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How about Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

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Viewpoint 1

It may be that this special enrollment score segment "211 is full, but not 985", so the students of our financial group are relatively high school students who "do not work hard and may not have enough IQ", so we are very proud of the learning atmosphere. Yes, Wenjiang No. 3 Middle School is my fortune.
Only learning atmosphere, academic atmosphere is not evaluated.
Research fever is utilitarian. These six words are also the key words under the questions of "learning experience in Yangcai" and "learning experience in Shangcai". Sure enough, the whole family looked close. Entering the bookstore of My Wealth is nothing more than "banking", "accounting", "securities", "cpa" and other books and materials. At this time, my students will sigh, "This school is really utilitarian, and I will buy a name of our newspaper". (Various examinations: blame me.)
Personally, textual research cannot be said to be totally impetuous. The bookstore of CETC is full of java C、C++、C#、Java、PHP、SQL, What's the difference between it and the textbook of finance and economics that I put on the financial textbook. The impetuosity of the University of Finance and Economics lies in the fact that some people like to give themselves "titles, labels", and do things quickly. This impetuosity should be found in many universities, but the textual research will show it intuitively.
I really want to invite my seniors back to have a look at the hardware facilities when I see them noisy. Liulin has changed a lot, and the hardware is still good: Wifi is everywhere when going out, the dormitory is closed and the air conditioner is turned on, walking around the campus and holding, and going to school bus or going to 309 is too shy. I have to think about it.
I think the biggest love for Xicai is that it is in Chengdu. The superiority of "one can eat, drink and play in such a cool way" makes me feel that Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are not so good. When you stay in a school where everyone is utilitarian, you still feel that many people still have the attitude of "entering the postgraduate entrance examination and withdrawing the bricks". Chengdu people are naturally comfortable playing. Although I am not from Sichuan, I have a Chengdu stomach now. Listen to the Sichuan dialect and you will understand it. Laugh if you don't understand it. Chengdu people are easy to communicate~
In the schools in Sichuan, Sichuan University is a well-established scholarly family. My finance is similar to that of the electric science department. Both of them are higher vocational colleges in undergraduate education. Without the atmosphere of Sichuan University, there is a kind of professional and technical temperament that "I am not good at other things, but I am good at finance/accounting/insurance." My talent in literature is about as popular as that of a hundred public forums. Of course, some majors are very hung up, and some people talk like this: "I really hate that accounting quiz is coming, but I haven't done the presentation of finace", which is quite similar to the answer temperament of many financial practitioners.

