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How about Wuhan University

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How about Wuhan University?


Wuhan University, referred to as "Wuhan University" for short, is a famous comprehensive research university in China and the earliest national university established in modern China. In 1893, Zhang Zhidong, governor of Huguang, announced that the Qing government had set up a school for self-improvement, which opened the prelude to modern Chinese higher education. In 1896, it changed its name to Dialect School. In 1913, it became one of the six national teachers colleges, the National Wuchang Normal University. In 1926, it changed its name to National Wuchang Sun Yat sen University. In 1928, it was named National Wuhan University, one of the four famous universities in the Republic of China. It was renamed in 1949. It has a history of 125 years.

Let's see how the students who are studying or have graduated from Wuhan University evaluate Wuhan University

Viewpoint 1

The dormitory is in Guiyuan from freshman to sophomore. I still remember the sweet smell of osmanthus when I registered in September, and clusters of yellow osmanthus flowers embellished a freshman's infinite reverie about school. Guiyuan is the old dormitory area in the school. When we were sophomores, several aunts came to our dormitory and said excitedly: "? (I don't remember) They lived here a few years ago. It's still the same here for decades. My adaptability to the harsh environment is fairly good, and I have no strong reaction to the dormitory with cement floor, upper and lower bunks, no air conditioning, no hot water, or even no cabinet. But my roommate cried loudly when he entered the dormitory - why is it so broken here. The girl wanted to go to Nantah University at that time. She felt the dormitory with such conditions and decided not to go to graduate school here. But the current four years still have to pass. In this way, as a northeasterner who is used to heating in the north, he wrapped himself like a zongzi in the winter of his freshman year. The two hand warmers alternately heated and used them. At night, he covered two layers of cotton quilts and was still frozen in the morning. He brushed the night before the summer vacation to review for the final exam. At three o'clock, he ran to take a cold bath. He dipped a towel in cold water and wiped the mat before sitting on the mat, It is also a kind of feeling for fish on the oven. But I have to admit that the geographical location of Guiyuan is really good. It is close to the fifth, third, fourth and library in class, and the canteen of Guiyuan is almost the best canteen in our department.
During the summer vacation of sophomore year, Guiyuan dormitory was demolished and rebuilt, and we moved to Hubin. There is hot water and air conditioning here. Out of Lingbo Gate is the rippling water of the East Lake. To get to the library, you need to go through the Science Building, Sakura Avenue, the Olympic Stadium and Jianhu Lake. It may be that the pressure of the course is much less, or it may be that I feel that I am about to graduate. When I was in my junior year and senior year, I wanted to experience the beauty of the campus. Despair Slope is an endless road. Looking from the bottom of the slope like the top of the slope, the plane trees on both sides of the road stand like guards. In summer, the leaves of the plane trees are green and dripping, and in autumn, they are as bright as gold. The tall and majestic Humanities Museum unfolds his broad mind and embraces every teacher and student of Wuhan University who pays homage to the Hall of Humanities. The Neo Confucianism Building and the Administration Building are facing each other across the Olympic Stadium. The sky is square and the earth is round, the south is round and the north is far away. Old Tu stands at the highest point of the campus, like a kind old man, watching us as children in the campus to spend our youth and pursue our dreams. Xintu is another masterpiece of Wuhan University. It provides us with spiritual food and extremely comfortable self-study environment. The learning atmosphere in Xintu is extremely strong at the end of the semester and during the postgraduate entrance examination. On the 120th anniversary of the University of Wuhan, the campus has taken on a new look. While lamenting the new look, we will not forget the Goya coffee and cherry pudding that contain too many memories.

