to be an astronaut, artist or ballet dancer? With a simple description, Star Paint can create a customized AI image for you.

3. AI Cosplay: It's easy to enter the world of role playing. Star painting can help you realize your dream of cosplay, whether it's a pirate captain or a superhero.

4. AI photo: From Japanese kimono to European dress, to vintage cheongsam, Star Painting provides a variety of photo styles, making your mobile phone your exclusive photo gallery.

5. AI stylist: No matter you like explosive head, smoked makeup or big waves, Star Paint can provide you with professional modeling advice, so that you can easily become a trendsetter.

6. Picture stylization: classical oil painting, street graffiti, cyberpunk... With one click, your photos can easily be converted into various artistic styles, making you a great AI artist.

Software features

1. Users can easily log in to the software, quickly use various functions, and efficiently complete painting creation.

2. The software provides a variety of painting modes to meet the different painting needs of users and quickly realize the image in the heart.

3. Users can enjoy rich and intelligent painting management functions, easily manage works and display diverse creative achievements.

4. The drawing methods are flexible and diverse, and the software can intelligently create according to the user's pictures to meet the user's personalized choice.

Software highlights

1. Easy to use: The software is easy to operate, and users can easily start and quickly complete various painting creations.

2. High quality painting service: Star Paint app provides users with professional painting services to ensure that users can create in peace of mind and confidence.

3. Comprehensive creation support: Star Paint provides comprehensive painting creation support to help users to play their creativity and easily create satisfactory works.

4. Smart painting tool: Star painting app is an intelligent mobile painting tool. Users can create intelligent paintings anytime, anywhere, conveniently and quickly.

5. Real time AI painting service: Star painting provides real-time AI painting service, and users can intelligently select painting styles to quickly generate personalized works of art.

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 Star drawing

Star drawing