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How about China Pharmaceutical University

 School emblem of China Pharmaceutical University

Viewpoint 1

Pharmaceutical University:
1. The activity and campus cultural life are not comparable to comprehensive universities.
2. Some courses are difficult.
3. Although the employment rate in the pharmaceutical field is high, the quality of employment may not be very good, which should be acknowledged.
1. Nanjing's only university with a national character, 211, has first-class disciplines and one of the top scientific research and education bases in the national pharmaceutical field.
2. Taking test tubes, entering the laboratory, and contacting scientific research are different from ordinary majors. Wearing lab clothes and protective glasses will make you feel different.
3. It is not necessary to focus too much on the future employment and wage level. Although we should improve our skills, deepen and comprehensively, we should not too utilitarian to look at our future career. Now the domestic industry is changing rapidly. It does not mean that the pharmaceutical industry will certainly develop at the peak of the sun, and everyone in the industry will make a lot of money. And then again, every industry has layers, maybe we have seen it for a long time.

Viewpoint 2

1、 The overwhelming majority of comments on the Internet about the drug giant will say that the drug giant is under great pressure. But think about it carefully. For most exams, what do you usually do in class? If you don't wander, sleep, play with your mobile phone, listen carefully and think carefully, you can pass the exam with high marks. While it is true that some classes are very difficult and everyone is confused, the school has shown its kindness during the exam and basically let most people pass the exam. And have you ever thought about which university has less pressure? How can people move forward without pressure? It's OK to complain occasionally under pressure, but it's not good to always talk about it.
2、 Pharmacy has always been a sunrise industry. Although some people talk about the sunrise industry and the sunset income, the entry threshold is high, but I feel that as long as I have enthusiasm and feelings, I will certainly make some achievements, and it is good to be worthy of heart.
3、 I think Yaoda provides a good platform for everyone. It often organizes some industry leaders to go to school for academic exchanges. After all, Yaoda is a specialized school. Recently, it has made great efforts to make changes, and the economic management specialty has also developed very rapidly, The incentive system for students' innovation and entrepreneurship is also getting better and better (including organizing some industry insiders to come to Yaoda to publicize management, entrepreneurship knowledge and stock analysis knowledge), and Yaoda will certainly have a better tomorrow.
4、 The advantage of big medicine. 1. Although the tuition of Yaoda is relatively high, as far as I am concerned, the tuition is 7480+accommodation 1500+medical insurance 120, totaling 9100 yuan a year, but Yaoda provides a lot of experimental courses for undergraduates, and the experimental conditions are very good. Basically, the main courses can meet the one-to-one experimental theory. How many other universities in China can meet this standard? 2. The faculty of Pharmaceutical University is constantly improving, and the level of teachers is constantly improving. We are constantly introducing talents from pharmacy to work in our school. As far as I know, many scholars and professors returned from abroad have been introduced in 16.17, and this trend will not stop. 3. The accommodation condition of Yaoda is one of the best. The independent bathroom air conditioning fan and washing machine can be purchased and used by oneself. The dormitory life is very comfortable. 4. The canteen is very good, although there is no hot and dry noodles

