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East China Normal University
East China Normal University graduate school Graduate Enrollment Network Asia Europe Business School Institute of Statistical Cross Science Chongming Ecological Research Institute School of Data Science and Engineering Shanghai Digital Education Equipment Engineering Technology Research Center International and Comparative Education Institute Shanghai Special Education Resource Center School of Statistics School of Communication and Electronic Engineering College of Computer Science and Technology Institute of Basic Education Reform and Development Department of Education Department of Educational Information Technology Department of Education Management Department of Educational Psychology College of Geographical Sciences Higher Education Research Institute China Institute of Finance Examination and Evaluation Institute Estuary and Coastal Research Institute Institute of Higher Education Institute of Curriculum and Teaching Department of Curriculum and Teaching National Institute of Education Macro Policy Training Center for Middle School Principals of the Ministry of Education Professional Degree Education Center College of Ecology and Environmental Sciences School of Software Engineering State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Department of Education and Rehabilitation Shanghai M&A Finance Research Institute Shanghai Institute of Lifelong Education Open Education College Shanghai Teachers Development College Department of Special Education School of Urban and Regional Sciences Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education National Key Research Base for Textbook Construction (Vocational Education Textbook Construction and Management Policy) School of Teacher Education "Intelligent+" Research Institute

How about East China Normal University

 Emblem of East China Normal University

How about East China Normal University?

Viewpoint 1

1. Like other schools, this school has a lot of public problems

The reason why we take logistics as an example and start shooting is that logistics is the most criticized by students. Logistics is responsible for food, housing, bathing and school bus. However, the overall quality and sense of responsibility of the logistics backstage group are not worth mentioning. However, most of the people at the logistics front desk, such as the housekeeper, cleaning aunt and canteen aunt, are very nice. They often leave a good impression when they contact with students directly. There are too many logistics slots, but students' poor comments do not affect the salaries of these people.
Of course, other departments have a lot of shit. For example, if a school club wants to borrow a venue for an activity, it doesn't need to pay for it. The formalities need a lot of money. It's often impossible to get it done after running around. It's a typical public face. But another relatively clear fact is that some things cannot be blamed on people or the system, but there is no way. For example, financial related issues must be clarified to avoid disputes, which will be serious once there are problems; For example, the safety of activities is really going to happen. It's the school that wipes the bottom. No one dares to say that if there is a problem, I will be responsible for it, so everyone can only do what they are doing according to the rules and procedures. In general, this aspect is relatively complicated, and the units within the system are inevitable. So although the Chinese teacher is not good enough, it is still within an acceptable range.

2. In addition to logistics, many people in this school treat students with heart

Among the other answers, some students have already said this. Some teachers they know are conscientious and responsible. As far as my own experience in the soft college is concerned, most of the teachers are very serious about the students. If you have any questions, you can ask or ask him for help (of course, not only at the end of the term). He is very enthusiastic. I won't repeat many answers. What I need to say is to add some other "teachers". Here, teachers are put in quotation marks because when we find many people in the school to solve problems, they are actually only employees of functional departments. Strictly speaking, they cannot be called "teachers". Teachers, preach, teach and dispel doubts. What did the logistics people tell you? What puzzles did the Youth League members solve for you? It can't be said that all the people working in the university are teachers. For the students, it's OK to call them teachers. On the one hand, it's most convenient and respectful. On the other hand, no one will feel any problem, including me.
I don't know how many students will feel that if you encounter problems in life, even if you can't solve them for a while, you can also find other people in the school to help solve them, and the way is open and obvious, but you don't usually notice it. As far as my personal experience is concerned, I have been here for three and a half years. Most things are about finding out which department is in charge, who to contact, and how to contact. So I have been living a comfortable life. There is nothing disturbing. And I often think of something unintentionally and go to see it again. The school has already considered it and done work. Because you can encounter problems, it is almost certain that many other students will also encounter them, and the corresponding handling methods of these people are very quick. This is to deal with problems. On the other hand, we care and think about students. In my opinion, Huashi has done a very good job.

3. There is no doubt that this school also has a handful of teachers who do not deserve to be called teachers

I don't know how to get such a high ranking in the geography department. It was bought with money. I don't know who is ranking in these rankings, right. (I may have forgotten that there are a group of geography students sitting below)
There should be no orphans here. Their conditions are poor, and they usually can't go to college.

