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How about Chongqing University

 School emblem of Chongqing University

Viewpoint 1

1、 Life experience
(Chongqing University has four campuses, A, B and C, which are old campuses, and Huxi Campus D, which is new. Since I was in Campus A as soon as I entered the university, most of the information provided is about Campus A. It is said that Huxi is beautiful, but I don't have more time to experience it.)
1. Accommodation
Dormitory in Area A... I felt very shabby when I first came here. After living for a period of time, I feel all kinds of conveniences and habits, like a small community. The annual cost varies from 800 to 1200.
Here comes the advantage: water and electricity are available 24 hours a day, air conditioning fans and drinking fountains are available, independent bathroom is available, the temperature of bath water can be adjusted, a few steps downstairs is the canteen, and there are many shops around to choose from. After all, it is in Shapingba, the old area~
Our dormitory is still a lake view room (you can see the Democracy Lake at the end of the corridor, it's beautiful in the morning). I'm sorry I didn't plan.
The building management aunt is very nice, and everyone will chat together. What's more, if something in the dormitory breaks, you can apply for repair. It will be repaired the next day.
Disadvantages: There are mice. It's a wonderful experience to catch mice together at the beginning of school (smiling face)
The dormitory is not as new as the new campus. Sometimes it leaks when I live on the top floor.
The dormitory has a good relationship. My roommate has a zither. I can listen to the zither and watch the moon, and then write a poem (no). We can open a bottle of red wine for the New Year, and cook rice and soup in the dormitory.
2. Eating
Some students said that the meals in the canteen were not delicious, but I was very satisfied on the whole. Even the super cheap boxed meals of 6 yuan and 8 yuan each were very satisfying, OK?!
·The first canteen: the first and second floors are basically self selected fried dishes and cold dishes. People can order two cold dishes for four yuan and rice for a few cents, so they are full! The dishes with meat will cost five yuan each, the taste is OK, and the girls can basically eat two meat dishes! There are also Maocai Gaifan and so on, but I haven't tried it because it is far away from the dormitory.
The covered noodles in the ethnic restaurant on the third floor are delicious and meet the basic requirements of northerners for noodles. On this floor, students from other ethnic groups and countries will come to eat.
I think the characteristics of the First Canteen: there are many WOW boys! Undergraduate is a liberal arts college, and I have never seen so many boys' papers (face covered)
·Three canteens: We often go to the three canteens because there are many choices of food, and the food tastes good and there are few people~
You can eat a nutritious meal if you want a few dishes~basically 6-15 yuan.
3. Play
Photography: I saw a beautiful photo of a girl taking a big photo on the Internet that day. Before that, I took some soap films with my roommates (we are all photographers). I felt that the big buildings were quite photogenic.
Star Chasing: As my classmates and I are not good at studying, we paid attention to many public accounts during the important period, so we saw many stars.
Generally, when stars choose southwest regions for publicity, they will choose major ones.
This year, we saw the rain god Xiao Jingteng come to play basketball.
Chen Bolin came to promote the film, as well as UNIQ and your director from the stars. Zhang Guoli, Wang Zhongjun, Li Shaohong, Yidan, Liu Yiwei, and the brother of waste firewood... I have seen them all.
2、 Learning
1. Library
When it comes to major issues, how can we not mention the "other people's library".
Seriously, the science and engineering library in Major Area A is well decorated and the hardware facilities are perfect
But I am very unhappy that the management of the library is too chaotic, and many books cannot be borrowed. I really hope that students can put the books back to their original places after reading a book. Because the library in Area A is not staffed enough, many books are taken out before they can be put back. There are many books in the retrieval system, but when I really look for them, they can't be found at all. Their numbers are chaotic and they are not placed in order. I don't like to borrow books in the library now... (The new campus should be better)
The digital library is in good condition. As long as the campus network is opened, the school can access literature at any time by logging in its own account, which is very convenient.
2. Course information
It is not very busy because it is a liberal arts major, but the girls who look at the dormitory electrical college have to go to the laboratory every day, which is very hard...... The courses of each college are different, and the difficulty of the exam is hard to say.
Our major is usually to write course papers, such as the recitation exam in undergraduate period has been rare.
Our major scores are basically between 80-95, and sometimes the English score is lower.
3. Tutors
This is different from person to person. Some tutors are strict, and some tutors are free... You should properly understand the requirements of tutors when selecting tutors.
Many of our college's tutors are introduced from other colleges. They are civil engineering, external colleges, and higher education institutions. Their styles are different. Engineering tutors are very diligent. They often have reading reports, topic discussions, and let students observe the library in the middle of the night. For example, liberal arts tutors don't interfere with students' freedom, and the teacher-student relationship is very good... Others don't know much, but my tutor is very good to me anyway; -) I want freedom, freedom, freedom~
4. Tuition and scholarship
The general tuition is 8000 a year, and our major is 13000. It seems that the film academy is higher.
Scholarship 8000, covering 70%.
New student scholarship 4000 (no transfer student).
