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How about Southwest Jiaotong University

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How about Southwest Jiaotong University?

Viewpoint 1

Four so-called "famous schools" in Sichuan, including Sichuan University, Chengdu Electric Power, Jiaotong University and Xicai, all have reliable answers except me. Don't the children's shoes of Jiaotong University know? The senior civil engineering graduate dog answered angrily.
The overall style of study of Jiaotong University is good, and the scientific research environment is also good. I am good at engineering. Civil engineering, machinery, electricity, and transportation are leading in the country. The university has many high-level laboratories, such as the National Laboratory for Rail Transit, the National Key Laboratory for Traction Power, and the largest wind tunnel in Asia.
Jiaotong University has three campuses, Jiuli, Xipu and Emei. Jiuli is a graduate school, Xipu is an undergraduate, and Emei is the second campus. But now graduate students are moving to Xipu one after another. Xipu is a new campus with a good environment. Jiuli and Emei are relatively old, but it reveals the 118 year history of Jiaotong University. Emei campus is at the foot of Mount Emei. The school has a natural oxygen bar, but it is tiring to climb the mountain in class...
In terms of food, Jiaotong University has done a better job. Xipu 3 and 4 canteens are called "Gaofushuai" and "Baifumei" canteens. The buffet mode is realized by using NFC technology. The canteen environment is first-class and the taste is good. However, as Xipu is a new campus, the surrounding catering industry is relatively cold; Jiuli Campus is located in the second ring road, and the surrounding catering industry is developed. It is not tired of eating all kinds of delicious food, which is much more prosperous than Xipu.
In terms of transportation, it can be said that it is very convenient. The Xipu West Gate and the South Gate 119 go directly to Jiuli. The first subway and bullet train (Chengguan Line) transfer station in the country outside the West Gate. The subway goes directly to Tianfu Square and Chunxi Road. There are school buses from Jiuli to Xipu and Jiuli to Emei.
Accommodation: Emei Campus and Jiuli Campus are relatively old, with poor accommodation conditions. Xipu Campus has just realized hot water entering the apartment this year, and hot water is available in each room's bathroom. Air conditioning will be installed at the end of this year. (It's a pity that the brick carrying dog will go to Jiuli in September. T_T)
Network, the network I handed in can be said to be rotten! In a word: Since we came to Jiaotong University, my mother doesn't have to worry about me playing games all day!
Since I am good at engineering and weak in humanities, you know, sister. (Good news! Good news! Yesterday I handed it in just for the opening ceremony of Jiaotong University Medical School!)
In addition, Chengdu is a city you don't want to leave when you come!