Viewpoint 2

campus life
When I moved into Maple 14 two years ago, I couldn't remember the direction of the school gate. After a year of construction for the school anniversary, the school finally recovered from the dusty construction site. The rich vegetation left by Mr. Ye Jacob is one of the most valuable treasures of Wuhan University. A thick copy of Luojia Mountain Botanical Illustrated Book can not cover all kinds of flowers, plants and birds here. There are always lovers sitting in the sun on the Jiaowu Lawn. The Olympic Stadium is beautiful in the sun. The windows of the Science Building 103 are very retro. Walking around the East Lake in the wind will feel extremely cool. Yingding is a favorite of tourists, but we will be exhausted from climbing stairs before class in several hospitals. One cool night, you must watch a play in the dilapidated Yingding Grand Hotel. It's said that there was also an emotional cafe called Goya over there. The library is probably the most university like place. Don't go to review week and pick a book at random. The sofa is so soft that everyone wants to fall into it.
The school is convenient to eat, drink and play. The glutinous rice and fried dough sticks in the school food market are on the Wuhan food list. It is said that the mahjong table in East Lake New Village is also very popular. Love is a must. It would be best if we could take graduation photos together at the Olympic Stadium. The ways to know the object include classmates, clubs, social networks, various social activities and campus encounters (in the film). The advertisements can be by the East Lake, or after the Mei Cao film. It's also good to shout for buildings and light wax. Students' associations are various and free to choose. Interest type can find like-minded friends, but there are many homogenization, and the impact is small after all. Bureaucracy and shadiness will also exist in school level organizations that have real power and can guarantee research. International associations such as Essek and Molian generally have insufficient influence in Wuhan University. I don't know why there is not much market for drama in such a literary and artistic place.
As a comprehensive university, there are too many differences between the departments of Wuhan University, so someone in the answer will say, "Everyone is just talking about their own learning experience.". When a school of the Engineering Department gathered on the playground at more than 6:00 every day for running exercises, accepted the roll call from the instructor, and sometimes held a red song singing contest, students of a liberal arts department were still asleep, and might not recognize the whole class for a year. Some college students go to take seats for professional courses in the afternoon, and some college professional classes have less than one-third seats. Students from different departments met in the club and formed a new circle of friends. It is these differences and diversity that make this 5166 mu university unique.
The diversity of public elective courses is a major feature of Wuhan University. From 6 fields at our level to 12 fields after the reform in 2013, hundreds of courses can be chosen at will. In addition, there are interdisciplinary, college and department elective courses, and dual degree courses of seven universities in Wuhan. Many people talk about lesson water, but I still think personal efforts account for a large proportion. If you spare no effort in selecting courses just to find the ones that do not call names, give high marks and mixed credits, the return may be proportional to the effort.
It may be related to the geographical location of Wuhan. In general, the international exchanges of the school are not close, and the opportunities for foreign exchange and learning are limited. Kunshan Duke, a joint venture with Duke University, has little influence on our students. The flexible credit exchange rules of Tsinghua University and Peking University also make some exchange students suffer.
There are good and bad teacher teams. The most popular teachers are those who have personality, give marks carefully and are not bad. Bad teachers don't mean bad people. Maybe they are not good at teaching, or they don't pay attention, or they are unwilling to keep pace with the times. On the whole, teachers' social influence is limited. In particular, the once proud liberal arts are obviously lacking in re internationalization.
administrative system
If I had not been a school media reporter, I would not have contacted with the Ministry of Academic Affairs (now the undergraduate school), the Infrastructure Department, the Logistics Group, the Security Department, the School Work Department, and the President's Office for about four years. Some departments closely related to students' life will have a strong sense of service, while some departments feel that students are just the party accepting management, so they don't need to ask for advice before making decisions, because students only need to cooperate. This was the case with the "tuition arrears" that had been so popular before. The administrative department of the school has various common problems in the national administrative system: low efficiency, lazy prevarication, image engineering, poor service awareness and open awareness. Somehow, when they appear as individuals, they are friendly and approachable. But in a certain position, it seems that there is a layer of diaphragm. On the other hand, it seems that the civic awareness of students is not as prominent as that of coastal areas.

On the whole, Wuhan University is like Wuhan and the awkward position of this city. On the one hand, it is tolerant and free, on the other hand, it is vulgar and conservative, and sometimes it is less angular. But for everyone who has the opportunity to study, this experience must be unique.