Each person has 500 yuan of in school subsidies every month, totaling 6000 yuan a year.
Engineering students will also receive other subsidies.
5. Intercollegiate communication
There are many and rich opportunities for overseas exchanges. You can find these information on the school's website. There are both short-term and long-term exchanges, and the International Department will give certain subsidies, but in the case of a limited number of people, some selection is required. (Updated, I went to UBC Canada and Chungnam University in South Korea in the summer vacation of 2016 and winter vacation of 2017)

Viewpoint 2
1、 Is Chongqing University a famous school?
Count! Although there is a certain gap between this famous university and the current first-class universities in China, this does not prevent her from aiming to cultivate talents to control the future, nor does it prevent her from working hard to become one of the best universities in China. When we say that what we want is successful, many schools do not want to or dare not think about it, but Chongqing University wants to, think about it down-to-earth, and has begun to work hard for it. Above all, the feelings of a famous school are born.
From the perspective of school attributes, the 9852112011 Plan, the Alliance of Excellence, and the sub ministerial level middle management colleges and universities, all of these labels show the pedigree of famous schools without exception. From the perspective of scientific research, from 2006 to 2014, the university undertook more than 3600 national, provincial and ministerial scientific research projects, such as the National Natural Science Key Fund Project, the 973 Project, the 863 Project, the National Science and Technology Support Plan, the National Defense Research Project, and won more than 200 national, provincial and ministerial (science and technology) awards, which is the responsibility of a famous university. From the perspective of student source, my college's score in Chongqing in 2012 was about 600, and the score of one book in that year was about 520. The difference of 80 points shows that the level of student source is at least not bad.
But why do many students feel that there are contradictions on the issue of famous schools? I think it is because Chongqing University is an undervalued school. The admission line of other provinces is a good example. I was a 12 year Jiangsu examinee. I scored 340 points in the college entrance examination of Jiangsu that year, and I scored 362 points (ps. What kind of experience is this? When I told the instructor that I had taken more than 300 points to study major in military training, the instructor never bothered me again). I ranked more than 1W among 50W+examinees. I had a strange phenomenon that year, that is, the scores of schools in the province were extraordinarily high. For example, the scores of 211 schools in the province, Nanjing Airlines and Nanjing Science and Technology, were about 376, and that of Hohai University was about 368. But that year, Wuhan University was 377, Sichuan University was 369, and Chongqing University was 358. From the point of score segment, many candidates with this score lack the complex and confidence of famous schools, and even they never thought that they would go to the so-called famous schools. In addition, they are located in the southwest of China with limited radiation range, so they concentrated on being underestimated when filling in the application, with the highest cost performance of 985. However, after coming to Chongqing University, I found that majors such as electrical architecture, civil engineering, mechanical measurement and control are highly recognized in China, and the names of "the oldest eight schools of architecture" and "the five tigers of electricity" are true. In recent years, the management of law, art and news has developed rapidly. The Film Academy is the most eye-catching project in building a comprehensive university, whether it is the school's hardware facilities or humanistic care, It is worth spending the most beautiful four years here.
You can't come to Chongqing University without scores. If your scores are high, you won't choose Chongqing University. Since this is the result of a two-way reasonable game, why not come and settle down. Chongqing University has shortcomings, even many shortcomings, which requires us to face up to ourselves and the school.
2、 The humanistic environment of Chongqing University
Mainland universities talk about humanities and more about Fudan in the Qing Dynasty and North China. Peking University is "free in thought and inclusive". Fudan is "erudite and dedicated, asking questions and thinking closely". The western half of Tsinghua University has the shadow of the University of Illinois at Champaign, while the eastern half is modeled on Moscow University, which is simply a history book of US Soviet China relations. Many people say that Chongqing University has a history of only 85 years, and it is also the beginning of engineering. The history of Chongqing University is not enough, the foundation of the school is very thin, and the humanistic atmosphere is lacking. There is no lack of certain truth in these assertions, but from the perspective of a student, there are many stories about important and important people.
For example, many people may not know the origin of the word "Meishi" in Meishi Film Academy. Before, I always thought that "Meishi" was "beautiful vision". Later, I learned that it was the name of Meishi Group. It's also interesting to say that the other brand that competed with Meishi Group in those years was Qinma Hot Pot, the local hot pot brand in Chongqing. So if Qinma Hot Pot had the upper hand in the game in those years, maybe today's Film Academy would be "Qinma Film Academy" (the students of the Film Academy should not blame me for their open minds).
For example, all the students in the old campus know about the Democracy Lake, but how many people know that the lighting layout of the Democracy Lake at night was done by a senior student of the architecture college. When she talked about her works, her eyes lit up. She said that she had actually done bigger projects, but no project was like Democracy Lake. Although she had only done a little work, she could get such a great sense of achievement.
For another example, I respect a teacher from the Youth League Committee of the university. His undergraduate, master, and doctor are respectively journalism, media, and law. He lives and studies ceaselessly. His doctor took care of his children while finishing his studies. His family is also very harmonious and happy. Along the way, we have a lot of life insights and often share them with us.
