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How about China Agricultural University

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How about China Agricultural University?

There are good and bad reviews of the Agricultural University. Let's take a look at the reviews first
1. The campus environment should be good. On the whole, the west campus is a little bigger than the east campus, so you don't have to worry about eating when the environment is better. There are a lot of canteens, and there are many kinds of canteens. It's really authentic and the agricultural university has a lot of subsidies for canteens. Normal meals are cheaper. Better ones like the second floor of Princess Building and the third floor of the Summer Palace are more expensive, But you won't go there if you don't treat. The dormitory can't be equipped with air conditioners. According to your major in the East Campus, there are six people in one room. Generally, the boys' building has heating. It seems that there is no independent bathroom, but there is a balcony, and there is a public washing machine. The girls' building A is the type of upper and lower bunks, with independent bathroom, central air conditioning, but only heating but not cooling, and there is a balcony washing machine; Block B is for going to bed and getting off the table. It is also a central air conditioner, balcony and washing machine. If you are admitted to the School of Economics and Management, most of you will live in Block B and a small number of people will live in the graduate building. The conditions there are very good. If you choose a science class (science school, science and technology, sports medicine, health school), the sophomore will go to bed and get off the table in the western area. There is no independent bathroom, heating Balcony But in Beijing, you really don't need to consider installing air conditioners in summer. In the hottest period, you are not in school and not frozen in winter is the key!
2. The favorable comments are biased towards the planning and design of livestock farms. It should be easy to find a job. There is a shortage of talents in this area
3. The favorable campus is very large. There are two campuses in Beijing that occupy the third place among the universities in Beijing. The environment is very good, because it is the Agricultural University, and the accommodation is also good. According to netizens' survey, the Princess Building Canteen is the best dormitory in all universities in Beijing, with air conditioning but no independent bathroom balcony
4. Praise Agricultural University is a very good university. In Beijing, in addition to the people from the north of the Qing Dynasty who came to Beijing Normal University, there are several comprehensive universities. Beijingers recognize it very well, and it is arbitrary for outsiders to only read the word "agriculture" from the name. It is the 985 and 211 national first-class universities. The most important thing is the style of study here and the rigorous scholarship and open and modest attitude of professors, It is definitely a cost-effective choice, but your score is also high!
5. The most powerful major of the middle peasants is certainly agronomy (plant production), biology (life science experimental class is the best), food, animal medicine, etc. Economics is inferior to other schools in terms of economic majors and employment. The middle peasants are no exception, but the treatment will be relatively poor
6. What majors do you look for? The common phenomenon in Agricultural University is that the employment of engineering majors is good, while the employment of science and agriculture majors is poor, but the professional strength is strong and the foundation is deep. In general, the employment of engineering colleges is good, and the employment of vehicle majors is the most guaranteed! The employment of the School of Information and Electronics is also good, among which the employment of the electrical major is the best; The employment of the water institute is also good, among which the employment of thermal energy and civil engineering is the best. Other colleges, such as the school of economics and management and the school of food, are also good
7. The favorable comments only know about the east campus. Freshmen are all here. At the north end of Xueyuan Road, two kilometers away from the North Fourth Ring Road, the surrounding environment is good. It is close to Beilin Beiyu Beike, a mining university. The hardware facilities of Li Qinghua Beida are not far away, and the accommodation is comfortable. However, this year, the dormitory began to limit the flow of Internet access, and immediately began to use the all-in-one card. In summer, power was supplied overnight, and the lights were turned off at 11:00 p.m. in winter, The power supply was restored at 6:00 in the morning, but the dormitory was not checked. No self-study in the morning and evening. No running. All depends on the consciousness of the classroom. Just now, the air-conditioned teaching has been installed. The advantageous subjects are agronomy, life science, food, two experimental classes, and the others are ordinary. But at least they are also 985 colleges and universities. Not too bad. In terms of management, employment is good this year. Many other subjects need to take postgraduate examinations to find a way out, Careful selection of majors, entertainment, consumption and transportation around the school are convenient. There are five canteens in the school, restaurants of all grades outside the school, shopping malls and Meilianmei Supermarket outside the north gate, hotels and barber shops around the school, Internet cafes, billiards are complete, there are many buses, but there is no subway. It is said that the planning has begun and will be completed in a few years
8. Praise the strongest agricultural and forestry economic management~finance, accounting and other directions are also good~As for finding a job, I think it mainly depends on my own strength, which has nothing to do with the discipline, and I can find a good job if I learn well~I must fight for my strength when I graduate from Agricultural University in economics and management to find a good job!
9. There are 58 universities in the "Imperial Capital" of Beijing, including 26 211 universities and 8 985 universities. China Agricultural University is one of the eight 985 universities in Beijing, where famous universities gather. China Agricultural University is the top 10% of the universities. Do you think so? Beijing University of Agricultural Engineering, one of the "eight colleges" around Xueyuan Road, is today's East Campus of China Agricultural University, which has a rich history; The wrestling venue for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is the Gymnasium of China Agricultural University. There are four university gyms in Beijing that are Olympic venues - China Agricultural University has a high level of modernization; President Xi Jinping's visit to China Agricultural University in 2012 - the CPC Central Committee and the State Council will pay more and more attention to China Agricultural University!!!; In short, China Agricultural University will have a promising future in the next 10 years!
10. Praise As a student of middle agriculture, in fact, I want to say that plant disease resistance mechanism and disease resistance genetic engineering are the direction of plant protection specialty. Plant protection specialty of middle agriculture is the best specialty in China. The three graduate supervisors of this specialty are all doctors and professors. Peng Youliang is the dean of the College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, the college of this specialty, The difficulty of Changjiang Distinguished Professors can be imagined, but it will not be very difficult to take the Master's Examination: Ideological and Political Theory, English I, Chemistry (Agriculture), Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
11. Good comments on biotechnology, food is a strong point, but generally they have to continue to study. For graduates from the School of Information Technology and Electronics, although they are from the Agricultural University of Information Technology and Electronics Technology, the employment rate is close to 100%. It depends on what major you are studying in the Agricultural University. Generally, the employment is good

