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How about the Central Academy of Drama

 School emblem of the Central Academy of Drama

Viewpoint 1

1. Unlike most other universities, there is no elective course in Chinese drama except for physical education. Oh, the popular Taijiquan in PE class is the same for everyone.
2. The Central Holiday Academy is also known as the Central Academy of Drama.
3. There are three theaters: North Theatre, Experimental Theatre and Black Box Theatre. The first two are relatively large, and the black box is relatively small. However, the black box basically has performances every weekend, and generally, graduate students and teachers perform in the black box.
4. It is really small, and Beijing University is the penultimate in area.
The truth of my experience, I went to visit the Chinese opera and asked, "Where is your main building?"? "Accompanied Chinese drama students asked," What is the main building?
Then she pointed to the building opposite and said, "This is our dormitory and teaching building. "Turn around," This is the library. "Turn around again," This is also the teaching building. Now the visit is over. "
5. There is a school doctor who likes playing ball very much (it seems that his surname is Zhao?). It is said that he often tells about the stars who played ball with him at the freshmen's opening meeting...
6. It is said that the teachers supported the Stanislavsky system and the Brecht system respectively, and divided into two parties to fight against each other. As for Mei Lanfang's system, which is one of the three major performance systems in the world? What's that? Was it good? [The younger brother of the drama department is on his way with a spear and a broadsword]
7. Beibing Masi Hutong has a family cooking rice, and East Mianhuai Hutong has a family scenery show, which is a restaurant that Chinese opera students often go to. It is said that the canteen of the school is good and cheap, and it also provides boiled vegetables in white water for some majors who need to control their body shape...
8. Of course, there are many choices to go to school and eat in Chinese opera. After all, when you go out, turn right to Nanluogu Lane, and then walk to Houhai, or Dongzhimen is not far away. However, most of the Chinese drama students I met were not interested in Nanluo and Houhai. Of course, they might be tired of it...
9. The most annoying question: "Do you know many stars?"
10. Next, not all Chinese operas have to perform on the stage. In fact, Chinese operas also have such non performance departments as script and dance beauty!
11. There was a teacher in the Drama Department who returned from studying in Germany and liked classroom interaction very much. He asked to listen to the soul and so on. [I don't understand the technical terms, so please forgive me if you are really upset about it.] He once asked students to roll on the floor... The students of the Drama Department have complained that we are not the Performance Department. Is it possible to rely on this to liberate our nature? But my friend actually has a good impression of the teacher. Classroom experience is at least novel~
12. The performance department really has a course of "liberating nature", the specific content of which is very interesting in Baidu Bar...
13. Once I watched a movie with a friend, and when I saw her suddenly, my friend said thoughtfully, "This actor is so familiar," and then came to the end of the movie. "Ah, it was XX at XX level, and I watched her graduation drama.
I immediately want to complain that people always ask you if you know a lot of stars or it is reasonable.
14. By the way, there is also a "Penghao Theater" near the Chinese Opera. The founder is a dentist. He founded this small theater out of his love for drama. Unfortunately, I haven't seen the play there.