Is this what a college teacher can say to students in class? It is also in China's top normal university.
The other is I am very familiar with, Yang educational administration of the Software Institute. It is clear to all students of Soft College that they hardly reply to emails and often do things unreliable. If I can stand the small things, I really feel uncomfortable about one thing last time. A student's Japanese class grade changed from full grade to 1.5 due to a mistake made by the educational administration. The reply from the educational administration was: "If you lose, you can't change it. Next year, you will revise it.". Which of you has heard of such a student trap? A 4-credit course, you can retake it if you want? Later, the student went to the school's educational administration and got things done. It has nothing to do with me, so I can only be upset. If I really put it on me, I will definitely talk to her about life and teach her how to behave.
There is no denying that a small number of teachers and staff in this school are irresponsible and incompetent.

But fortunately, they are not so important to us, and their number is very small. Now, the 985 University's professional teachers like Huashi come in without a doctor's degree+overseas study experience. Don't think about it. Those who can meet the conditions will not become mentally disabled as above.

4. Huashi is a university embracing change

What is eternal? Many people will answer: change itself.
I am quite satisfied with Huashi's innovation. The responsive page on the home page of the official website has been used by domestic universities for a long time; The introduction of the new course selection system by the Office of Academic Affairs is an innovation of the traditional way of course selection (although it is also a reference for foreign universities); Provide sakai platform for teachers to attend classes (this is also a reference abroad). No matter whether these new things are good or bad, and whether they are appropriate, it is always good to have such attempts and follow-up. I have some communication with the Information Office of Huashi Normal University, and I am familiar with it. I know that they have been trying to do something to provide a better learning and living environment for students. But after all, universities are not Internet companies. They can't spend money indiscriminately, and there is no chance of trial and error. Therefore, every new thing online should pursue a "stable" word. This often limits the implementation of many good ideas. Many students always ask why our school has no xx function and why xx is designed to be so troublesome. Most of the time, it is just because that group of people consider and take care of more things than you. Many unreasonable aspects of the system are also being optimized. The most recent one is that if you lose your campus card, you can get a new one one day later. Previously, you had to wait three days. This is not technically impossible. I don't feel that I have any scruples, but it is actually a problem of system change. I don't know who set the three-day rule in mind at the beginning, but it is actually useless. It is always worthwhile to pay a 20 yuan card supplement fee in advance and have a meal in the dormitory in three days. If someone really picks up your card and returns it, one day is often enough.
There are still many problems left over from history on the functional website of the school, and some requirements for students have not been realized (such as charging campus cards online). But it's really just that the progress is a little slow, and there are too many things to consider. It's just a matter of grinding, rather than deliberately not doing it.

Viewpoint 2

Let's start with the advantages. 985211, these hardware conditions did not have any advantages during school (many equipment in Minhang Library and Teaching Building were written with funds from 985), but this is a very important stepping stone in the future, at least it means that it will not be easily eliminated by HR due to the problem of school grade. For teachers' major, many former alumni are now principals and vice principals of middle schools. Thanks to the alumni, the employment rate of normal school students is high every year, and many students go to key middle schools in various cities to teach. In addition, there are more students going abroad. In recent years, the number of students in the United States ranks among the top ten universities in China, probably because Shanghai is more open.

Life is free during school. When I was in Mindahuang, my dorm had air conditioning, no power cut at night, no morning running in the morning, and 24-hour network. I was much happier than my friends in Shanghai University. The housekeeper aunt has never checked the illegal electrical appliances, and the hot pot boiling in the dormitory will not trip. There is a vending machine downstairs in the dormitory, and the supermarket and convenience store are nearby, so life is comfortable.

The library in Min Dahuang is my favorite place. It is known as the third largest library in Shanghai. Books and magazines are updated quickly, and there are many spacious and bright seats. Except for one that is hard to find before the final exam, it is usually a summer resort. It is really a summer resort to look through books and magazines, and go out to eat when hungry. Although it looks like a toilet, it's still a pleasure to watch a movie in the multimedia classroom upstairs.

Famous teachers and high-level lectures. As liberal arts students, the teachers of China Normal University are quite attractive. Xu Jilin, Shen Zhihua, Yang Kuissong, Mao Haijian, Xiao Yanzhong... The works of these professors are very worth reading, and they often hold academic salons and lectures in school. In addition, Zhou Hong and Hong Yafei are good teachers who give lectures with distinctive characteristics. You know what the students of China Normal University know... During school, I heard many lectures, and I remember Chen Danqing, Liang Wendao, Xu Zidong, Chen Jiaying, Jiang Nanchun, Su Tong, etc. Also impressed is a salon of the former director of the Taipei Municipal Bureau of Culture, who talked about urban cultural construction, which is very interesting.