Now let's take a look at your complaints
1. As a 985 college, Agricultural University is not bad in its major. It's just because of the name of the school. Its score is not high. Although marketing is not the top major of the school, it is somewhat strong. However, you can choose a college with stronger economy
2. The female undergraduate students in bad comments should live in the Princess Building in a unified way. There are 6 people in one room. They go to bed and get off the table. There are closets and drawers, but the space is not large. It's better not to move. It seems that there is also a public table... The Princess Building is central heating. Undergraduate students do not have a separate bathroom. They share the same room in the corridor. They swipe their cards when bathing. The bathroom is another building independent
3. After all, the poor evaluation is an agricultural university, which focuses on agriculture. The physics department is relatively ordinary, but it is much better than those uninspired universities. Famous universities naturally have famous teachers
4. Poor rating 985. There are only a few dozen in China, and the agronomy field is very good. Other humanities and economic management disciplines are slightly worse. There is no standard for wages, which varies from person to person
5. At present, there are many colleges and universities offering civil engineering majors in China, but the British Institute of Architects only recognizes 10 bachelor's degrees in civil engineering, namely Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Tianjin University, Zhejiang University, Southeast University, Harbin University of Architecture and Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Engineering, Chongqing University, South China University of Technology Only graduates from the civil engineering department of Hunan University can apply for the title of engineer in the UK. Civil engineering majors with this status are not really "top ten in China", but at least they are listed as civil engineering majors that are not characteristic majors of China Agricultural University
6. The industrial design of the Agricultural University may be inferior to the industrial design of science and engineering. In general, industrial design is a weak point of our country and has not received much attention. It is an unexpected discipline and will have a bright future in the future. In short, design should be talented, especially excellent designers, who can not be trained in four years of college
7. Of course, it is not allowed to install air conditioners privately in the dormitory of the school. The campus environment is very good. Many TV dramas are shot against the background of the campus of Agricultural University. They have balconies, but not independent toilets
8. The sociology of the Agricultural University is not bad, but it mainly studies rural sociology, and has received fund support from many NGOs. However, I suggest you go to Beijing Normal University. It is hard to find a job after the sociology of the Agricultural University. Beijing Normal University is still more famous
9. The graduate dormitory in the East Campus is also a new dormitory. It is usually a room for four people. It has a balcony, but it is a public washroom. However, there is a public bathroom on the campus. It is very close to the dormitory building. In general, the conditions are good. After all, it is a new building. The price is the price of general graduate accommodation. After all, it is a national priority, Another agricultural university
10. The power system of Agricultural University is not a kind of specialty, and it is a bit troublesome to enter the power system for employment

Official introduction

China Agricultural University is a university directly under the Ministry of Education under the national "211 Project" and "985 Project". The current Secretary of the Party Committee Jiang Peimin, President Ke Bingsheng.