Viewpoint 2

What is the experience of reading?
If you ask me, I can only say that my best four years of youth are here, don't you think?
What kind of experience questions can't be answered objectively. It's just some trivial personal emotions.
At Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, I met my goddess teacher.
One is a leading female professor in the insurance industry. When I was not confident and asked her to sign a recommendation letter for me, she saw my lack of confidence and said to me, "GY, women should be confident, and confident women are the most beautiful". Then she wore her eyes and carefully helped me to revise the recommendation letter word by word. She worked hard in the academic world. When she talked about the insurance industry in China, she was passionate. She was serious and responsible, no matter for people or things, even for undergraduate courses PPT. She always updated the latest knowledge before each class. The college gave her some "government titles", and she turned away from serious academic work and serious teaching to cultivate students.
One is a female ethics professor of Tsinghua University. At the first sight of her, I was shocked by her. She was beautiful, dressed well and had temperament. Then in the thought class of "boring", her eloquence gave me too much thought and enlightenment. She made me find that deep knowledge, temperament, beautiful and delicate appearance and independent spirit can coexist in a woman's body. She married her husband in a rented house when they married. Later, her husband has become a little famous in the business world. It is unknown how many times the salary she earned in the Xicai class. But I will never forget that afternoon in the thinking class, she looked up at her beautiful face and said with a smile, "I need to work, because I need my independent economy to give me more independent personality. More importantly, I love my current job, I like the feeling of standing on the platform, and I like to see my students' youthful faces."
At Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, I also met the professor who taught me the most about "teacher-student relationship".
After three years of senior high school education in China, I have never experienced the "equal" relationship between teachers and students. The initial intersection with Mr. Chen stems from the fact that after a class, some students wondered about the question of "duration". I used mathematical formulas to deduce it for him on the small blackboard, which was discovered by Mr. Chen. Then he left me after the second class and asked me to leave an email for him. Then I made a case study of risk management under the guidance of Mr. Chen, followed by property insurance market analysis, then CFP, then life insurance market, and then my empirical paper. Along the way, he opened the door to my thinking, corrected many of my bad research habits, and gave me too much help and encouragement. Once, in his class, I put forward my inappropriate opinions on one part of his courseware. Unexpectedly, he sent me an email the next day, saying that he hoped I could write my opinions in more detail and send them to him to see if I could provide him with some inspiration to solve this problem. This event made me feel the respect of teachers for students' thinking for the first time. It made me realize for the first time that teachers and students can really learn from each other and communicate with each other. It is an "equal" relationship, not an output and acceptance relationship.
Many people in Xicai always use the words "impetuous atmosphere and utility" when they evaluate Xicai. Indeed, many people in our school attend classes, clubs, competitions and even public welfare activities, all of which are goal oriented and utilitarian. But I think there is no shortage of poetry and the warmest human feelings on this campus.
In the study room of Block H, there are notes written with Xu Wei's lyrics of Blue Lotus, touching piano music played by students occasionally floating in the library, relaxed girls with cat food to feed the wandering kittens downstairs in the girls' dormitory, girls' dormitory can't sleep at night in a warm sleeptalk, and boys hold together on the football field to shout because they have won a game together, The school considered that the ratio of men and women should be changed to three women's toilets and one men's toilet on the first floor.
The poetry and painting of Xicai are also left to everyone in Xicai. It has not been erased by the word "finance".
The east gate of Xicai must be mentioned. Apart from the East Gate, I can't find so many delicious and cheap food streets anymore. Can you forget that I gained 30 jin a semester?
There is also the Fruit Street at the East Gate. There are a variety of fruits. I want to buy and eat everything every time when I am dazzled.
The plain of Chengdu can be very natural and unrestrained when riding a bicycle. It seems that you have been used to seeing the endless plain at a glance.
This modest campus also hides my once pounding heart, holding hands with boys for the first time, hiding my tears, hiding the roses I collected, and hiding the figure waiting for me downstairs in my bedroom.
It's said that many students in Xicai failed to perform well in the Fudan University Entrance Examination. It seems that the rough statistics made by our teachers in class at the beginning of freshman year are indeed the same.
However, I would like to say that even if you regret stepping into this campus. But I think if you still regret when you step out of this campus, that is your real regret.

Viewpoint 3

Student quality and employment destination

The University of Finance and Economics benefited from the high score of the financial boom and received a batch of high-quality students. Everyone has a high starting point. There are many excellent students around, and there are many places worth learning from each other.
As a finance and economics college, most majors are finance and economics majors, and those who are not finance and economics majors will also move in the direction of finance and economics, so generally speaking, the employment and postgraduate entrance examination directions of each college are mainly finance and economics. The single professional atmosphere easily leads many students to follow the trend of economic and financial development. However, there is great competition in the financial field, and the employment threshold is very high. Generally, it requires a famous school background+graduate education, or internship in a famous enterprise. Therefore, most of the students who are employed in undergraduate courses are junior positions in banks and securities. Some have also gone to the consulting industry, and some have entered the accounting department of enterprises. Most of the students who take the postgraduate entrance examination pursue a famous school in Beijing and Shanghai. Students going abroad have a wide distribution of majors.
In addition, about 1/4 of the students around are native to Sichuan, so they are usually surrounded by Sichuan dialect. They can also learn a Sichuan dialect after four years of schooling.
Employment examples:
In terms of the major I know best, 30-50% of the students majoring in economic mathematics and my peers may choose to continue their studies. Among the students who choose to go abroad, some are studying in the United States, Britain, Australia and Japan. Some are still studying in famous universities in the United States, some have worked in the United States, and some have returned to work. Most of the students who study in Britain and Australia seem to have returned to China. Some of the students who chose to take the postgraduate entrance examination to ensure their postgraduate studies were recommended or admitted to the top schools in China, such as Peking University and Tsinghua University, and some of the students who failed in the postgraduate entrance examination chose to transfer to their own schools.
The work destination is mainly Sichuan and Shenzhen, Guangdong, with a small number going to Beijing and Shanghai.
I have also experienced the dilemma of going abroad or looking for a job directly after graduation. I can talk about my experience in these two aspects. Frankly speaking, it is difficult for the University of Finance and Economics to find internships in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Because it is impossible to interview in other places or many internships are mid - and long-term internships that require students to work while studying, many companies prefer to recruit local students. So the schools in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have the advantage of getting the month first. I temporarily decided not to go abroad (I didn't want to drift with the tide to study economics and finance, but I didn't think about my future life plan), so I began to look for internships. Fortunately, I found a full-time internship in Shanghai. I felt that the internship period was a major turning point in my life. It gave me an international working atmosphere, let me know some guidelines and methods for cooperation between colleagues, and most importantly, it made me think clearly what I wanted to do in the future. After the internship, there were jobs like market research and management trainee. At that time, they had basically given up financial jobs (the threshold for school background and experience was too high).