Viewpoint 3
1. Talk about the first feeling
When the school bus drove into a loess land, teaching buildings, dormitories and canteens looked like a high school. I saw many people's eyes filled with tears. I think it was probably because it was not the university they wanted. The next day, some parents took their children away directly, and some students in my class told me that he would not stay here, so they went to England in three months. At that time, I didn't understand anything, but now I think I am a little annoyed at my lack of courage.
2. About men and women
First of all, it's interesting. Many people mentioned that the ratio of male to female in Yaoda is 1:2. It's true. In the pharmaceutical college, there were 9 men and 24 women in my class. But if any male student wanted to fantasize about it, I can only tell you secretly that, uh, the female students in Yaoda, alas... are all talented women. Therefore, there are only two or three focuses for boys in the classroom of 200 people. Of course, we have to admit that the reality is that the focus of Yao girls is less. Hmm, it's balanced, so there are still many lovers.
To tell the truth, Yaoda's couples are very hard. Especially in 2006, there were few places for dating. In winter, single people should not go out. It's really not easy for a couple to pop out of any dark spot. At that time, there would be no private places when they went late. I think it would be a struggle at that time. Later, gradually, there was a basketball court, an experimental group, the backcourt extended to the foreign students' dormitories, and then there was a back garden. I thought that Yao Da and his wife would be happy to date. What I didn't expect was that the pure junior sisters didn't guard against the powerful senior brothers, and the number of Jiangning 3k people in 2006 is now 1w+, and the place is too big to support many people, The situation is still that you have to meet three people all the way, right? Well, be conservative; The strongest experience came from the craziness of the graduate basketball court. I still remember saying, "What a cold day. Finally, if you want to have a big love with medicine, I will shout to your school: Master, can you let your students have a quiet love talk!
Of course, with so much talk, this is not the place where the drug lovers date most
3. About learning atmosphere
If I can only use one sentence, I would like to say that the learning atmosphere of Yaoda is not like a university, but more like a high school, which is seriously out of touch with the society.
As mentioned above, the most popular place for drug college students to date is the classroom. When they walk around each classroom, they can always see many couples studying on their own. Therefore, the three seats on both sides of the classroom are the most popular. One girl can always be seen studying hard, and one boy can sleep soundly. Or snuggle up to sleep, or flirt with each other. The most difficult situation is that I, a single learner, can easily distract myself and show love in the classroom. Especially when I see a couple with beautiful women, I usually change the classroom directly. I really can't enjoy learning.
I have forgotten who said that those who carry backpacks on the subway to Jiangning University Town are likely to be the ones with big medicine. In fact, this is also the case. Every morning when class starts and ends at noon, students with bulging backpacks rush to the canteen.
I really admire the girls who study from morning to night and their efforts, but I also feel sorry for them. Most of them have been difficult to get out of this strange circle, because as long as they leave the exam, they will no longer be excellent. The society even seriously said that what life needs is not like them. Finally, those students who are making similar efforts as high school students can only go to graduate students, who find that this is not what they want. But now time can't go back.
The learning atmosphere of Yaoda is strong, but I don't like the strong textbook learning atmosphere. Since most of the pharmaceutical knowledge is in memory, a small part is in understanding, but only in understanding, there is less thinking, so many people lose the ability to think when they learn. Of course, Chinese education has rarely taught people to think independently since childhood, It is understandable that they are usually indoctrinated by others. It was not until later that I discovered that college is not about learning a lot of knowledge, but about whether you have learned the ability to learn, especially the ability to think independently and learn quickly.
The most intense atmosphere of learning every year is one month before the exam. Almost all classrooms can be filled, especially in air-conditioned places. So that month, all kinds of people in the canteen study by themselves. That year, the children in the medicine canteen study by themselves also appeared in Nanjing newspapers. The most difficult thing is that it is difficult to find a place to eat at this time. Sometimes, they hold a rice bowl to wait until it is bitter, while the more awesome people stand to eat. I want to say that the school of others is to occupy the library early, and we are to occupy the canteen early. People who don't know that thought that the school kept a group of food.
In addition, what makes me sad is the lack of humanistic atmosphere. Who said that science colleges should have shortcomings and humanities? It doesn't matter if I'm ugly. I have to find ways to beautify it, because I need to be complete. If our medical college students use good IQ and good humanistic temperament, we can also shine in the vast crowd.
Human beings are social animals, and the power of groups is so strong that it is difficult for you to be what you want to be. I know that there are many people who can get out of this strange circle, but I really climbed out too late.
4. About Pharmaceutical Association and Activities
Maybe it is much better now, and I hope it is, but the characteristics of the associations and activities of Yaoda in that era I experienced are: associations for associations and activities for activities. There are some associations that really contribute to the society, or are meaningful, or contribute to the promotion of members, but they are also rare.
In fact, after working, I realized that the community can really be a bridge to connect with the society, which is a bit similar to the company. If you really want to do well, talented and capable elites will naturally gather. Otherwise, what you leave behind may be mixed, which is really bad. I remember that I also joined the club at that time, and later I took some people with me. I regret that I didn't let others learn something here, because many people who were really thoughtful and capable left after seeing the truth of the club.
I don't want to completely deny it. What I want to say is that it is far from the role it should play, too far, too far. I hope that the latecomers can get through step by step.
5. About Master Yao
I didn't want to mention the experience of people in this link. I made false comments about the lack of quality of others, but I still started from myself to talk about what I think of as the drug master. If the group doesn't say a single case, it can also be regarded as nonsense.
In my opinion, at least the excellence of Yaoda is not in itself, but in the fact that Yaoda really has a good source of students. Some of these people will not be buried no matter where they are thrown. It is these people who have built up the reputation of Yaoda, but more of them are not. Many people need to be spurred and need a lot of correct guidance, which is often what Yaoda lacks, Of course, it may also be that the proportion of teachers and students is too large.
According to the 28/20 principle, there must be 20 elites in our 100 people. Even the universities with good reputation should be higher, but I don't feel that the proportion is so high, or even much lower. I really don't understand whether it is the medicine lord who has poisoned the medicine, or the medicine lord who has poisoned the medicine.
People always see only those successful drug adults, but they don't see how many are buried in the crowd. I haven't experienced the old generation, but it was really different at that time, even the whole society was different at that time. Maybe our generation of drug adults has not been able to keep up with the pace of the times.