Viewpoint 2
1. Learning

The teacher is now one of the celebrities of Jiaotong University, and I will proudly mention the name of all the people I know. In fact, there are many interesting teachers with attitude like Xu Tengfei at Jiaotong University. Of course, there are also famous teachers in electrical related teaching and research departments and mechanical related teaching and research departments with low scores. For students who want to learn related courses, the scores of these courses are disastrous. I wonder if there is any reason why I asked the Academic Affairs Office for a normal distribution of scores. Is the normal distribution of college performance requirements reasonable? In the face of studying abroad, entering a higher school and looking for a job, my classmates' scores are generally lower than those of similar colleges and universities (no specific statistical support, unofficial history). Fortunately, Director Hao Li has taken many good measures since she took office, and most of these measures are from the perspective of students. For example, the explanation of the method for comprehensive evaluation of teaching effect in the title review in 2014, the Academic Affairs Office of Southwest Jiaotong University, is really a blessing for the students of Jiaotong University. The original double strictness was reflected by some teachers' low scores, while the students did not have a reasonable and normal teacher evaluation mechanism. For example, I bought something on Taobao, which was not good in quality, could not be used, could not be evaluated badly, and had no place to safeguard their rights (someone might say about the evaluation system of the Office of Academic Affairs, but in fact, most students in Jiaotong University wanted to know whether the evaluation system was decoration or really useful).
In terms of class, I saw some teachers use PPT that has not changed for several years (6 or more) during my undergraduate study. Some PPT contents are excerpts from textbooks. In class, I can see the evaluation of relevant teachers by submitting Baidu Post Bar, which is generally very objective and fair. At present, Jiaotong University lacks a two-way evaluation and assessment mechanism. Teachers from the Academic Affairs Office are responsible for teaching supervision. To make an inappropriate metaphor, the study committee members of your class supervise your study every day. Is it reliable? Whether the double strictness of Jiaotong University can also be extended to teaching, strict with teachers and students. Those who do good can reflect on this matter with Director Hao. I think they should benefit the younger generation.
In terms of curriculum, this is the most serious problem. It is said that the graduates of this class were burned by President Xu Fei. Have you ever seen an engineering major with more than 6 professional courses in the fourth year of college? What should we do about employment on the premise that absenteeism is not allowed in class? The teacher released the class, and the Academic Affairs Office found that there were not many people in the classroom. What should the teacher do? Can the students take the postgraduate entrance examination at ease? So another anonymous user said that the postgraduate entrance examination rate was low.
When it comes to the question of postgraduate entrance examination, I am not particularly clear about the specific matters, but I did hand in the question of the number of students in 985 colleges and universities. I also heard several friends report that some of their college's national level teachers have something to do with the "second or third degree" of doctoral guidance. After President Xu Fei took office, there have also been great changes in postgraduate related issues. I hope that other respondents will answer related issues. I don't understand it.
Practice is an important part of learning. When I was studying, fortunately, the teaching and research section of this major had funds, otherwise you can imagine that each student of a major can only use more than 300 funds for internship? After coming out of the Ministry of Railways, the train can't be free of tickets. If you want to go out for practice, the return fee is not enough. In the summer vacation when I handed in the engineering department, I spent half of my time in surveying and mapping experiments, drawing, metalworking, and soldering circuit boards... These internship experiences can really blind HR's eyes when I was employed! There are many lectures and visits in the internship of liberal arts. I wonder if this is for practice?
Should the school face the employment problem of female students directly? My former unit recruited interns in the school, and there is a graduate student from a national laboratory in my resume to be a market specialist!!! No mistake, it is the proud traction laboratory!!! Another is that high employment rate does not mean high employment quality!!!
2. Life
Too many slots!!
Logistics. Without Mr. Gao's presence on Sina Weibo, I have to endure logistics services that are at the same level or even lower than those of Chinese service industry employees. During my study, many students beat me up in the dormitory, and there were often disputes in the canteen. It is said that the dormitory of Jiaotong University is now equipped with an access control system, and the canteen is becoming more and more tall, handsome and rich, and has joined the market competition. With a bitter sigh, I missed the good time. In my opinion, logistics should be equivalent to a property management organization. The property management does not listen to the owner's opinions but obey the arrangement of the administrative organ. What's the reason for the owner to pay you the property expenses?
Network! Dare to join the market competition! Dare not to monopolize! Dare to recruit a group of professional service personnel!
In the business street, I always think that administrative intervention in the market is a bad thing, whether from the business dimension or from the school dimension!
3. Eight hours after class
Well, the Student Union is an association under the Youth League Committee, ah~, yes, an association! The club is engaged in activities, and the people who run the club are happy. It is said that commercial advertisements can be put on the school business street now, and they can do business activities. But the posters on the student activity boards cannot be pasted randomly, and they should obey the management. Alas~
The freshmen should not trust the seniors and sisters who come here to sell things. They are known as entrepreneurs. They cheat the kids.
All kinds of public opinion representatives from the headmaster's luncheon meeting and various research meetings, yes, with the representatives of the research meeting on the rise of tap water prices and taxi prices, uh... you know, these representatives like to stand on the moral high ground and do self-interest things, but in my opinion, this is a national thing, a matter of education, so sad!
School bus! How cool! Free to see! What a man! The woman who can drive fast is the man who can stand up to the sky!
As for the reputation of Linwan Village People's Park, I really didn't build it!
Shanzhai Tongue Tip Body
Every morning, the villagers of Linwan begin their daily life. They come to Linwan People's Park to stretch their muscles and bones. They can walk freely on the wide road. When the passionate music rings, the villagers dance, which is the happiest thing for them every day.
Water is the source of human life. In the teaching building of Linwan Village People's Park, there are unique drinking water resources. The boiled water collected by the local people is free and pure, and is an excellent raw material for drinking and eating.
Obasant's large dog has been kept for several years. Under his leadership, the dog runs and plays happily in the park. Yesterday's food was chewed, digested and absorbed into yellowing feces and discharged into every corner of the park. All creatures in the nature are familiar with the principle of turning into spring mud to protect flowers. The older generation seems that the dogs people walk in the park today are too constrained and not close to nature. They often break the dog chain to let them fly freely and live in harmony with the students in the park. He is deeply worried about the disharmonious relationship between people and dogs. It seems that the smell of dog shit in these years is no longer authentic.