Many people who choose to study abroad still choose the financial field, but the direction of non-financial majors is easier to apply to good schools. The main reason is that the financial field is a field where people deal with a lot of people. It requires a high level of language, and the local people also like to study these majors. Therefore, these majors are highly competitive, and it is difficult for international students to apply. Those who prefer financial engineering have higher requirements for code ability. Many financial college students are still stuck in engineering ability, and few are majoring in metalworking. Accounting is relatively easy to apply for. Among the classmates, some applied to the field of political science related to economics, some applied to the field of statistical mathematics, and some continued to study in the direction of economics and finance. I always wanted to apply for the direction of economic metalworking in the first few years of college. After the end of the confusion period, I finally chose the direction of statistics. My experience in mathematical modeling and social research in college helped me a lot in my application.


Some answered that the University of Finance and Economics is an activity university, and students are busy with various activities. I agree or disagree with this statement. Every school will have many clubs and activities, where the people who value it can focus on it, and those who don't can ignore it. I have seen some schoolmates spend almost all their time on the establishment of AIESEC, making AIESEC from scratch to affordable; I have seen the excellent class cadres make a summer camp to communicate with MIT students during the summer vacation. Although the activity is small, it is a good opportunity for foreign exchange.
I spent a lot of time in mathematical modeling and national innovative experimental projects. One is the improvement of thinking and professional skills, which enabled me to cooperate with many smart students and spend several full and tense summer and winter vacations; One is the improvement of organization and research ability, which enables us to conduct in-depth research and interviews in earthquake stricken areas. I am very grateful for these large and small activities that I have invested a lot of time in preparing or watching as a participant, some of which have helped me to apply for internship and study abroad.
I can only say that it is true, but it is not serious, that the trend of seeking quick success and instant benefits and textual research is all the rage in the finance university. I've been to NPC before and feel the same way. There are good and bad customs. After all, there are many people who follow the trend. They can follow the trend without thinking. But I think that no matter what they do, as long as they think clearly and think independently, how the surrounding climate affects them is not great. A few years ago, I was influenced by some customs to pursue the financial craze, but after experiencing and thinking in a confused period, I decided to give up the original drift and do what I wanted to do. On the issue of the research craze, a teacher I admire - Ren Pin - repeatedly criticized the unconsidered trend of research for the sake of research in class, guiding everyone to think about what is the ultimate goal and what is the means. If you want to succeed in a certain field, you should not give up the essentials to pursue the means.
Sometimes some famous people will come to the school to give lectures, which must be full

Teaching quality

First of all, there are some excellent teachers in all aspects of the University of Finance and Economics who are tireless in putting education in a very important position. Each college will place the best teachers in the college. In order to ensure that all students in the college can choose, students of other majors are not allowed to choose the required courses of some popular teachers.
I'm glad that I am in the School of Economic Mathematics. Mathematics is a basic discipline taught by the best teachers. The basic thinking of mathematics and statistics has a great impact on me. Now I am most impressed by several teachers of mathematical analysis, advanced algebra, analytic geometry, probability theory and mathematical statistics. Sincerely thank you: Chen Xiaoping, the teacher of mathematical analysis, Liu Li, the teacher of advanced algebra, Sun Yunlong, the teacher of analytic geometry and my first teacher of mathematical modeling, Du Zhihan, the teacher of probability theory and mathematical statistics, and Dai Dai, the teacher of operational research.