Viewpoint 2
Around the new campus.
Although the location of the new campus is relatively slanted, the environment is still OK~You can climb up to Wendu Water City to ski in winter when you are interested. There is a special ski resort close to the school. It is very spectacular in winter, with artificial and natural snow scenery. In summer, there is a beer garden opposite the school. Although their grilled fish is very salty, the beer there is still very powerful. Going outside, there is also a bar, a water bar, where you can sit when you are bored. The bar environment is relatively quiet, suitable for thinking and chatting, while the water bar is relatively high, suitable for everyone to play games and play billiards. One of the most important places around is the "winger", which is a must come place for Chinese opera students to have supper at night. The "winger" was originally in Nanluogu Lane, the old campus. With the new campus moving here, the boss and proprietress are very kind, and often have to close late in order not to disturb the students talking about things.
Inside the new campus.
To enter the new campus, you have to swipe your card first, and sometimes you can not swipe your card, unless those security brothers have recognized your face... One of the security brothers is very young. He used to work as a security guard in Nortel, then went to the old campus of Zhongxi, and later came to the new campus to let off many group performances, There is a sincere dream of being an actor... Er... back to the point... The two biggest scenic spots in the new campus (Oh, of course, these are the only ones) are the "Taj Mahal" at the end of the small bridge and flowing water (because we don't know what it is - _ - | |, and it looks like the Taj Mahal, so we got this name). There is also a white stone sheep on the "Taj Mahal", which looks like drinking water... The opposite is the famous ducks in the Chinese opera. The headmaster once planned to raise swans... Later, because they were too tall, no one would raise them, so they had to raise ducks instead... The ducks will change every year, growing up, which was witnessed by us... When they grow up, the ducks don't know where they will go, But... our river is next to the canteen - _ - | |... The ducks also have their own microblog, which flirts with their classmates online every day. Walking along the river, there is a small bridge. There is fish food on the bridge. Passers by can grab a handful of fish and throw them into the water at will, and the fish will soon gather. All buildings and equipment in the new campus are brand new, including rehearsal room, physique room and lighting room. Around them are bronze statues of playwrights from all over the world. Maybe it's because of the acclimatization of the local conditions. As long as you are a foreign playwright, you have been eroded... Only Chinese playwrights are still intact... The canteen in the new campus has only two windows, and eating every day is almost a "first come, first served" way - _ - |... Fortunately, there is also a small window where a cute little brother specializes in cold dishes, so that you can not let everyone buy vegetables. The dormitory in the new campus is very good. The water and electricity network is free, and the wireless is covered by the whole school. There are two aunts on each floor of the dormitory building cleaning every day.

Viewpoint 3

Except for the Department of Drama and Literature, the class hours of students in Chinese Opera are very small. But it will not be very idle, the amount of homework is still a lot. But what I said about homework is not just about papers or anything. The return to class of presentation and guidance majors, the models of the stage art department, and the films of the film and television department are all very life threatening things. I want to avoid being blamed by teachers in class, You must spend a lot of time to complete it after class (honestly, not all teachers will blame students, but things are not done well, and you are also very uncomfortable).
Students' daily life, if there is no class, is nothing more than getting up after three strokes of sunshine. It's time to clean up and have lunch. After lunch, you may make a model in the afternoon, or make an appointment for rehearsal, or something else. There are only some students from the Department of Drama and Literature who have nothing to do in the library. Other students only go there once in a while to borrow a book required by the teacher, or find papers or print something. Earlier, when there was no new campus, the canteen in the old campus was OK. Later, with the new campus, the canteen in the old campus became more and more ruined (it may be that the advantages and disadvantages are known only by comparison)# When it comes to the campus, we should plug in here. The environment of the new campus is quite good, the library is beautiful, the decoration of each teaching building is also very good, the dormitory is excellent, the canteen is getting better and better, and the things sold in the small supermarket of the school are also very cheap, but compared with the old campus, there is less "charm" in it. Maybe the new campus has less ivy than the old campus. Another thing is that the new campus is a bit remote, so it's hard to go to the city to see a play. Everywhere you go, you have to work hard for an hour. When I went to Nanyuan Airport in Changping New Campus, I went there by bus and subway for six hours, and almost went crazy
When I study in Chinese opera and talk to people outside about school, I will have a misunderstanding 100%. What's more, in the view of some people, there is only the acting department in Chinese opera, all of them are morally corrupt handsome men and women, all of whom are the mistresses of their families. All of them are kept in balabala. They have to pay millions to enter school, and all of them become actors I am particularly upset that some Chinese people say they don't know what they don't know. Why should they take malicious speculation? Are you happy because we are morally corrupt? Or you can't see others in your eyes
Well, back to school. Every year, the school will recruit some Uighur students, and you can often meet them in the school, which can also be regarded as a major feature of Chinese opera. The Uighur students in the Chinese drama will first learn preparatory courses for one year in school, and then follow the students recruited from all over the country to study together. They are generally excellent and hardworking, and the Uyghurs really have a talent for singing and dancing! And the Uighur students are very handsome and beautiful
The monthly living expenses may be a topic of concern to the outside world. As far as I know, the majority of undergraduate students in China Opera are two or three thousand every month, and it does not exclude some rich local tyrants who spend more than ten thousand every month easily, but it is just a rare phenomenon. My own experience shows that in Changping New Campus, the price around is relatively low, and the normal monthly expenditure of 267 can already live comfortably. Dongcheng is not so lucky. Next to Nanluo, everything is expensive, 3000 yuan a month, and the cost is almost the same. I'm a boy. I hardly buy clothes, shoes, skin care and cosmetics. If you are a girl, you should spend more.