Viewpoint 3

As a Zhejiang girl who has enjoyed four years in Southwest Jiaotong University and now drifts to the north, can I talk about eating first? I believe that the children who have studied in Sichuan University have this feeling. There are so many delicious foods in Sichuan! because...... (Five hundred words are omitted here) Sichuan cuisine is delicious and cheap. You know, when I was a child, I thought I didn't like pork until I went to college and ate authentic double cooked pork and salty/sweet braised pork; I also thought that I didn't like chicken until I went to college and ate Bobo chicken, spicy chicken, Bangbang chicken and drooling chicken. There are various small restaurants in Xipu Campus of Southwest Jiaotong University, such as grilled fish, dry pot, hot pot, teppanyaki, and so on. Even if you don't go out of the school, you can eat them in the same way; If you go outside, there are many restaurants across from the south door. I don't know if the rice noodles are still there, Wanzhou grilled fish, and self-service hot pot Out of the north gate, you can take a small tricycle to go to the Hot Pot Street. It is said that if you want to keep a man's heart, you must keep his stomach. Similarly, if you want to make graduates read the good news of school everywhere, it is also related to the stomach<
After that, I want to talk about the male female ratio. Southwest Jiaotong University is a century old college of science and technology. Girls have been scarce for more than a hundred years, especially beautiful women Well, the boys said that there were no beauties in Jiaotong University, but they didn't know about them. When I was studying, the ratio of men to women was 7:1, and most women were in liberal arts colleges and departments. What is this concept? For men, if you study machinery or civil engineering, a word has disappeared from your dictionary: female students. For women, if you were born in a science and engineering class, you might be a class member, because you are the only girl. Jiaotong University has the most female students, and two departments with the best quality are Lian and Dan. One is the School of Foreign Languages, and the other is the School of Arts and Communication. On the whole, most of the girls who pass on art are good at singing and dancing, with outstanding talent, personality and dress up; Most of the girls in the outer courtyard are pure, and they are good at learning. Because of this extreme, anti human, anti youth unrest ratio of men and women, I gained an important thing in college: self-confidence. When you are on the way to the campus, in the library, on the playground, in the study room, there are boys who tell you, time and time again, you feel as if you are really a swan! Although they were not very serious, even shooting indiscriminately, for me at that time, I really recognized myself.
Next, let's talk about learning. Since I majored in English in a science school, I was very happy to "learn". Because language is no more than other majors, and class is not the only way, so I can't attend many classes if I can't, and I can just pass the exam by myself. In retrospect, the teachers in the external hospital are highly educated and open-minded, and they are very happy to get along with each other. Of course, there are many students who work hard. Every morning, students will come to the river to read English and make joint pronunciation. In the evening, there are often students in the study room and library to study by themselves. In college, it is not difficult to get a scholarship, because the exam is relatively simple, and it depends on whether you review or not, but it still requires effort to win the national prize; It's also easy to join the Party. When we graduated, all the students in our class wanted to join. Some students will be very concerned about this. I have also heard of other classes' collusion for scholarships and credit points. Of course, aspiring students will not stick to exam results. They often see good children winning prizes in various national competitions.
How can universities not mention associations and student associations? As a college student, at least one of the two should participate. Personally, if you are interested in politics, you can go to the student union. If you want to experience the feeling of entrepreneurship, you can join a club. Of course, no matter which one you want, you must become a core member, otherwise it is meaningless. The associations that Southwest Jiaotong University has done well include Foreign Language Association, Psychological Association, Youth Volunteer Association, etc. It's still more fun!
On the whole, it's good to study in Southwest Jiaotong University. College life is full of comfort and freedom. However, due to its location in the southwest, far away from developed areas such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, the teaching resources are relatively insufficient, and the investment in scientific research funds is difficult to compare with that of universities in big cities. On the other hand, the region where the school is located is actually very important. Due to the different atmosphere, it will affect the breadth and depth of students' acceptance of information, which I felt especially deeply after studying in Beijing later.

