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How about Tongji University?


Tongji University originated from German Medical School in 1907 and was named Tongji University in 1923. Tongji Medical University in Wuhan (now incorporated into Huazhong University of Science and Technology) and Tongji University are of the same origin. Tongji University's motto "work together in the same boat" is unique among the top universities in China, and its logo is also a picture of working together in the same boat.
Tongji University is a typical engineering school with a very down-to-earth style of study. Employers in Shanghai usually give a thumbs up to Tongji graduates and praise them for being down-to-earth and hardworking. When it comes to Tongji University, the strong majors that pop up in the minds of ordinary people are generally civil engineering, transportation engineering, vehicle engineering, architecture, marine science, environmental science and engineering, and German. They are also the name cards of Tongji University.
This university really pays too much attention to advantageous disciplines, which leads to the unbalanced development of disciplines. This is a disadvantage in the current ranking based on scale. In recent years, it has slightly increased by 2 or 3 places. However, there are many advantageous disciplines. Civil engineering, construction, automobile, environment, marine German surveying and mapping machine computers are all good. I don't agree with the grade of East China Science and Technology. You can check the scores, In the Yangtze River Delta, especially in Shanghai, the scores are comparable to those of Zhejiang University and South University, and there is a clear gap between them. The examinee is not a fool, but can afford your scores if you want to work abroad. If you want to be a student bully and engage in scientific research, it is really not suitable, generally like this

At present, Tongji University has four campuses: Siping Road, Jiading, Huxi and Hubei. Only Siping Road and Jiading are related to undergraduates. Siping Road is an old campus with a relatively small area and many old buildings. Jiading is a new campus with a larger area and more complete hardware facilities.

1. The transportation is extremely convenient, which kills Fudan very quickly. The reason is very simple. Tongji's civil engineering Niu X. At that time, the line 10 passing Tongji University should be the result of hard work, and then all the projects at the exit of Tongji University on the line 10 were constructed by Tongji University (I talked with the head of the Civil Engineering Department about whether it was supervision or construction, or some of them could not remember clearly), The three tall glass buildings at the entrance of Tongji are Tongji's industry (one is a comprehensive building, one is used for office buildings, and the other is the Tang Dynasty of Kengdai), so these are all planned together during the construction of Line 10. So you can take the subway at the gate of the school. It's good news for people like me who like to play everywhere. Fudan is not so lucky. The main entrance is 2km away from the subway, not to mention their dormitory area.

2. Good learning atmosphere. Although there are no readers everywhere in the school, the learning atmosphere is strong and students work very hard. Take Lizi for example, there are still people doing experiments in my medical school two days in the evening. Someone came to do experiments at 7-8 o'clock in the morning. The morning is 9 to 11, seven days a week. It's just normal working hours. Then we often joke that there are only two buildings lit up at midnight, civil engineering and medicine. The former is still drawing pictures (can't you see that the printing shop at the gate of Chifeng Road is open 24 hours~~), and the latter is still doing experiments~~~~There are a large number of academic reports and academic exchange activities. The 11th floor of the medical school is basically once a week, not necessarily Daniel, but it is no problem to say that it is Xiaoniu~~~So, in Tongji, there are enough resources, as long as you are willing to use them.

3. Good attitude towards students. Maybe I think Tongji's love for students should be among the top in universities across the country. We can't compare Tongji with the abnormal Chinese Academy of Sciences, It can be considered that students choose teachers, and their tolerance towards students is reflected here. First, there are fewer students and more teachers, so it is necessary to offer good prices to compete with students. Secondly, students have a rotation period of about one month, so they can go to the teacher's laboratory of their choice to experience it for a period of time. Finally, if there is conflict with the teacher for various reasons, you want to change? Yes, the graduate school will not give the order to go away easily~I will definitely find a way to put you under the teacher's hand. This condition does not sound particularly good, but it is subtle and will be directly reflected in the work efficiency and working methods. For example, a senior brother of mine worked on a project. The whole project was designed by the big boss, the small boss and him. The big boss said, "Don't save me money, this is not your concern."~~~~~