China Agricultural University is the origin of China's modern agricultural higher education. Its history starts from the Beijing Normal University Agricultural University, which was founded in 1905. In September 1949, the College of Agriculture of Peking University, the College of Agriculture of Tsinghua University and the College of Agriculture of North China University merged into Beijing Agricultural University. In October 1952, the Department of Agricultural Machinery of Beijing Agricultural University merged with the Central Ministry of Agriculture's College of Mechanized Agriculture, North China Agricultural Machinery College, and Pingyuan Agricultural College to establish Beijing Agricultural Mechanization College, which was renamed Beijing Agricultural Engineering University in October 1985. In September 1995, Beijing Agricultural University and Beijing Agricultural Engineering University merged to establish China Agricultural University. Comrade Jiang Zemin personally wrote the name of the university. For a long time, the construction and development of the school has been highly valued by the country. Beijing Agricultural University was listed as one of the six key universities in China by the State Council in 1954 and one of the ten key universities in China in 1984. Beijing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization was listed as one of the national key universities in 1960. The university entered the first batch of "211 Project" construction in 1995, and was identified as a high-level research university of "985 Project" key construction in 2004. On May 4, 2003, Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council visited China Agricultural University and delivered an important speech. On October 13, 2005, Wu Bangguo, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, visited the Agricultural University of China, congratulated it on its centenary and encouraged it to create a new glory. On May 2, 2009, Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and President of the People's Republic of China, visited China Agricultural University and had a cordial discussion with representatives of teachers and students. He put forward ardent expectations for young students and requirements for the university to "accelerate the pace of building a world-class agricultural university". On May 2, 2010, General Secretary Hu Jintao wrote back to the teachers and students of China Agricultural University, encouraging them to make greater contributions to the development of modern agriculture. On September 15, 2012, Xi Jinping's party and state leaders came to the school to participate in the main event of the National Science Popularization Day in Beijing. When inspecting the school, they asked the school to "focus on teaching and educating people and promote party building" and "truly build a first-class university with Chinese characteristics and agricultural characteristics", which further pointed out the direction for the development of the school, It has greatly stimulated the sense of responsibility and mission of all teachers and students in the school.

After centuries of trials and tribulations, China Agricultural University has developed into a research university with distinctive characteristics and advantages in agronomy, life science, agricultural engineering and food science, forming a distinctive and complementary agricultural and life science, resource and environmental science, information and computer science, agricultural engineering and automation science Economic management and social sciences. The school has 16 colleges, involving nine disciplines, including agronomy, engineering, science, economics, management, law, literature, medicine, philosophy, etc; There are Graduate School, College of Continuing Education and Sports and Arts Teaching Department. In the third round of evaluation of the level of first-class disciplines, six first-class disciplines ranked first in the country for a second time, and the number of disciplines ranking first ranked fourth among universities in the country; It has 3 national key laboratories, 1 national engineering laboratory, 2 national engineering technology research centers, 76 provincial and ministerial key laboratories (centers and bases); 1 national field scientific observation and research station, 6 ministerial field scientific observation and experiment stations.

China Agricultural University has a strong and reasonably structured teaching staff. There are 1640 full-time teachers, including 598 professors (including researchers) and 842 associate professors (including associate researchers). There are 1341 graduate supervisors, including 778 doctoral supervisors. The university has 5 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 7 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 24 distinguished professors of the "Yangtze River Scholars Award Program", 45 winners of the "National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars", 15 chief scientists of the national "973 Program" project, 26 national candidates of the "Hundred and Ten Thousand Talents Project" in the new century, and 147 candidates of the "New Century Excellent Talents Support Program" of the Ministry of Education, 78 experts enjoy special government allowance. A group of famous scholars at home and abroad, including James Watson, the Nobel Prize winner in physiology or medicine and the "father of DNA", and academician Yuan Longping, the outstanding agricultural scientist and the father of hybrid rice in China, were employed as honorary professors and guest professors.

China Agricultural University has a complete education system for cultivating bachelor, master and doctor. The university has 15 post doctoral mobile stations, 19 first level disciplines authorized for doctoral degrees, 93 first level disciplines authorized for doctoral degrees, 37 first level disciplines authorized for master's degrees, 169 master's degree authorization points, 9 professional degree types, and 36 professional degree fields; There are 65 undergraduate majors, of which biology and chemistry are included in the "National Basic Science Research and Education Talent Training Base". 11399 full-time undergraduate students, 7326 full-time graduate students, including 4313 full-time master's students and 3013 full-time doctoral students; There are 185 post doctoral researchers in the station.