Official introduction

Southwest Jiaotong University is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education. It is one of the first batch of "double first-class", "211 Project", "Characteristic 985 Project" and "2011 Plan" key research universities with a graduate school. It is located in Chengdu, a famous historical and cultural city in China and a national central city.
Founded in 1896, the school, formerly known as the Imperial Chinese Railway College at Shanhaiguan, is the first engineering university in China, the birthplace of higher education in civil engineering, transportation engineering and mining and metallurgical engineering in China, one of the first two sources of "Jiaotong University", and is famous both at home and abroad in the name of "Tangshan Jiaotong University" and "Tangyuan", known as "Oriental Cornell" Comrade Mao Zedong wrote the name of the school. Since its establishment, the school has been named Tangshan Institute of Technology (Cheng) of Jiaotong University, Guizhou Branch of National Jiaotong University, China Jiaotong University, Northern Jiaotong University, Tangshan Railway Institute, etc. In 1952, the colleges and departments of colleges and universities across the country were adjusted. Some faculty members were transferred to Tsinghua University, Tianjin University and other brother colleges and universities. In 1964, they moved to Sichuan in accordance with the spirit of the central government's construction of the "third tier". In 1972, they changed their name to Southwest Jiaotong University. In 1989, they moved to Chengdu. There are three campuses, namely Jiuli, Xipu and Emei, covering an area of more than 5000 mu. Xipu is the main campus.
In 122 years of school running, the university has always adhered to the mission of the university and served the country and society, gradually formed the spirit of Jiaotong University of "being practical, promoting China and constantly striving for self-improvement", the "double strictness" tradition of "rigorous scholarship and strict requirements", and the school motto of "diligent study, unyielding motivation, resolute action, loyalty and forgiveness", and cultivated and cultivated Mao Yisheng, Zhu Kezhen, Lin Tongyan Huang Wanli and others represent more than 300000 outstanding people. Among teachers and students, there are three "two bombs and one star" heroes, 60 academicians at home and abroad, and 24 national engineering survey and design masters. Since the reform and opening up, almost all academicians in the field of rail transit have come from our school. Comrade Deng Xiaoping spoke highly of the school: "This school has produced many talents".
The school is good at engineering and has formed four university clusters of engineering, science, arts and students. It has 26 colleges, one Sino foreign cooperative school, one affiliated hospital (Chengdu Third People's Hospital), two non local graduate schools (Qingdao Graduate School, Tangshan Graduate School), and co founded a medical school with Chengdu Military General Hospital, with mechanical engineering There are 2 national key disciplines of first level disciplines in transportation engineering, 10 national key disciplines of second level disciplines such as vehicle engineering, bridge and tunnel engineering, 19 doctoral degree authorization points of first level disciplines, 39 master degree authorization points of first level disciplines, and 11 post doctoral research stations. The Department of Transportation Engineering ranks first in the country (A+) and has entered the national "double first-class" construction sequence; the Department of Civil Engineering ranks seventh (A -) in the country; and materials science, engineering, and computer science rank in the top 1% of the ESI world rankings.
The university has 12 national science and technology innovation platforms and 36 provincial and ministerial scientific research bases, including the National Laboratory of Rail Transit (preparatory) and the National Key Laboratory of Traction Power, and has built the most complete discipline system, talent system and scientific research system in the field of rail transit in the world, focusing on high-speed railway, maglev transportation, new urban rail, vacuum pipeline superhigh speed (1000+) Basic research and original innovation have been vigorously carried out in such fields as super high-speed railway, and a basic research system of railway system dynamics marked by the internationally recognized "Shen Theory" and "Zhai Sun Model" has been established. Scientific and technological achievements have been selected into the "Top Ten Scientific and Technological Progress in Chinese Universities" for three times. The total number of national science and technology awards obtained in the field of rail transit ranks first among universities, research institutes and industrial enterprises in China, making indelible contributions to the development of China's rail transit cause. In addition, the school has also made many important achievements in the fields of defense science and technology, intelligent manufacturing, biomedicine, big data, physical science, humanities and social sciences.