Whether at work or in other fields, the first meeting of the two adults can hardly arouse the enthusiasm of their alma mater, and it is hard to think that the other person from his alma mater is also excellent. A lot of them also laughed. I once wondered whether those who became famous did not really love Yaoda, but because it was a good platform, a platform with resources. I also wondered whether the alumni who returned to school were just because Yaoda connected him with his friends and old classmates, not because of Yaoda itself. If this is the case, it means that the school has given too little to drug adults, which makes it difficult to have deep feelings. Many people may have found out the success of Master Yao step by step.
Maybe it's because I can't get in touch with the elites of the pharmaceutical industry. I always think that the pharmaceutical industry is relatively unspoken, especially the practice in the laboratory, which makes many students, especially graduate students, lose the desire to talk too much. It's better to do research well, do experiments well, and do production well. Although the pharmaceutical industry is the cradle of the pharmaceutical industry, the pharmaceutical industry representatives have strong communication skills, But what I know is that many people are forced out by the society. Fortunately, we are all smart people. Being forced can change many possibilities of reality.
End here
6. About anecdotes
The first one must be Brother Shorts, who only wears shorts and short sleeves all the year round. He was lucky enough to have dinner with him. It was a beautiful scene in Yaoda. I was afraid to see him in winter when I wore shorts in winter. Nima, you are not cold. I look very cold and I am drunk. I am very cold when others wear shorts. It should be a psychological problem.
In that year, the dance beauty department of Boiling Point Theater attracted an only boy, who made up and looked good and dumped girls for several streets. I envy him. My brother did all kinds of chores in the drama department, and people were surrounded by all kinds of beautiful women to ask for advice on skin care.
That year, a class of graduates took nude photos with their bachelor's caps in their dormitories. It seems that they did not issue a degree certificate
In that year, after graduating from a dormitory, a projector was used to play Japanese love action movies in the opposite female dormitory building. It seems that she did not get a degree certificate
That year, a student felt that the invigilation was too strict, scolded the invigilator and didn't get the degree certificate
That year, a class of students gathered at the Southeast Gate Sichuan Cuisine Restaurant. After eating the pickled fish (perhaps spicy chicken, forgot the name of the dish), they found a dead mouse lying quietly at the bottom of the dish. It was said that they vomited. Finally, the powerful class sent various small advertisements in the school, which eventually led to the closure of the Sichuan Cuisine Restaurant.
Every year, the lights in the dormitories of the pharmacy college are on all night during the four major examinations, such as medicine and chemistry. That year, in the morning before the medicine and chemistry exam, a student touched someone and was scolded: "Touch your sister, that's good, forget it all". What's the rhythm.
Every year, in the confession season after graduation, there are always people lighting candles and shouting "I love you" downstairs in the girls' dormitory. Where did you go earlier~
Every year, many interesting things continue to happen.
7. About Vision
The medicine is too small, so small that you can only see an inch in front of you; The medicine is too big to see far away;
Since I came out from a small place, my vision was not very broad. In addition, the medicine was too big and biased, I could not reach the world, and I lacked a leader. So I saw a small scope, and the world was also very small, especially the whole industry. After I came out, I really felt that the world was very big. You had too much space, as long as you had the ability.
The salary of 3000+undergraduates and 4500+postgraduates mentioned by the respondent before was misled by what they saw. If you go out, you will find that in the pharmaceutical industry, there are still many jobs with monthly salary in the last 1w besides being a representative. At least I think 8k-1w jobs can still be found, but you haven't found them.
In school, even many teachers' ideas are outdated. Of course, many teachers only teach a lesson according to books, and they have no ideas. This may also lead to the reason that our students cannot open their eyes.
Who is to blame for the above situations? Of course, the students themselves and their own choices are to blame. In addition, some people at Yaoda always do very well. Why can't it be you? So I can't blame the school.
8. About the laboratory
This is the best place for Yaoda in the pharmaceutical industry. It has relatively complete laboratories and relatively good experimental conditions. At one time, I was disgusted with the lack and dilapidation of laboratory equipment, until later I found that graduate students from other places had not done many undergraduate experiments. Therefore, this is also the reason why many research institutes or colleges like our students. They have strong hands-on ability. They have practiced in any way, and many instruments are still recognizable.
However, it's not interesting if we just don't want to make progress. After all, the equipment configuration of Yaoda is not top notch, mainly because we are good, but because those schools are too bad. Looking back, we should not be proud, but should make good use of it.
The key to the laboratory is still relying on people. It is said that the compound of boss Yu has sold for 1 billion recently, and one of the compounds of a boss has sold for 30 million. The output of the large pharmaceutical laboratory can still be amazing. Maybe many students would not expect that the activity of the laboratory would be tens of millions.
Experiments are really fun, but I don't like them very much. I have always rejected animal experiments, and the experience is just so so. If you go back to school, it's more interesting to do pharmaceutical experiments. However, the internship was in the pharmaceutical and chemical laboratory. I helped my elder martial brother shake the separating funnel every day and wash the instrument every day. I remember that one day when I woke up, I held the separating funnel in my hand.
9. About Experimental Postgraduates
I'm a little hungry. Let's go back and add.
When I was in the pharmaceutical college, too many students went to the laboratory (most of them were pharmaceutical chemicals), and many continued to study for a PhD, but none of them said they liked it, and none of them really did. Most of them had a life affirming attitude. Most of them swore that they would never do experiments after graduation. As a result, they could not find other jobs after graduation, so they continued to experiment. Some of them acted as representatives in order to escape the experiment, Then I regret not coming out early as a representative.
I have talked with several senior brothers. At least the pharmaceutical chemistry laboratory is like this. So is the pharmacology. It's really hard to live in a boring day. Must be able to stand lonely people suitable for doing experiments ah. Instead of seeing the first place in the pharmaceutical chemistry discipline of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it's better to really experience it. When you find that you don't like it, you'd better not go. I also experienced the experience of taking the graduate examination in business school. Of course, it was too sad that I could not find a good job at that time.
I respect graduate students who do experiments. They really create value in many cases, and I can't do it, so I have to admire them.
10. About Graduate Students of Business School
It seems that there is nothing to say about this. Read books, literature, research policies, think about registration, etc., and then find a good enterprise for internship. Internship is the most important. It is best to go to a place where you can practice, such as the medical department and marketing department of a foreign enterprise.
I think the business school graduate students are better than the pharmaceutical school in that they are more free here, and many things are from the perspective of industry rather than from the perspective of discipline, so they see more things and have more opportunities to see. Although it is not as strong as the pharmaceutical college students' academic ability in pharmaceutical knowledge, it is at least equal in the end~