The double degree class set up under the School of Economics and Mathematics can also minor in finance, accounting and insurance. Since it was the reform period, we were lucky to have some of the best teachers who could be selected from different majors without professional restrictions. These teachers also had a great impact on me, such as Zeng Zhiyuan, a teacher of macroeconomics, and a teacher of financial transactions and market structure.
In addition, the University of Finance and Economics is actively expanding the number of teachers with overseas backgrounds. Some teachers have brought in advanced teaching and research methods. The teacher Fang Hongyan who taught corporate finance seriously had a great influence on me.
At the University of Finance and Economics, I learned profound economic and mathematical ideas, as well as some commonly used tools and methods. There are a group of lovely people who teach technology and methodology. They usually work in school administration, but they also take some elective courses very well. The main introduction to Excel given by Mr. How Yu opened my eyes, letting me know that Office has so many new ideas, and that learning new skills is very useful and efficient in work. Mr. He also likes to communicate with his classmates. He used to communicate with him often and often asked him questions. Before graduation, he met Mr. He Yu, who gave me a book, so moved.

Official introduction

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education for the construction of the national "211 Project" and "985 Project" advantageous discipline innovation platform, and is also a pilot university for national education system reform.

The land of abundance is full of grace; Bashan Shushui, Juncai Xingchi. The school is located in the Chengdu Plain, with two campuses of Ctrip Guanghua and Liulin, covering an area of more than 2300 mu. It is a famous "garden school" with lakes, willows, trees, grass, and scholars.

The school started from Shanghai Guanghua University founded in 1925. On June 3, 1925, in the anti imperialist patriotic anger of the May 30th Movement, the patriotic teachers and students of St. John's University in Shanghai left the school and supported Mr. Zhang Shouyong to establish Guanghua University. The name of the university is taken from "The sun and the moon are shining, and the day is coming again" ("Qingyun Song"), which symbolizes the revolutionary spirit of reviving China and resisting imperialist slaughter and slavery. In 1938, Guanghua University moved from Shanghai to Chengdu in the war of resistance against Japan, and established Guanghua University Chengdu Branch. In 1946, it was renamed as private Chenghua University. In 1952, the private Chenghua University was changed into a public university, and was transferred to some colleges or departments to establish Sichuan University of Finance and Economics. By 1953, Sichuan University of Finance and Economics had gathered 17 financial departments in southwest China. In 1960, Sichuan University of Finance and Economics and Sichuan University of Science and Technology were set up respectively, and in 1961, they were merged and renamed Chengdu University. In 1978, it was restored to Sichuan University of Finance and Economics. In 1979, Sichuan Province was put under the charge of the People's Bank of China. In 1985, it was renamed Southwest University of Finance and Economics. In 1997, it became a national "211 Project" key construction university. In 2000, it was transferred to the Ministry of Education for management. In 2010, it became a pilot university for national education system reform. In 2011, it became a national "985 Project" advantageous discipline innovation platform construction university.

Huanhua in Huangpu is handed down from generation to generation. Southwestern University of Finance and Economics has always shared a common destiny with the nation and has formed a glorious revolutionary tradition and excellent cultural tradition; It has always made progress with the development of the times, helped the people by managing the world, and worked hard to make progress. It has written a meaningful chapter in the national economic take-off.

The school has more than 22600 full-time students, including 15800 ordinary full-time undergraduates; There are more than 5800 master students and 900 doctoral students. More than 700 long-term overseas students.

The university has four national key disciplines, namely, finance, political economy, accounting and statistics; 5 provincial key first level disciplines (covering 31 second level disciplines) and 4 provincial key second level disciplines; There are 5 first level disciplines (theoretical economics, applied economics, business administration, law, management science and engineering) authorized to grant doctoral degrees and 11 first level disciplines authorized to grant master's degrees; There are four post doctoral stations in theoretical economics, applied economics, business administration and management science and engineering; There are 57 doctoral degree training majors, 108 master's degree training majors (including 18 master's degrees), 33 undergraduate majors, 27 colleges (centers, departments) and other teaching units.

The school has a key research base of humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education, "China Financial Research Center", a national cultural quality education base for college students, a national training base for basic talents in economics, a national experimental teaching demonstration center, "Economic Management Experimental Teaching Center" and "Modern Financial Innovation Experimental Teaching Center" Sichuan Provincial Key Laboratory "Financial Intelligence and Financial Engineering Laboratory", as well as the Western China Economic Research Center and other teaching and research institutions.

The Economist sponsored by the university is a national outstanding journal of social sciences, and has been selected into the "Famous Journal Project of the Ministry of Education"; Financial Science is a national core economic journal. The library has more than 2 million books of literature, and is the largest financial literature center in southwest China.