Viewpoint 3
1. Scenery of Wuhan University
Wuhan University is one of the most beautiful universities in China. In fact, one of the most common introductions made by Lord Wu is to remove it, so as to avoid unnecessary disputes. Let's add it here.
The beauty of Wuhan University lies in its natural decoration, as if it had settled down over a hundred years ago (although it was designed by various masters when it was founded, I will talk about it later). It has not changed for a long time. This kind of beauty is not something you can achieve by spending money to build several beautiful buildings, planting some valuable trees, and planning several gardens.
At the end of the scenery, the "Four Scenes of Wuhan University" developed by the students of Wuhan University is a little ironic. The gate looks at the sea, the Yanbo Cult 5, the Guiyuan Waterfall and the walking on the water. Now we can't see the sea at the gate and the walking on the water. "Lingbo" refers to the Lingbo Gate of Wuhan University. The scene is just outside the Lingbo Gate, and it is named because it looks like walking on the water.
I would like to say that there are not so many excellent photographers in Wuhan University, and there are not so many photos that Wuhan University students are proud of. I really thank them very much, including the Photography Association and Luojia Mountain. Without them to shoot Zaoyura at 5 o'clock in the morning, without them running around in the huge campus, without them climbing up and down to find unknown corners, there would not be so many pictures about Lord Wu and Jing. Thanks also to Yun Zi Zhai for the newly produced postcard of the 24th solar terms of Wuhan University, which is the first in China!
2. Teaching environment of Wuhan University
To put it bluntly, it is more than enough. After headmaster Xiaohong came, she made great progress.
Anyway, it's 985 and 211. It's said that it's the fifth time to celebrate the school. In fact, Lord Wu doesn't take it seriously. We still can't compete with the people like those who resumed diplomatic relations in the Northern Qing Dynasty (put you in Wuhan to try). There are too many opportunities and too many contacts.
As for the environment, it has been 120 years. The environment must not be very good. It is too old for too long. Except for the new map and the newly built hospital offices, it is not very good. However, everything in the dormitory is equipped with hot water air conditioners, and the facilities in the classroom are complete.
Academically, adhering to the school motto of "self-improvement, perseverance, truth and innovation", most colleges and departments rely on self-consciousness in learning. With the special geographical location, the echelon is clearly divided. The school gods are still very good. It is said that this year, two younger brothers and sisters of metalworking (who are still lovers!) applied for the financial project of CMU and had to kneel down. Ivy comes every year, especially this year. My loser can only talk about the situation of management, which can't be compared with an academy and an academy and an academy that attach great importance to learning. If you study hard, you should study hard for the exam. Generally, there is no problem for those who go abroad to apply for 30 places in North America. If they guarantee their research, they can go to many places in the Northern Qing Dynasty every year. As for work, it's just to see if you can help at home. If you only look for yourself and have prepared internships and rich resumes a year or two in advance, provincial branches should still be able to do so.
3. All activities of Wuhan University.
Many people have said about the activities of Wuhan University before, and I would like to make a supplement here.
First of all, there are basically two official large-scale activity seasons. One is the autumn "Golden Autumn Art Festival". The main activities are school level model contest, dance contest, chorus contest, sitcom contest, debate contest and recitation contest.
This is a great event that new students should never miss. Especially the model contest and dance contest were very shocking (that is, there were many beautiful girls). After so many years of competition holding experience, it has become very mature, and the level of each strong hospital is also constantly improving, which can make you happy and quickly integrate into the atmosphere of Wuhan University.
The second is the sports events in the second semester. Torch Cup volleyball match, Tengfei Cup basketball match (now called cement killer...) and football match seem to be held in the first semester and sometimes both semesters. Sports events highlight a passion, and the game is also very exciting. Falling in love with an event can not only enrich your after-school life, but also let you know a group of brothers, brothers for life.
The other competition activities are various literary and art competitions and debate competitions in Wuhan University.
The debate in Wuhan University has always had a strong atmosphere. When the debate teams of each academy recruit new members, they also want to join. In particular, some of the contestants who just won the championship of the International Junior College Debates, such as Peng Feiyu, Guo Biao, Chen Ming, are extremely charismatic, and have once again rekindled the enthusiasm of many students in Wuhan University. The annual Debates are also brilliant. I am usually too slow to keep up with the attack and defense of the candidates.
There are all kinds of "Top Ten" in Wuhan University, including Top Ten Singers, Top Ten Dancers, Top Ten Hosts, Top Ten Students in Luojia, etc. You can feel that Wuhan University is worthy of being a comprehensive school, and the level of all kinds of competitions is very high. Having seen the Top Ten Singers for several times, it seems that Wuhan University has become a brain damaged fan for all kinds of people. In addition, the original music association of Wuhan University is also very good. How many graduates cried when singing a group photo.
The next step is to show a movie in Mei Cao every Friday, which is the favorite place for couples to go except Valentine's Slope and Li Da Garden. As graduation season approaches, people often say that it has been three years in a row. It seems that the audience has been deeply moved.
4. Finally, I will answer the question of the anonymous user.
The characteristics of Wuhan University are unique. It has eight words: self-improvement, perseverance, truth seeking and innovation.
No wonder I am a little disappointed with Wuhan University after reading these words.
Of course, the important thing is Self-improvement and Hony
Self-improvement, before being free, of course, means self and freedom.
The biggest characteristic of Wuhan University is reflected in the first word of the school motto, freedom. I have never heard of someone saying that Wuhan University is strict in academic research, but it never lacks all kinds of talents. The reason is this freedom. The school collects tuition fees and provides you with all the conditions and facilities that can meet your needs, but no one forces you to use them. Maybe in other schools, everyone goes to the library to study, applies for internships, and applies for Ivy League with GRE.
Some people here are talking about getting out early and coming back late for the DSLR. Some people are practicing dancing in the dance hall when they have nothing to do. Some people are busy in the student union. Some people are DOTA in the dormitory every day, and some people are playing cards every night. Some people are going to ask. Every university has this. Yes, but what you see in Wuhan University are all free souls without any shackles. They often do not attend classes, never go to the library, and never kiss up to teachers from front to back. It seems that social pressure is blocked by the freedom of Wuhan University, its buildings, and its trees. As the answer above says, they are in the downtown but remain unmoved, It's Da Yin, it's Da Cheng.
Self improvement means freedom, self-confidence and strength. Here, you may not have access to top scholars, top companies, and top jobs, but you can find your own soul here. Not as the principal of Peking University worried, afraid that students could not find their own good, busy life. At Wuhan University, we spent 4 years or more to find ourselves, and will continue to walk unswervingly in the future. We found our dream and learned how to defend it. This is Hongyi.