The atmosphere of the school is relaxed and free. Compared with other excellent universities, I personally think that China Normal University is not so philistine and does not deliberately cater to social needs. As a liberal arts student, I feel that the influence of secularism on China Normal University is not as obvious as that of other schools. Every day I talk about offers and job hunting. Of course, the poor employment service of China Normal University is also obvious to all... I like the feeling of ivory tower, and I also feel that the students of China Normal University are generally simple. Sometimes we discuss metaphysical things together, Maybe compared with the topic of finding a job, this atmosphere attracts my free and useless soul more.

Talk about shortcomings. First of all, there is more than enough. In front of Shanghai, there is Fudan Jiaotong University Tongji, which is difficult to surpass, and behind Shanghai Shangcai Shangwai, which catches up. As a comprehensive normal university, it always feels a bit awkward. As long as graduates from China Normal University are always labeled as "teachers", in fact, we are a comprehensive university with many non normal majors. Hey!

Another is that freedom is a double-edged sword, which requires students to have a stronger ability of self-management. Constant electricity in the dormitory may lead to late entertainment activities, such as playing cards or games, which may affect students who go to bed early and get up early and study hard. The dormitory climate is very important. Some of them go to bed early and get up early to take the postgraduate examination in a group, and some of them skip class in a group who play games all night in the dormitory in the morning. It is still personal to cultivate.

Club activities are boring. As a student of China Normal University, I think the club activities are not rich and colorful enough. I can't think of any impressive activities after graduation. I used to be a member of the Student Union. I know that as an organizer, the financial support of the college and department is really small, and no one can make our school so poor... No matter how good the creativity is, it will cost money, so I hope that later people can make the club activities more lively, otherwise, college life always feels that something is missing.

The living facilities will not complain. Every family has a hard lesson to learn. I remember that the toilet in the dormitory building was blocked for a week during the summer vacation. The smell is unbelievable. The canteen is always reluctant to turn on the air conditioner. Min Dahuang has no place to go out of the school gate. The midnight snack is far away and delicious. I envy Zhongbei

By the way, I think the undergraduate and graduate students of China Normal University should be evaluated separately. The style of undergraduate and graduate students is quite different from each other.

Official introduction

East China Normal University (ECNU) is a comprehensive research university organized by the state, supervised by the Ministry of Education, and co built by the Ministry of Education and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government. The university was founded on October 16, 1951, on the basis of Daxia University (1924) and Guanghua University (1925), and was transferred to some departments of Fudan University, Tongji University, Zhejiang University and St. John's University, and was founded on the original site of Daxia University. In 1959, the school was identified by the CPC Central Committee as one of the 16 key universities in China. In 1972, it merged with Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai Institute of Physical Education and other institutions, and was renamed Shanghai Normal University. In 1978, the university was again recognized as a national key university. In 1980, the name of East China Normal University was restored. In 1986, the university was approved by the State Council as one of the 33 institutions of higher learning that set up graduate schools. In 1996, it was listed as one of the "211 Project" national key universities. In 1997 and 1998, Shanghai Kindergarten Teachers College, Shanghai Institute of Education and Shanghai Second Institute of Education were merged into one another. In 2002, according to the strategic deployment of the layout and structure adjustment of Shanghai's colleges and universities, the planning and construction of Minhang Campus was launched. In 2006, the main body of the school moved to Minhang Campus, forming a school running pattern of "one school, two districts, and coordinated development". In 2006, the Ministry of Education and Shanghai decided to jointly build East China Normal University as a key project, and the university entered the ranks of the national "985 Project" universities.

In recent years, the university adheres to the spirit of "self-improvement" and "integrity" of predecessor schools such as Daxia University and Guanghua University, and the tradition of combination of learning and thinking, and communication between China and foreign countries, pursues the university ideal of "wisdom creation, character melting, and national and social development", and adheres to the school motto of "realistic creation, and being a teacher", In accordance with the tasks and objectives set out in the Outline of the Reform and Development Plan of East China Normal University (2010-2020) and the Deepening Comprehensive Reform Plan of East China Normal University, we will constantly improve the school governance system, constantly improve the level of school governance, and strive to build a modern university system that conforms to the actual situation of the school, We are making steady progress towards the goal of "a world famous high-level research university with a number of first-class disciplines, coordinated development of multiple disciplines, and leading the development of Chinese teacher education", striving to enter the ranks of world famous high-level research universities around 2020, and build a world first-class university in the middle of this century.