Official introduction

China Pharmaceutical University is located in Nanjing, the ancient capital. It is a university directly under the Ministry of Education, a national "211 Project" and a national "double first-class" construction university (first-class discipline) with a long history, distinctive characteristics, excellent style of study, and a high reputation in the pharmaceutical industry. It is one of the first institutions of higher learning in China with the right to award doctoral and master's degrees.

Historical evolution

The predecessor of China Pharmaceutical University is the National Pharmaceutical College (four-year system), which was founded in 1936. It is the first higher pharmaceutical university founded by the state in Chinese history. At the beginning of its establishment, the Anti Japanese War broke out, the school moved to Hankou for the first time, and moved back to Chongqing, where it concentrated on academic research and nurtured Yinghua. In 1946, he moved back to Nanjing. In 1952, the Department of Pharmacy of Qilu University and the Specialized Department of Pharmacy of Soochow University were merged into the school, and East China Pharmaceutical College was established. In 1955, it began to enroll graduate students. In 1956, it was renamed Nanjing Pharmaceutical College. In 1986, it merged with Nanjing Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine under preparation to establish China Pharmaceutical University. In 1996, it entered the list of 100 universities under the national "211 Project". In 2000, the school was transferred from the State Drug Administration to the Ministry of Education. In 2001, Jiangsu Pharmaceutical School was incorporated into the school. In September 2017, it became a national "double first-class" construction university (first-class discipline).

For more than 80 years, China Pharmaceutical University has adhered to the school motto of "improving industry and helping the masses", with the mission of "cultivating pharmaceutical elites, developing inclusive medicines, and contributing to a happy life", and adhering to the concept of "academic first, teacher and student oriented, and symbiosis and win-win", to promote medicine for the people, honor the school and serve the country, and strive to become "the most respected pharmaceutical university in the world". With a heart of benevolence, honesty in doing things, and medicine for the people, the university is proud of serving the country. It has accumulated profound cultural heritage and forged a unique school governance character. Now it has developed into a multidisciplinary university with pharmacy as its characteristics and coordinated development of science, engineering, economics, management, literature and other disciplines.