The university adheres to the strategic theme of "quality first, connotative development", takes the reform and innovation of the educational system and mechanism as the main line of development, and the national pilot project of educational system reform as the focus of effort, earnestly changes the development mode, comprehensively improves the quality of education, and speeds up the construction of a high-level research-oriented university of finance and economics with distinctive characteristics.

Adhere to the road of characteristic development. The school has formed the school running characteristics with economics and management as the main body, finance as the focus, and multi-disciplinary coordinated development. It has trained a large number of outstanding talents for the national economic construction and social development. Among more than 150000 alumni, there are a large number of leading figures in the financial industry, known as the "Chinese financial talent pool". The university vigorously promotes the breakthrough of key disciplines, the leap of advantageous disciplines, the rise of supporting disciplines, and the cultivation of emerging disciplines, and strives to build a disciplinary ecosystem with distinctive characteristics, prominent advantages, reasonable structure, and vitality. The profound financial industry background, unique financial discipline advantages and outstanding influence in the financial industry are the significant signs of the school. It is a major strategic choice for the development of the university to take the road of characteristic development, build a university of finance and economics, highlight financial characteristics, focus on building a large financial discipline group, and focus on building a financial think tank in western China.

Adhere to the path of strengthening the school with talents. University gathers masters, and masters cast great things. In the magnificent course of the school, Hu Shi, Zhou Youguang, Qian Zhongshu, Xu Zhimo, Ye Shengtao, Xie Lin, Chen Baoyin and other masters have written and spoken here; Famous economists such as Peng Dixian, Li Xiaotong, Mei Yuanmou, Liu Hongkang, Yang Youzhi, Tang Xianglong, Wang Shuyun, Liu Shibai and Zeng Kanglin preached and taught here. In recent years, with the spirit and ambition of "the whole world is my territory, and the world scholars are my bosom friends", the school has taken extraordinary measures to attract talents from around the world. It has introduced more than 210 full-time overseas doctors, 9 specially appointed overseas presidents, and more than 200 specially appointed chair professors and course professors, forming a "clustering effect" of overseas talents. The school has more than 1380 full-time teachers, more than 250 professors, more than 490 associate professors, and more than 260 doctoral supervisors.

Adhere to the road of reform and innovation. In recent years, the school has set up a general education college to build a general education system with financial characteristics; Implement international innovative talents and Guanghua innovative talents training projects; Implementing classified cultivation of postgraduates and reform of cultivation mechanism; Implement the action plan of "deep and thorough transformation of curriculum teaching paradigm"; Focusing on the strategic goal of the university development, four university science and technology special zones are established with new mechanisms; Vigorously promote the comprehensive reform of internal management, improve the two-level management system of the school, and build a new personnel and distribution system; We will comprehensively strengthen and improve Party building and ideological and political work. These reform measures have effectively promoted the scientific development and leapfrog development of the school cause.

Adhere to the road of openness and internationalization. The school expands the channels of international exchange and cooperation in an all-round, deep level, wide range and multi-channel manner, and builds a large platform for international exchange and cooperation. We will introduce high-quality teaching resources such as "overseas famous teachers" and "high-level cultural and educational experts" to promote international cooperation in teaching and research. It has established extensive cooperative relations with nearly 100 well-known universities, financial institutions and well-known enterprises in nearly 30 countries and regions. Cooperate with global industry giants to establish a "financial service center" in cooperation with Oracle, a "China Insurance Accountant Training Center" in cooperation with Aviva, a British insurance company, a "financial laboratory" and other specialized educational institutions, and cooperate with Citibank, HSBC Standard Chartered Bank, ANZ Bank, Goldman Sachs, Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance, Sumitomo, etc. Robert A. Mundell, Robert F. Engle, Reinhatd Selten, James Mirrlees, Oliver Williamson and other Nobel laureates in economics visited our school first and then to carry out high-level, cutting-edge dialogues and discussions with teachers and students.

Xicai has made great strides along the way. Although it has withstood wind and rain, it is determined and brave to move forward. In this era of unlimited opportunities, leapfrog development and high competition, the people of Xicai stick to the university spirit of "managing the world, helping the people, and pursuing diligently", carry forward the school motto of "rigorous, diligent, practical, and pioneering", carry forward the fine tradition, always maintain the university ideal, and work together with one heart and forge ahead with a broader vision, a more open attitude, and more persistent efforts, We will accelerate the construction of a high-level research university of finance and economics with distinctive characteristics, and make new and greater contributions to the prosperity of the country, national rejuvenation, people's happiness, and social harmony.
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