The school currently has three departments: Earth Science Department, Education Department, Economics and Management Department; 26 full-time colleges: School of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Marxism, School of Law, School of Social Development, School of Foreign Languages, School of Chinese as a Foreign Language, School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, School of Sports and Health, School of Economics, School of Business Administration, School of Public Administration, School of Statistics, School of Communication, School of Arts, School of Design, School of Science and Technology School of Physics and Materials Science, School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, School of Geographic Sciences, School of Urban and Regional Sciences, School of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, School of Life Sciences, School of Information Science and Technology, School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, School of International Chinese Teachers, School of Teacher Education; Two academies: Meng Xiancheng Academy and Economic Management Academy; 11 entity research institutes (institutes, laboratories): Simeon Institute of Humanities, Institute of International Relations and Regional Development, Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Sciences (State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Sciences), State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectral Science and Technology, Institute of International Shipping Logistics, Institute of Urban Development, Shanghai Institute of Lifelong Education, Examination and Evaluation Institute Institute of Data Science and Engineering, National Institute of Education Macro Policy, Institute of Arts; 1 management college: Open Education College/Shanghai Teachers Development College. There is also a training center for middle school principals of the Ministry of Education in the school.

As of March 2016, there were 14079 full-time undergraduate and junior college students, including 13878 undergraduates and 201 junior college students; There are 15004 graduate students in school, including 2921 doctoral students, 8875 master students, and 3208 free teachers' education masters; 4215 international students. The school has 3982 teaching staff, including 2215 full-time teachers. 1708 professors and other teachers with senior professional titles, including 11 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (including double appointed academicians), 34 candidates of the "QR" (including "thousands of young people") of the Organization Department of the Central Committee, 32 distinguished professors and chair professors of the "Yangtze River Scholars Award Program" of the Ministry of Education, 24 winners of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, and the National "Ten Thousand Talents Program" Three leading talents and national famous teachers were selected, 11 national candidates for the "New Century Ten Million Talents Project" of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, 9 winners of the National "Outstanding Youth Fund", 6 winners of the "Young Top Talents" of the Organization Department of the Central Committee, 1 "Young Changjiang Scholar" of the Ministry of Education, 15 winners of the "Oriental Scholar" of Shanghai, 24 winners of the "Leading Talents and Reserve" of Shanghai, and Shanghai "QR" 15 people were selected, 75 people were selected for the "Zijiang Scholars Program", and 59 people were selected for the "Double Hundred Talents Program" (including Zijiang Outstanding Young Scholars and Zijiang Young Scholars). The school has Minhang Campus and Zhongshan North Road Campus, covering a total area of about 207 hectares.

The university has 28 first level disciplines authorized for doctor's degree and 38 first level disciplines authorized for master's degree. It can award 19 kinds of master's professional degrees, as well as education doctor's professional degrees, 25 post doctoral research stations and 79 undergraduate majors. It has 2 first level national key disciplines of pedagogy and geography (covering 13 second level disciplines such as principles of pedagogy and physical geography), 5 second level national key disciplines, 5 national key cultivation disciplines, 1 Shanghai Summit Category I discipline, 1 Shanghai Summit Category II discipline, 12 Shanghai key disciplines and 17 Shanghai first-class disciplines (4 A and 13 B). The science department of the university has two national key laboratories, one national engineering technology research center, one national field science observation and research station, one national international joint research center, seven key laboratories and engineering centers of the Ministry of Education, one joint laboratory for international cooperation of the Ministry of Education, and ten key laboratories and engineering centers of Shanghai, One soft science research base of the Ministry of Education, one Shanghai soft science research base and one Shanghai Collaborative Innovation Center; The liberal arts department of the university has 6 key research bases of humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education, 10 innovative research bases of philosophy and social sciences of Shanghai, workshops of the decision-making consulting research base of Shanghai Municipal People's Government, and 2 Shanghai university think tanks. The university sponsors and undertakes nearly 30 academic journals, and the library has about 4.62 million printed books and materials.

The university pays attention to international cooperation and exchange. It has successively established strategic partnership with world-famous universities such as Paris Normal University Group, University of Virginia, Cornell University, Melbourne University, University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, New York University, University of Tokyo and signed academic cooperation and exchange agreements with more than 200 universities and scientific research institutions in the world. Establish Sino French Joint Research Institute and Joint Graduate School with Paris Normal University Group; Shanghai New York University, jointly founded with New York University, is the first Sino US university with independent legal personality; Cooperate with Lyon Business School in France to build Asia Europe Business School. The school has a research and training base for teachers of Chinese as a foreign language affiliated to the National Hanban, and has built nine Confucius Institutes as Chinese partner institutions.
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