School scale

The Infrastructure School has 16144 full-time students, including 11833 undergraduates and junior college students (11109 undergraduates and 724 junior college students), 3976 postgraduates (3199 masters and 777 doctors) and 383 international students.

The school has two campuses, Xuanwu Gate and Jiangning, covering an area of nearly 2200 mu. The building area is nearly 560000 square meters, including 279800 square meters of teaching and scientific research administrative room, 34000 square meters of library area, and 203000 square meters of student dormitory area; The sports ground covers an area of 81000 square meters. The library has more than 1.55 million books.


The school has a strong faculty, bringing together many well-known pharmaceutical experts. There are 1653 in-service teaching staff, including 978 full-time teachers (901 discipline teachers and 77 counselors). 91% of full-time teachers have doctor's and master's degrees; There are 170 senior professional and technical posts and 318 deputy senior professional and technical posts; 185 doctoral supervisors and 210 graduate supervisors. At present, there are 2 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 academician of the German Academy of Sciences, 6 "Yangtze River Scholars", 5 winners of the "National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars", 2 "QR" candidates, 7 "Youth QR" candidates, 5 national level training candidates of the "Hundred and Ten Thousand Talents Project", 34 candidates of the New Century Excellent Talents Program of the Ministry of Education, 6 young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions in Jiangsu Province 50 people enjoy the special government allowance of the State Council, 2 "national famous teachers", 2 "national outstanding teachers", and 7 famous teachers in Jiangsu Province; There are 1 innovation research group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2 innovation teams of the Ministry of Education, 3 national teaching teams and 3 provincial teaching teams.


In all previous national discipline evaluations organized by the Degree and Graduate Education Development Center of the Ministry of Education, pharmacy and traditional Chinese medicine have always ranked top. In the fourth round of discipline evaluation, the pharmaceutical discipline ranked first. At present, there are 2 first level discipline doctoral programs in pharmacy and traditional Chinese medicine, and 24 second level discipline doctoral programs; 6 first level discipline master programs and 37 second level discipline master programs. There are 2 post doctoral mobile stations in pharmacy and traditional Chinese medicine, which can receive postdoctoral personnel in 23 specialties. There are 5 professional master degree programs, including Master of Pharmacy, Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Master of Engineering (in the field of pharmaceutical engineering), Master of Applied Statistics and Master of Public Administration. The first level discipline of pharmacy is the national first level key discipline, and the six second level disciplines covered by pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacy, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical analysis, microbial and biochemical pharmacy, pharmacology are all national key disciplines; The first level discipline of traditional Chinese medicine is the national first level key discipline cultivation and construction site of Jiangsu Province, among which the second level discipline of traditional Chinese medicine chemistry is the key discipline of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine; The discipline of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine is a first-class key discipline in Jiangsu Province. Three disciplines, pharmacy, traditional Chinese medicine, pharmaceutical biotechnology and biopharmaceutics, have been approved for construction by the "Priority Discipline Construction Project of Jiangsu Universities". Chemistry and business administration disciplines are key (cultivated) disciplines of Jiangsu Province during the "13th Five Year Plan", and environmental science and engineering disciplines are key construction disciplines of Jiangsu Province during the "13th Five Year Plan".

In 2017, the ESI of our school in pharmacology and toxicology, chemistry and clinical medicine ranked among the top 1% in the world. According to the latest data, the pharmacology and toxicology discipline of our school has ranked among the top 1 ‰ in the world, marking its entry into the international advanced level. In the latest published natural index ranking, our university ranks 44th among mainland universities. In the 2017 ARWU University Academic Ranking released by Shanghai Soft Science, the university's pharmaceutical discipline ranks 51-75 in the world. In the 2017 World University Ranking Center (CWUR) discipline ranking list, our pharmaceutical chemistry discipline ranked the third in the world. In the 2017 USNews ranking of pharmacology and toxicology disciplines, our school ranked 40th in the world. In the ranking of world universities of Taiwan University, our pharmacology and toxicology rank 31st in the world. According to the indicators released by the China Center for Scientific Evaluation and Research (RCCSE) in 2016, the seven disciplines of China Pharmaceutical University, including pharmacy, clinical pharmacy, pharmacology, drug analysis, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacy, ranked first in China from 2016 to 2017.