4. Living conditions. I only know what accommodation conditions are for postgraduates and doctoral students, which is similar to that of Fudan. Everyone has one suite, two people or one room for one person. The scale is almost the same. It's about 10 square meters for two people. Then share a living room like this. The accommodation conditions are not good or bad. There are 4 canteens on Siping Road Campus in Tongji, but this can not ease the difficulty of grabbing food. Basically, it is normal to go to the school for dinner and queue up to take a picture of dozens of people. So basically all people hold their mobile phones. It seems that there will be a reception task in a few days. A large wave of primary school students, middle school students and parents will come, and the already not very comfortable dining environment will become more crowded. Then because of the large number of people, the canteen's supply time is very short. Basically, there will be no food after 6:00 p.m., and there will be no food for lunch around 12:00 p.m. This is troublesome. And near Tongji, there are very few Kengdai stores!!!! I once wanted to finish porridge at 9 o'clock in the evening, but I ran out of two blocks before drinking. This is incomparable with the living conditions of Fudan. The life in Fudan Back Street can only be described as extravagance~~~Cafes, entrepreneurship street~Maokong and other petty bourgeoisie shops are everywhere~~~~Tongji can never match the richness of life in any way. So it gave birth to a feature of Tongji Special Niu X, black material!!!!!! At night, there are dozens of black wagons at the gate of Chifeng Road, and you will die!!! Recently, an order app has appeared ferociously! What a mess!!! I really admire the students who made this APP!!!

5. School environment. Considering that I am a southerner through and through, and have never been to Tsinghua University or Peking University, the old campus of Tongji is by far the best laid out school I have ever seen (the new campus can't be said to be bad, at least a few buildings are very imposing. But with the new development, all the east and west have no time to settle down, so there is not enough inside information). As you can see, teachers and students in civil engineering or planning have spent a lot of effort. The old campus is small, but the layout is compact and does not seem crowded. Each house is decorated in a very emotional manner. For example, the express glass room and the student union gathering area are equipped with a full wooden floor, a sunken square, and a large screen (I saw Shawshank Redemption in front of this screen, which is almost more than IMAX). It's very nice to step on it. The city planning building is even better. There is a white piano on the first floor, and PLJJ often comes to play a song. On the second floor, many students' works are put, which is very interesting. Here, I have to complain about the "sinister intentions" of the city planning building. I have observed that many people will go to the wrong toilet when I first run to the city planning building.... It means that men enter the women's room and women enter the men's room... Why? Because the sign of men's toilets in other places of Tongji is green!!! Only the sign of the male toilet in the city planning building of the pit father is red, and the sign of the female toilet is green!!! Do you think it can not be wrong!!!!!!
There are other designs, such as the Hanging Garden in the complex building (a platform is hooked up with steel cables on the top floor, which is very impressive~~because the top floor is glass and has good light transmission, which is a good place for dating, taking photos and self-study), and the small garden in front of Sanhao Dock (there are several tables in the bamboo forest~very suitable for playing mahjong~~~), and then talk about a funny thing!!! Next to the canteen of Sanhao Dock is the foreign students' dormitory. The glass door of the foreign students' dormitory is decorated with the words "I S B N O 1". In Tongji, we can see that many old buildings are well used and well protected by Tongji people. The art of construction is very good, such as the Parthenocissus, which is full of administrative buildings, and the two new library collections. The design is very ingenious. The hall on the first floor of the library is very three-dimensional, and the space design is good. It is large and does not appear empty. Here is a small secret script for you. Jiaochao's Coke is 2.2 cans~~~while the Coke from the vending machine in the old teaching building is only 2 yuan~special ice!!!!
In fact, I just want to say that Tongji people have spent a lot of time in the old campus, and there are many ingenious places in the design. Take the dating place as an example, I can easily list 10~~~to mention some small places that take care of, too many.