Official introduction

There are many mountains in the city, and Luojia is unique; There is a school on the mountain, Wuhan University.

Wuhan University is a key comprehensive university directly under the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and a key university under the national "985 Project" and "211 Project".

Wuhan University dates back to the self-improvement school founded by the Qing government at the request of Zhang Zhidong, Governor of Huguang in the late Qing Dynasty in 1893. After passing on and evolving, it was named National Wuhan University in 1928, which was the first batch of national universities in modern China. In 1946, the school has formed a school running pattern in which six colleges of literature, law, science, engineering, agriculture and medicine keep abreast. After the founding of New China, Wuhan University was highly valued by the Party and the government. In 1958, Chairman Mao Zedong visited Wuhan University in person. In 1993, on the occasion of the centennial anniversary of Wuhan University, Jiang Zemin and other party and state leaders wrote an inscription of congratulations. Since the reform and opening up, Wuhan University has taken the lead in carrying out education and teaching reform among domestic colleges and universities. Various undertakings have flourished and the overall strength has risen significantly. In 1999, the world authoritative journal Science listed Wuhan University as "one of the most outstanding universities in China". In 2000, Wuhan University merged with Wuhan University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Wuhan University of Surveying and Mapping Technology, and Hubei Medical University to form a new Wuhan University, opening a new page in the reform and development of the university. Over the past decade, the comprehensive strength and core competitiveness of the university have been continuously improved. In 2015, the university ranked 273rd in the QS World University Ranking.

Looking back on the past, we have worked hard and worked hard to achieve success. On Luojia Mountain, Zhou Enlai, Dong Biwu, Chen Tanqiu, and Luo Ronghuan once gave advice here; Gu Hongming, Zhu Kezhen, Li Siguang, Wen Yiduo, Yu Dafu, Ye Shengtao, Li Da and others have encouraged writing here. For more than a hundred years, Wuhan University has gathered many wonderful chapters in the modern and contemporary history of the Chinese nation, formed a fine revolutionary tradition, accumulated a profound humanistic heritage, and cultivated the university spirit of "self-improvement, perseverance, truth seeking, and innovation".

Wuhan University is surrounded by the East Lake and surrounded by Luojia Mountain. With beautiful campus environment and picturesque scenery, it is known as "the most beautiful university in China". The school covers an area of 5187 mu, with a construction area of 2.68 million square meters. The Chinese and Western palace style buildings are simple, elegant and magnificent. 26 early buildings are listed as "National Key Cultural Relics Protection Units".

Wuhan University has a complete range of disciplines with strong comprehensiveness and distinctive characteristics, covering 12 disciplines including philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, management, art, etc. The school has 35 colleges (departments) in six university departments of humanities, social sciences, science, engineering, information science and medicine. There are 122 undergraduate majors. Five first level disciplines were identified as national key disciplines, covering 29 second level disciplines, and 17 second level disciplines were identified as national key disciplines. Six disciplines are national key (cultivation) disciplines. 44 first level disciplines have the right to confer doctoral degrees. 58 first level disciplines have the right to confer master's degrees. There are 42 mobile postdoctoral stations. There are three Grade III Grade A affiliated hospitals.