China Agricultural University adheres to the talent cultivation concept of moral education first, ability first, and comprehensive development, and cultivates top-notch innovative talents with patriotism and social responsibility, proficient in professional knowledge and skills, and strong comprehensive ability. The school has one famous teacher from the National High level Talents Special Support Program ("Ten Thousand Talents Program"), two national famous teachers and 30 Beijing famous teachers, five national excellent teaching teams and ten Beijing excellent teaching teams, 14 national characteristic majors and two national talent training model innovation experimental areas. The school has continuously deepened the reform of teaching content and teaching methods, and has completed 23 national quality courses, 15 quality resource sharing courses, 2 quality video open courses, 25 Beijing quality courses, and 6 "Chinese University Moose Course" courses; 121 textbooks were selected into the national "11th Five Year Plan" textbooks; 17 textbooks were selected into the national "12th Five Year Plan" textbooks; Further strengthen the construction of laboratories and practice bases, with three national experimental teaching demonstration centers, three national virtual simulation experimental teaching centers and six Beijing experimental teaching demonstration centers; Through strengthening the cultivation of practical innovation ability, we have built an innovative talent training system, which has laid a good foundation for carrying out high-level research teaching. College students are active in scientific and technological innovation activities. Since 2008, our undergraduate students have published 342 high-level academic papers, including 1 Science, 268 SCI, 67 EI and 7 ISTP, under the support of various innovative projects; 184 invention patents, 33 utility model patents and 10 design patents; Students won 1464 provincial and ministerial level and above discipline competitions. Deeply promote the reform of postgraduate education and teaching, and comprehensively implement the "application assessment system" for doctoral students; We will further improve the quality assurance system for graduate dissertations and promote the continuous improvement of their quality. In total, the university has 23 doctoral dissertations selected into the "National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations", ranking first among universities in China. The school has trained more than 130000 qualified graduates, and has achieved a large number of educational and teaching achievements. It has passed the undergraduate teaching level assessment of the Ministry of Education with excellent results, and the school running quality and level have been widely recognized by all sectors of society. In 2015, there were 2971 undergraduate graduates, 1936 master graduates and 654 doctoral graduates.

Focusing on human nutrition and health, China Agricultural University, guided by the major needs of national agricultural science and technology and international academic frontiers, carries out high-level scientific research, social services and cultural inheritance and innovation. The research in the field of biotechnology and agricultural high technology is at the leading level in China. He presided over 22 national key basic research programs ("973 Program") (including one major scientific problem oriented program and one major scientific research program), and six chief scientists of the national modern agricultural industrial technology system. From 2001 to 2015, it won 73 national science and technology awards, 443 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards, and 2972 authorized patents. Academician Shi Yuanchun presided over and completed the research results of "research and development of comprehensive management of middle and low yield areas in the Huang Huai Hai Plain", which won the national special prize for scientific and technological progress. 21 high-level research papers have been published in the internationally famous magazines SCIENCE, CELL, NATURE and NATURE GENETICS, which has established our leading position in basic research. In 2015, the number of papers included by SCI, EI and SSCI reached 2085. Among the ESI discipline evaluation indicators, the total citation of our eight disciplines and all disciplines including agricultural science, plant and animal science, environment/ecology, biology and biochemistry, chemistry, microbiology, engineering, and molecular biology and genetics has reached the top 1% in the world, and the total citation of agricultural science, plant and animal science has reached the top 1 ‰ in the world. The school strengthened the transformation and promotion services of scientific and technological achievements, and the promotion of practical technological achievements in the fields of food science and nutrition engineering, animal medicine, animal science and technology, resources and environment, agronomy and biotechnology, engineering, information and electrical engineering covered the whole country. Focusing on the major national needs, regional development and industrial development needs, the science and technology service focuses on building 46 comprehensive experimental stations (professor workstations) in relevant regions of the country based on the working ideas of top-level design, overall layout, and leading and driving, aiming at the major national, local, enterprise and other needs, combined with the needs of our scientific research, talent training and service society, Provide comprehensive services such as planning and design, technical guidance and social management for regional economic and social development; Further explore the fields of achievements transformation and social services, expand transformation channels, expand service areas, and strive to explore new mechanisms and new models for science and technology to serve local areas. Science and technology cooperation agreements have been signed with more than 10 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and more than 70 cities to provide technical support for local economic development; Every year, our school signs nearly 500 contracts with local governments on scientific and technological research and development and achievements transformation, accelerating the transfer of scientific and technological achievements to enterprises; Relying on experts in modern agricultural industrial technology system and their team members to solve technical problems in industrial development, relying on experimental stations, professor workstations, science and technology academies, etc., around local and farmers' industrial development needs, more than 50000 person times of skill training was carried out for grass-roots agricultural cadres, agricultural enterprise managers, grass-roots technicians, farmers, etc, It has played a prominent role in the promotion, demonstration and transformation of our scientific and technological achievements.