The school has 13 departments, 25 undergraduate majors and 5 junior college (higher vocational) majors. Pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical preparations, pharmaceutical chemistry, traditional Chinese medicine and biopharmaceuticals were rated as national characteristic specialty construction points; Pharmacy, traditional Chinese medicine, biopharmaceutics, pharmaceutical preparations and pharmaceutical affairs management were rated as the "13th Five Year Plan" Jiangsu University Brand Specialty Construction Project; Pharmaceutics, traditional Chinese medicine, bioengineering, business administration and pharmaceutical engineering were rated as key majors in Jiangsu Province during the 12th Five Year Plan; Pharmacy, pharmaceutical preparations, traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine resources and development, bioengineering, biotechnology and pharmaceutical engineering were rated as Jiangsu brand majors; The majors of clinical pharmacy, international economy and trade, business administration, pharmacy management and English were rated as the characteristic majors of Jiangsu Province. Among the 25 majors, there are 19 majors that have been approved or honored for professional construction at or above the provincial level, accounting for 76% of the total enrollment majors.

scientific research

The scientific research of the university is based on the international frontier, gives full play to the advantages of the complete disciplines of pharmacy and traditional Chinese medicine, promotes the cross penetration of disciplines through the construction of discipline clusters, and significantly improves the scientific and technological innovation ability. The university has the national key laboratory of "active ingredients and efficacy of natural drugs", and has built 18 national, provincial and ministerial key laboratories, technology platforms and engineering technology centers related to each node of preclinical innovative drug research and development, realizing the full coverage of scientific research platforms in three fields: chemical medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and biological medicine. It also has a "Pharmaceutical Science Research Institute" to promote the research and development of new drugs in the school as a whole and provide all-round services for the research and development of various new drugs. During the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" and the "Twelfth Five Year Plan", the number of major science and technology projects and funds approved by the state for "major new drug development" ranked first among universities in China. Since the "12th Five Year Plan", the school has won 4 second prizes of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, 2 national new drug certificates, 13 new drug clinical approvals, and 570 authorized invention patents; He has published more than 4000 SCI papers.

The school has established the "National Pharmaceutical Policy and Pharmaceutical Industry Economic Research Center" to provide policy advice for national pharmaceutical policy and industry development, and build a high-end think tank in the pharmaceutical field. Academician Sang Guowei, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress, served as the Director of the Center. The university, together with the State Food and Drug Administration and the China Pharmaceutical Materials Association, has established the "National Licensed Pharmacist Development Research Center". The school and the Office of the National Narcotics Control Commission jointly built the "Joint Laboratory for Key Technologies of Narcotics Control". There are two provincial collaborative innovation centers (biomedical collaborative innovation center, modern Chinese medicine collaborative innovation center). It has also established a "collaborative innovation and joint R&D base". Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceutical and Nanjing Shenghe Pharmaceutical have successively settled in the base, realizing the "zero distance" docking and transformation of "enterprises into universities" and "services into enterprises". The university signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Drug Evaluation Center of the State Food and Drug Administration. Nanjing First People's Hospital is an affiliated hospital of the university, and Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital is the clinical college of the university, which has achieved "medical marriage" and broken the transformation barrier between early drug research and development and clinical research.

In recent years, the university has established more than 20 management service platforms for transformation of various scientific and technological achievements, and built a collaborative system for transformation of achievements organically integrating technology transfer center, intellectual property operation center, engineering technology center, etc. It has successively provided key technical services for more than 1650 new drugs and new preparations of more than 500 enterprises nationwide, with the total amount of projects exceeding 850 million yuan, and the funds for two single technology transfer contracts exceeded 100 million yuan. Eighty one innovative drugs and new preparations, including Guanfu A Hydrochloride, Epulite, Edaravone, Ginkgolide Injection, Irinotecan, Changchun Ruibin, and Yingtaiqing, have been developed. The transformation of achievements has generated direct economic benefits of more than 130 billion yuan, becoming an important engine to promote the development of the pharmaceutical industry.

Teaching achievements

The school implements a pharmaceutical talent training model integrating knowledge, ability and quality, and is committed to creating future pharmaceutical elites. Currently, it is the chairman unit of the Pharmaceutical Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, the chairman unit of the Pharmaceutical Education Special Committee of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, the secretariat unit of the National Pharmaceutical Postgraduate Education Steering Committee, the leader unit of the National Pharmaceutical Continuing Education Alliance, and the leader unit of the joint meeting of the National Pharmaceutical Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center. The university has vigorously implemented the undergraduate teaching quality and teaching reform project, and has achieved a number of teaching achievements with significant impact, which has played an exemplary and radiating role in the reform and development of higher pharmaceutical education in China. Since 2000, the university has won 3 first prizes and 9 second prizes of national teaching achievements, and is the only medical university in China that has won the first prize of national teaching achievements for three consecutive times. In 2014, three teaching achievements of the school won the second prize of the seventh national teaching achievement award, including all the awards of this pharmaceutical education teaching achievement award.