6. Communication circle. Unfortunately, Tongji is not very popular among Shanghai people. Another time when I went out to play, I said I was studying in Tongji. The first reaction of others was, "Are you a geek?"?? Ten thousand grass mud horses galloped by. In Shanghai, Jiaotong University and Fudan University are taller. Tongji doesn't know why they don't look up to Shanghai people. However, even so, Tongji still has one of the top alumni circles in Shanghai. When I was out, I met someone who said he was from Tongji and 80% of them were civil engineers. The senior brothers and sisters in civil engineering don't necessarily have to be professional, so they radiate a huge alumni circle. Not to be underestimated. Secondly, Tongji is one of the top universities in China. No matter what, it can greatly improve students' vision and communication scope. In fact, various entrepreneurial incubation bases, associations and interest groups provide a very good platform for everyone.


Official introduction

Tongji University is a university directly under the Ministry of Education under the key construction of the National "985 Project" and "211 Project". During the more than 100 years of school running, Tongji University has always paid attention to the balanced development of four major functions of talent training, scientific research, social services, and cultural inheritance and innovation, and its comprehensive strength ranks among the top domestic universities.

The predecessor of Tongji University was the German Medical School founded by German doctor Erich Bollong in Shanghai in 1907, which was renamed Tongji German Medical School the following year. In 1912, it was merged with the soon established Tongji German Culture and Industry School and renamed as Tongji German Medicine and Industry School. It was officially named University in 1923. In 1927, it became National Tongji University, one of the first seven national universities in China.

After the outbreak of the Anti Japanese War in 1937, Tongji University moved to Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places after six times of relocation. In 1940, it moved to the ancient town of Lizhuang in Yibin, Sichuan, and insisted on running a school. After moving back to Shanghai in 1946, it developed into a comprehensive university famous for five colleges of science, engineering, medicine, literature and law.

In 1952, the faculty was adjusted, and Tongji University's original advantageous disciplines, such as medicine, science, literature, law, surveying and mapping, electromechanical, shipbuilding, etc., either supported other universities or moved to the mainland as a whole. At the same time, the civil construction related disciplines of more than 10 universities in China have gathered together, making it the largest engineering university with the most complete disciplines in the civil construction field in China.

After 1978, the university implemented "two transformations" - resuming the transformation of exchanges with Germany to an international university and the transformation from a civil engineering university to a science and engineering university.

In 1995, it was jointly built by the Ministry of Education and Shanghai Municipality. In 1996, Shanghai Institute of Urban Construction and Shanghai Institute of Building Materials Industry were incorporated. In 2000, it merged with Shanghai Railway University to form a new Tongji University. In 2003, Shanghai Aviation Industrial School was under the management of Tongji University. In 2004, it was listed as a university directly under the Central Organization Department.

Tongji University has developed into a comprehensive, research-oriented and international university with distinctive characteristics and international influence since its establishment in 2007. In 2013, the university put forward the goal vision of "building a world-class university guided by sustainable development".

Tongji University has always regarded the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents as its lofty mission and responsibility, and has established a talent training model of "knowledge, ability and personality". It strives to make every student have five comprehensive characteristics of "solid foundation, practical ability, innovative thinking, international vision and social responsibility" after learning and edifying in the university stage, Become a professional elite and social pillar leading sustainable development. Since its establishment, it has cultivated more than 300000 graduates, and has produced a large number of outstanding politicians, scientists, educators, social activists, entrepreneurs, medical experts and engineering experts. More than 140 alumni were elected as academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Tongji University has built the world's largest "multi-functional vibration experiment center", the first "ground transportation wind tunnel center" in China, the first "urban rail transit comprehensive test platform" in China, the first "seabed observation and research experimental base" and other major scientific research platforms. It has successively undertaken a series of national major special projects and major engineering scientific research, and has made landmark scientific research achievements in key technologies of long-span bridges, structural earthquake resistance and disaster prevention technologies, urban traffic intelligent guidance, urban sewage treatment, new energy vehicle research and development, domestic intelligent greenhouse, ocean drilling, molecular genetics of atrial fibrillation, etc.