China Agricultural University has carried out extensive international exchanges and cooperation, worked hard to expand opening up and accelerated the process of internationalization. The university has established friendly cooperative relations with 208 universities and research units in 41 countries and regions, including the United States, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Russia, Israel, Tanzania, Guinea, etc. There are 11 joint research centers in cooperation with Purdue University in the United States and Wageningen University in the Netherlands, as well as international education, research and training institutions such as International College, Sino German Comprehensive Agricultural Development Center, Sino Israel International Agricultural Training Center. The university attaches great importance to cultivating undergraduate's international vision and innovative spirit, and extensively carries out undergraduate exchange programs, short-term exchange programs, exchange internship programs and other undergraduate exchange programs with overseas universities. The university has carried out various forms of undergraduate joint training projects with well-known foreign universities such as Cornell University, Colorado State University, Purdue University, Illinois University, Auburn University, University of Waterloo and Albert University in Canada under the premise of mutual credit recognition.

China Agricultural University attaches great importance to the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality, and actively carries out the second classroom education activities. The campus cultural life is rich and colorful. Give full play to the role of the student union and graduate student union in self-management, self-education and self-service, and guide students to participate in the democratic management of the school in a standardized and orderly manner. The school has 84 student associations, including public welfare, theoretical and academic, scientific and technological practice, culture and art, sports and other types. The members of the school's mountaineering team once became Olympic torch bearers on behalf of contemporary college students; The Rural Development Research Association and the Best Friends Society were rated as "National Excellent Student Associations". Every year, the school organizes more than 5000 students to participate in social practice activities, writes their papers on the land of the motherland in the process of serving the development of China's "three rural" undertakings, and has been awarded the excellent organization unit of summer social practice for college students in the capital for 10 consecutive years. The scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship activities of college students are flourishing. The scientific and technological innovation work is carried out relying on the college students' science and technology association and entrepreneurship association. The "Challenge Cup" National Undergraduate Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition, National Innovation and Creativity Competition, National Electronic Design Competition, National Mechanical Innovation and Design Competition The National Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling and Computer Application Competition and other competitions have achieved excellent results, and the innovation and entrepreneurship ability and enthusiasm of college students have been constantly improved. Actively organize students to participate in the volunteer service work of the Olympic Games, the 60th anniversary of the National Day, the martial arts games, the World Championships and other large-scale activities, and have won the praise of the superior for many times. The Rugby Team of China Agricultural University is the first football team in mainland China. It has participated in international competitions on behalf of the country for many times and won honor for the motherland. In November 2010, at the Guangzhou Asian Games, the Chinese women's rugby team dominated by our students won the silver medal and the men's team won the fourth place. In 2014, the football team of our school won the championship in the final of the national college five-a-side football championship. The track and field team also won many championships in the top competitions of Beijing colleges and universities, and achieved excellent results in the national college student competitions. After years of efforts, our art education has flourished and formed its own characteristics in art education, art troupe management, etc. At present, there are well-established college art troupes, including choirs, wind orchestras, dance troupes, drama troupes, folk music troupes, string orchestras and music troupes. Each group has won the first place in the art performances of Beijing college students for many times. Among them, our choir and wind band have successively become Beijing University Student Art Troupe. The choir has participated in the recording of CCTV Spring Festival Gala and art exchange activities at home and abroad for many times; The orchestra has successfully held special performances in the PLA Military Concert Hall for many times. These art groups fully demonstrate the unique artistic characteristics and charm of our school.

The country is rich and the people are prosperous, and the agriculture is strong. It is the constant pursuit of our school for a hundred years to solve the difficulties of people's livelihood and cultivate talents in the world. The human relationship of several generations of the Agricultural University is local and worried about the common people. In order to realize the Chinese people's dream of food and clothing and prosperity for thousands of years, it has spared no effort to maintain the closest flesh and blood relationship with the motherland and the people, forming the unique spiritual tradition of diligence and respect, patriotism and concern for the people, and the school running tradition of being rigorous, realistic, virtuous and knowledgeable. Today's China Agricultural University (CAU) maintains the advantages of agricultural disciplines, develops a variety of emerging disciplines, is closely connected with the rapidly changing world, and is developing with the ever-changing science and technology, and is striding towards the goal of a world-class university with Chinese characteristics and agricultural characteristics.
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