Official introduction

The Central Academy of Drama is the first drama education institution of higher learning in New China, directly under the Ministry of Education, the highest institution of Chinese drama, film and television art education, the world-class discipline construction university determined by the state, and the location of the headquarters of China Higher Drama Education Alliance, the headquarters of the Asian Drama Education Research Center, and the secretariat of the World Drama Education Alliance, It is a world famous art school.
The history of the Central Academy of Drama can be traced back to the Yan'an Lu Xun Academy of Arts, which was founded on April 10, 1938, and has a history of 80 years. In December 1949, the Central Academy of Drama was officially opened. On April 2, 1950, the founding conference of the Central Academy of Drama was held. Chairman Mao Zedong wrote the name of the school in his own handwriting.
The Central Academy of Drama now has two campuses. Dongcheng Campus is located at 39 Dongmian Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing, and Changping Campus is located at 4 Hongfu Middle Road, Changping District, Beijing. The total area of the two campuses is about 230000 square meters, and the construction area is about 180000 square meters.
The Central Academy of Drama has a Department of Performance, a Department of Directing, a Department of Stage Arts, a Department of Drama Literature, a Department of Musical Drama, a Department of Peking Opera, a Department of Opera, a Department of Dance Drama, a Department of Sporadic Drama, a Department of Drama Education, a Department of Drama Management, and a Department of Film and Television. Undergraduate majors include: performance, drama film and television director, drama film and television art design, drama film and television literature, drama, broadcasting and hosting art, and art management. The college has a doctoral and master's degree in drama, film and television and art theory. The college has a post doctoral research mobile station.
The Central Academy of Drama has the only national level teaching team in the field of performance in China, the only national characteristic specialty construction site in the field of director, the only national level talent training model innovation experimental area in the field of musical performance teaching, and the only national level experimental teaching demonstration center in the field of drama, film and television. The college is the seat of the China Drama Association, the Director's Art Committee of the China Dramatists Association, the International Federation of Stage Fine Arts, the China Dance Art Society, the China Center of the International Dance Art Organization, the China Branch of the International Drama Critics Association, the Teaching Professional Committee of the China Musical Association, the China Drama Education and Research Center for Primary and Secondary Schools, and the Collaborative Innovation Center for Chinese Drama Culture Management.
In the long-term practice of running a school, the Central Academy of Drama adheres to the principles of realism aesthetics, inherits the aesthetic tradition of the Chinese nation, draws on the strengths of others, lays a solid foundation, and attaches importance to practice. Adhering to the school motto of "seeking truth, creation, and beauty", it is committed to cultivating elite talents in drama, film, and television arts for the country and the world. A considerable number of graduates of the college have become famous artists, scholars, professors and writers at home and abroad, and have made outstanding contributions to the prosperity and development of Chinese drama, film and television.
Facing the future, the Central Academy of Drama will firmly grasp the important strategic opportunity period of deepening reform and accelerating development of higher education, strive to broaden the school running ideas, increase the construction of teaching quality and teaching reform projects, strengthen discipline construction and high-level teacher team construction, promote the innovation of management system and mechanism, and carry out multilateral exchanges and cooperation in world drama education, Continuously improve the comprehensive school running strength and overall school running quality of the college, and strive to build a world-class art college with distinctive characteristics.
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