The university has provided theoretical research and practical models for the reform of higher pharmaceutical education in China. It took the lead in carrying out the reform of the training mode of pharmaceutical talents with distinctive characteristics, such as "research talents in the basic pharmaceutical science base", "school enterprise joint training of innovative and entrepreneurial talents in the national life science and technology talent training base", "education plan for outstanding pharmaceutical engineers", "pharmaceutical service-oriented talents", and won a number of teaching achievement awards, It also has extensive exchanges in the field of pharmaceutical education at home and abroad.

The talent training program, curriculum system and practical teaching system of the school have been learned and used for reference by many pharmaceutical colleges. It has won 10 national quality open courses (including 8 national quality resource sharing courses and 2 national quality video open courses), 3 MOOC courses of online Chinese universities, 3 national bilingual teaching demonstration course construction projects, and 38 quality courses/online open courses in Jiangsu Province; He has compiled two high-quality textbooks for national general higher education, and 41 textbooks have been selected as national level planning textbooks for the "Tenth Five Year Plan", "Eleventh Five Year Plan" and "Twelfth Five Year Plan" of national general higher education.

The university is one of the first universities to be funded by the Ministry of Education's "National Undergraduate Innovative Experiment Program". The school is the only medical college selected in the "Outstanding Engineer Education and Training Plan" of the Ministry of Education. At present, there are two national talent training bases for basic science research and teaching (basic pharmacy point) and national life science and technology talent training base (biomedicine point), which have been approved to build two national talent training model innovation experimental zones. There are five national engineering practice education centers. The school has two national experimental teaching demonstration centers, one national virtual simulation experimental teaching demonstration center, and 92 off campus practice bases. All school level experimental teaching centers are experimental teaching demonstration centers at or above the provincial level.

The university solidly promotes the cultivation of graduate students, strengthens the construction of academic ethics, attaches importance to the quality of dissertations, and has achieved fruitful results in the cultivation of graduate talents.

Exchange and cooperation

The university is the first base designated by the Ministry of Education to accept foreign students, advanced students and senior visiting scholars in pharmacy, and is also one of the designated universities to accept overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan students. It has successively signed academic exchange agreements with 27 schools and research institutes in the United States, Britain, Italy, Australia, Japan, Belgium, Hong Kong and other countries and regions, established academic contacts with universities and research institutions in more than 40 countries and regions, including Germany, France, Russia, South Korea, Switzerland, Sweden, Canada, and established academic contacts with the University of Hong Kong The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Macao University of Science and Technology, Taiwan University and other high-level universities in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan have close cooperation. It cultivates doctoral, master's, undergraduate and advanced students for 67 countries and regions in the world.

In recent years, the number of international students in the school has increased significantly, and the school has established a "undergraduate master doctoral" all English teaching system for international students. In 2014, the university cooperated with the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow to hold a pharmaceutical undergraduate education project, which was approved by the Ministry of Education. The university has successively carried out undergraduate and postgraduate programs with Temple University; Carry out undergraduate double degree programs with the University of Michigan, the University of Edinburgh and the University of South Australia in Australia; Undergraduate exchange programs with the University of Southern California, Rutgers University, St. Joseph's University, the University of Desmond Ford, and Nagasaki University in Japan; As one of the 121 projects of the "China US Talent Training Plan", the alliance colleges and universities jointly cultivate undergraduates with several American state universities; Carry out various forms of student cultural exchange activities with the United States, Japan, Australia, Italy, Denmark and other countries.

The school has three "111" talent introduction bases of the Ministry of Education (drug biosynthesis and biotransformation discipline innovation talent introduction base, natural drug active ingredient and efficacy innovation talent introduction base, anti-tumor and anti infectious drug discovery discipline innovation talent introduction base). In 2011, the university hired Louis Ignaro, a Nobel Prize winner in medicine and biology and a famous American pharmacologist, as an honorary professor, and cooperated to establish Ignaro workstation. In recent years, we have successively invited Rolf Zinkernagel, the 1996 Nobel Prize winner in Physiology and Medicine, Ferid Murad, the 1998 Nobel Prize winner in Physiology and Medicine, Bruce Beutler, the 2011 Nobel Prize winner in Medicine, Arieh Watson, the 2013 Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry Aaron Ciechanover, 2004 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, Danny Shechtman, 2011 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, Jean Marie Lehn, 1987 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, and Barry J. Marshall, 2005 Nobel Prize winner in physiology or medicine And other 8 Nobel Prize winners came to the university for academic exchange.