Wuhan University has a galaxy of famous teachers and talents. The school has more than 3700 full-time teachers, including more than 2700 professors and associate professors, 9 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 8 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 3 academicians of the Eurasian Academy of Sciences, 10 senior professors of humanities and social sciences, 22 chief scientists of the "973 Program" (including the National Major Basic Research Program), 6 experts in the field of the "863 Program", 5 national innovation research groups 47 winners of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and 15 national famous teachers.

Wuhan University has strong scientific research strength and outstanding achievements. The university has 5 national key laboratories, 2 national engineering technology research centers, 2 national field science observation stations, 9 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education and 5 engineering research centers of the Ministry of Education; It also has 7 key research bases for humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education, 10 national basic science research and talent training bases, 9 national experimental teaching demonstration centers, 3 national virtual simulation experimental teaching centers and 1 national cultural quality education base for college students. 30 professional journals are published regularly.

Since 2000, the university has won 69 National Natural Science Awards, National Invention Awards and National Science and Technology Progress Awards, Both the number of SCI papers and the number of projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China are among the top universities in China, and the number of winners in the selection of outstanding achievements in humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education ranks among the top three universities in China. The projects of the National Social Science Foundation and the social science projects of the Ministry of Education rank among the top universities in China, and dozens of achievements have won the National "Five Ones" Project Award, the National Book Award, and the China Book Award. The school has won the Outstanding Product Award (Transaction Award) and Outstanding Organization Award of Shenzhen International High tech Achievements Fair for more than 10 consecutive times.

Wuhan University has actively used its advantages in science and technology and intellectual resources to carry out multi-level and multi field cooperation with enterprises and scientific research institutions through the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, jointly built a platform for the development of high-tech industries, and jointly founded more than 70 high-tech enterprises, which has achieved good social and economic benefits, It also promotes the development of the school.

The school has participated in the scientific research and engineering construction of the Three Gorges Project, the South to North Water Diversion Project, the West to East Power Transmission Project and other national key projects, and has continuously made new breakthroughs in the scientific investigation of the North and South Poles, the prevention and control of major infectious diseases and other scientific and technological breakthroughs Applied scientific and technological achievements such as GPS global satellite positioning and navigation, high-performance hybrid battery, etc. not only have significant scientific and theoretical value, but also have produced huge social and economic benefits.

Experts and scholars in humanities and social sciences have given full play to the role of "think tanks" and "think tanks", actively explored major theoretical and practical issues related to national economic construction, social development and human progress, and achieved a number of scientific research achievements with great theoretical significance and application value, providing strong theoretical guarantee and intellectual support for national economic construction and social development.

Seeking knowledge is in Wuhan University, and becoming a talent is in Luojia. Wuhan University took the lead in putting forward the new concept of "creation, innovation, entrepreneurship" education, cultivating "thick foundation, wide caliber, high-quality, innovative" compound talents, and actively exploring the talent training model to adapt to economic and social development. At present, the university has 31086 general undergraduate students, 16426 master students, 6785 doctoral students and 1838 foreign students. Since its establishment, the university has trained more than 400000 senior professionals of all kinds, including more than 100 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences alone, making important contributions to national construction and social progress.

The impressive high level of school running achievements have won Wuhan University a wide international reputation. International exchanges and cooperation are increasingly frequent. The University has established cooperative relations with 415 universities and scientific research institutions in 45 countries and regions.

Inherit the glory of a hundred years and fully display the style of famous schools. In the face of new development opportunities and challenges, Wuhan University, guided by the Scientific Outlook on Development, has formulated the overall goal of building a world-class university with Chinese characteristics, defined the development orientation of building a comprehensive, research-oriented and international university, and is committed to promoting the coordinated development of scholars, disciplines, academics, style of study, and students, Continuously improve the comprehensive strength and core competitiveness of the school. All work is developing in a stable way and advancing in innovation. The school as a whole presents a new situation of rapid development.

More than 100 years of wind and rain, more than 100 years of tempering, more than 100 years of glory. Wuhan University is full of confidence and striding towards a better future!
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