Adhering to the fine tradition of "going with the motherland and benefiting the world through science and education", the school has long focused on giving play to the spillover effect of advantageous disciplines and basic research, constantly expanding the forms and fields of social services, actively contributing to national and local social construction and development, and providing domestic bridges and tunnels, railways and urban rail transit, water environment management, earthquake relief, Yangshan deepwater port Shanghai World Expo, Chongming Ecological Island, new energy vehicles and other major strategic needs provide strong scientific and technological support. The school and the local government jointly promoted the construction of the "Tongji Knowledge Economy Circle", with the output value growing from less than 3 billion yuan in 2005 to 30.5 billion yuan in 2015, creating a model model of "three district integration and coordinated development" school local cooperation.

The university has actively expanded international cooperation. On the basis of cooperation with Germany, it has developed into a layout centered on cooperation with Europe, expanding North America and radiating to Asia and Africa. It has successively established eight international cooperation platform colleges, including China Germany, China France, China Italy, China Finland, China and the West, and the United Nations. It has signed cooperation agreements with more than 200 overseas universities and signed cooperation agreements with Volkswagen, Siemens Bayer, IBM and many other multinational enterprises have jointly built research centers. The university has successively initiated the establishment of the "China Green University Alliance" and the "International Green Campus Alliance" and served as the first chairman. It was elected as the chairman of the United Nations Environment Programme Global Environment and Sustainable Development University Cooperation Alliance. It is the first university in the Asia Pacific region to be awarded the "Global Sustainable Campus Excellence Award".

As of December 2015, Tongji University has 38 colleges (departments) and secondary schools, 7 affiliated hospitals and 6 affiliated primary and secondary schools. There are four campuses, including Siping Road, Jiading, Huxi and Hubei, covering an area of 2.56 square kilometers, with a total building area of 1717235 square meters and a total library collection of more than 4.467 million books.

The university has 17474 full-time undergraduate students, 13812 master students and 4524 doctoral students. There are also 3814 foreign students. There are 2770 full-time teachers, including 930 senior professional and technical officers, 9 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 8 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (including 1 foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering), 2 academicians of the Third World Academy of Sciences, 1 foreign academician of the American Academy of Engineering, and 1 foreign academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering. 39 "QR" scholars from the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the CPC, 33 distinguished (lecture) professors from the "Yangtze River Plan" of the Ministry of Education, 23 chief scientists (including the National Major Basic Research Program) from the "973 Program", 38 winners of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, and 5 national famous teachers. There are 5 innovation groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 7 innovation teams of the Ministry of Education, and 6 national teaching teams.

Disciplines cover 10 categories, including engineering, science, medicine, management, economics, philosophy, literature, law, education and art. At present, there are 76 undergraduate enrollment majors (50 majors are enrolled in 17 major categories), 54 first level disciplines, 17 professional master's degree authorization points, 26 engineering master's degree authorization fields, 31 first level disciplines, 3 professional doctor's degree authorization points, and 25 post doctoral mobile stations. Among them, there are 3 national first level key disciplines, 7 national second level key disciplines, 3 national second level key disciplines (cultivation), and 17 first-class disciplines in Shanghai universities. It has 3 national key laboratories, 1 national engineering laboratory, 1 national collaborative innovation center, 5 national engineering (technology) research centers, and 28 provincial and ministerial key laboratories and engineering (technology) research centers.

"One heart, one virtue, one boat, one boat, and one boat". Today's Tongji University is full of pride, and is working hard towards the goal of "building a world-class university guided by sustainable development"!
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  • Mailing address: Ground Floor, Rui'an Building, No. 1239, Siping Road, Shanghai
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