The university led Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, School of Pharmacy of Peking University, School of Pharmacy of Fudan University, and West China School of Pharmacy of Sichuan University to establish a pharmaceutical education alliance with the University of Michigan, the University of Minnesota, and Ohio State University, and jointly implement the "China Clinical Pharmacy Teachers (Pharm. D.) Training Program" supported by the National Scholarship Council. It has reached an agreement with many world-class universities in the United States, Canada and other countries to jointly implement Pharm D. Talent cultivation.

Entrusted by the International Pharmaceutical Federation and the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, the "Global Pharmaceutical Education Conference" organized by China Pharmaceutical University was held in 2016. This is the highest level international conference on pharmaceutical education held in China so far, with more than 500 representatives from 47 countries and regions around the world attending the conference. China Pharmaceutical University participated in drafting the Nanjing Consensus on Global Pharmaceutical Education and other programmatic documents to show the development process of pharmaceutical education in China to experts at home and abroad.

Student employment

In more than 80 years of teaching exploration, the school has always attached great importance to the cultivation of students' practical ability, except for the high proportion of professional theoretical courses and experimental courses. The school also increased activities such as the second classroom. So that students get a comprehensive exercise in school. Graduates are widely praised by employers because of their solid foundation, strong practical ability and sense of social responsibility. Their employment rate has been ranked first among colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province for many consecutive years. They are one of the colleges and universities directly under the Ministry of Education with the highest employment rate. They have been awarded the honorary title of "National Advanced Collective in Employment Work of Ordinary Colleges and Universities" by the Ministry of Education. The employment rate of undergraduates in 2014 ranked first among universities directly under the Ministry of Education.

Over the past 80 years, our school has trained more than 100000 high-quality pharmaceutical professionals, and a large number of academic pillars, industry leaders and political elites have played an important role in health care. The university has 10 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. For example, Ye Juquan, one of the first members of the academic department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a generation of great masters in the field of Chinese medicine and a famous Chinese medicine expert; Peng Sixun, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, one of the founders of chemical pharmacy and pharmaceutical chemistry in China, and a famous pharmaceutical chemist; Xu Guojun, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, founder of microscopic identification of crude drugs in China, and a famous pharmacologist; Yuan Chengye, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a famous organic chemist who has made important contributions to the development of "two bombs and one satellite" in China; Shen Jiaxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, one of the pioneers in the development of modern production technology in China's pharmaceutical industry, and a famous pharmaceutical chemist; Zhou Jun, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, famous plant resources and plant chemist; Hu Zhibi, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, pioneer of Chinese traditional medicine biotechnology, and famous expert of Chinese traditional medicine bioengineering; Wang Guangji, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and famous pharmacokinetic scientist; Academician of the German Academy of Sciences and famous pathologist Lai Maode. Xie Jingxi, a famous pharmaceutical chemist who successfully developed three innovative drugs of great significance; Xie Zongwan, a famous pharmacologist and herbalist; Liao Qingjiang, a famous pharmacologist, is one of the pioneers in the field of steroid drug research and development in China; Liu Guojie, the first licensed pharmacist and famous pharmacist in Chinese history; An Dengkui, a famous pharmaceutical analyst, is the main advocate of the discipline of pharmaceutical analysis in China.

development planning

In 2013, the university held a big discussion on transformation and development, and formed a consensus on building a high-level research university. At the ninth party congress of the university, the overall goal of the future development was further defined: to build the university into an internationally famous high-level research university with pharmacy as its characteristics by the centennial of the university in 2036. To achieve this overall goal, the school divides the future development into "two stages" and implements the "three-step" strategy. "Two stages": the first stage (2014-2026): the stage of strengthening the foundation and improving the level; The second stage (2027-2036): the stage of promoting reputation and creating first-class. "Three step" strategy: the first step (2014-2018): consolidate the foundation of research universities; The second step (2019 to 2026): step into the ranks of research universities; The third step (2027-2036): build a high-level research university.

Today's China Pharmaceutical University is striving towards the goal of building an internationally renowned high-level research university.

(The deadline for data statistics is December 29, 2017
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  • Mailing address: Graduate School of China Pharmaceutical University, No. 639, Longmian Avenue, Jiangning District, Nanjing
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  •  VR panoramic aerial map of China Pharmaceutical University

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