At present, the school has 2568 full-time teachers, including 7 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 14 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 16 national "QR", 11 "Ten Thousand Talents Plan", 29 "Yangtze River Scholars", 22 "Distinguished Youth", 10 "Youth Thousand", 3 "Excellent Youth", 4 "Youth Nursery", 8 national teaching teams, 5 national famous teachers 10 innovation teams from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology. In addition, 42 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as 5 Nobel Prize winners, were employed as part-time (honorary) professors.
The university has built a four-dimensional integrated cultivation system of top-notch innovative talents, which is "value shaping, personality cultivation, ability cultivation, and knowledge exploration". It has comprehensively implemented the cultivation of undergraduate students, and has established Mao Yisheng College (Tangchen Academy), Zhan Tianyou College, Zhu Kezhen Academy, etc. to cultivate top-notch innovative talents. The university has 25105 full-time undergraduate students, 17879 graduate students, 2863 doctoral students and 852 international students. It has 3 national virtual simulation experimental teaching centers and 8 national experimental teaching demonstration centers; Undertake 4 pilot projects of national education system reform; It has won 25 national teaching achievement awards, including 1 grand prize and 6 first prizes, ranking ninth in China. There are 36 national quality courses, 24 national quality resource sharing courses, and 8 national quality video open courses.
Adhering to international education, the university has signed cooperation agreements with 192 universities and scientific research institutions in 59 countries and regions, including the University of Illinois at Champaign, Italy's Milan Polytechnic University, and Russia's Jiaotong University. It has cooperated with the University of Leeds in the UK to establish "Southwest Jiaotong University Leeds College", "2+2", "4+1", "4+4" and other overseas studies, study tours The visiting program covers all grades. As a university designated by the Chinese government, it cooperates with the Ministry of Railways of India to help build the Indian Railway University. There are three national innovation and talent introduction bases for foreign experts and three international academic journals.
The university adheres to the collaborative innovation of government, industry, university and research. In depth cooperation with CRRC, China Railway Construction Corporation, China Railway, China Communications Corporation, etc. Jointly build a world-class university with Chengdu, build a "Smart City of Huanjiaotong University", and help Chengdu build a world rail transit city. The university actively serves the national strategy, supports the construction of Tibet University and Xinjiang Agricultural University, and targeted poverty alleviation in Markang City, Aba County and Ebian County. Eight industrial research institutes, including Shanghai Research Institute, Shenzhen Research Institute and Tianfu New Area Research Institute, as well as national university science parks, national science and technology business incubators and national technology transfer centers, have established a mutual aid achievements transformation model of "science and technology incubation industry", and led the country in exploring the mixed ownership reform of professional scientific and technological achievements, It is known as the "Xiaogang Village Experiment" in the field of science and technology.
The real world is prosperous and the world is accessible. Guided by Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Southwest Jiaotong University is comprehensively deepening reform, deeply promoting the construction of "double first-class", taking the initiative to meet the national strategic needs of the "Belt and Road", "transportation power", and China's high-speed railway going global, and unswervingly moving towards the general goal of "comprehensive research first-class university with distinctive transportation characteristics", We will work hard to build "the world's first university in the field of rail transit" and write a chapter of Southwest Jiaotong University for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese dream.
(Data as of April 2018)
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  • Mailing address: Southwest Jiaotong University Research and Recruitment Office, No. 111, North Section 1, Second Ring Road, Chengdu
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