Humanities not only have the ancients and predecessors, but also need the writing of modern people. So in fact, as long as you pay attention, the history of the school and the story of the teacher are all between trees and grass.
The biggest humanistic feature of Chongqing University is freedom, which is especially obvious in the community culture.
As a player who plays 800 minutes of the Dota Skyladder and selects bombers all year round, when I was a freshman, I was deeply attracted by the outdoor dota fight on the square of Huxi No.1 Canteen. If I remember correctly, it should be one of the "Civil Engineering Carnival" activities held by the Civil Engineering College. Later, there were the E-sports of Chongqing University Hero League and the E-sports finals of Chongqing Five School Hero League. The professional lighting, audio and screen equipment can be called luxury. As for 2009 and Strawberry Campus Tour, they are also highly praised by homestead men and homestead women. E-sports clubs can all have such a relaxed and superior environment, and the extent to which schools support students to develop their hobbies can be seen.
Freedom also manifests itself in speech. I still remember that at the beginning of the transfer of President Lin Jianhua, an article of criticism was posted on the Democracy Lake Forum. To a large extent, Lin SIR did not lead Chongqing University to a brighter road. In a short time, it was boiling up and down, and people discussed. However, this article has not been deleted, and freedom of expression can be seen. Similarly, in 2015, the country paid more attention to the guidance of online public opinion in colleges and universities, but the new media related instructors I contacted were all trying to ensure that the students' words were authentic, with little castration. I'm afraid not all schools have such freedom. As for the mandatory lectures mentioned by many students, I have no experience. I have been to the lectures of three Nobel Prize winners, and also to the lectures of diplomat Sha Zukang. All these lectures are full of people even on the stairs. I dare to guess that the mandatory lectures are generally professional. Maybe the organizers are worried that famous experts and scholars will come from afar, but few people will listen to the lectures. Experts and scholars are afraid that they will not come again next time.
Beyond freedom is red. Chongqing University is a red school, which is another experience of its humanistic characteristics. Because red is often accompanied by the characteristics of conservatism and organizational mobilization within the system, it seems not very pleasant to evaluate a school as red. But red is more symbolic of family and national feelings and national destiny. Peking University has always been closely linked with the fate of the nation since the May 4th Movement. Chongqing University has also stood out in the years of the Anti Japanese War, which included the Central University. It can be regarded as the responsibility of colleges and universities to actively respond to the call of the state.
When talking about the humanistic environment, we must talk about humanistic care. What impressed me most was the hearing in the old campus, the love umbrella in Huxi Campus, and the website of the Academic Affairs Office that was paralyzed after selecting courses.
The hearing in the old campus is the best lesson to stimulate the students' sense of ownership. From hot water costs to dormitory decoration, as well as school leaders' report on clean government work, there are student representatives. All these things make me feel that the school really takes students' opinions into consideration when making decisions.
The love umbrellas in Huxi Campus are specially prepared for students who forget to bring umbrellas in rainy days. They are set up in libraries and teaching buildings and belong to public property. At the beginning, the umbrella would be lost. Later, I found that some students took the initiative to put their own umbrellas on the umbrella rack of the umbrella, which made me gain great surprise when I was disappointed in the loss of the umbrella.
As for the students' personal complex, I would like to say that until now, what is in the transparent pocket of the wallet is the aluminum foil engraved with the school motto made by laser printing during the metalworking practice, which is "hard-working, simple, industrious, and love the country" (does this deserve no girlfriend in the wallet?) Everyone will recite one more sentence in addition to the school motto and school running purpose, "The world has evolved without boundaries, and the country has survived forever. Xu depends on it". Suddenly, the sense of achievement burst.
The website of the Office of Academic Affairs will be paralyzed every time I choose courses. This situation has finally improved in my junior year, although most of my courses are still server is too busy. But the most intuitive feeling in the past three years is that the educational administration system has become easier to use. From the original display of course scores to the addition of ordinary scores, our scores have become more transparent. In the communication with the teachers of the Office of Academic Affairs, the Office of Academic Affairs also very much hopes to open more humanistic quality elective courses to improve the richness of learning. If we say that there are major cultural deficiencies, I think the idea of making up for them is very good. In the further chat, the teachers from the Academic Affairs Office actually hoped that we could sort out and feed back our experience of participating in elective courses to them, so that they could arrange courses more reasonably. This also moved me very much. It seems that the Academic Affairs Office later released an important app, and I don't know how the subsequent user experience will be.
3、 Quality of life in Chongqing University (mainly about food)
3.1 Food
It is known as the first canteen in the southwest!
It is known as the first canteen in the southwest!
It is known as the first canteen in the southwest!
Chongqing has a lot of spicy food. As a young man from Jiangsu who has little oil and salt when his parents cooked, eating was a nightmare when I first came to Chongqing. The first time I ate noodles in the canteen, I ordered the braised beef noodles at the Lingji Noodles stall of Huxi Second Canteen. After eating one mouthful, I broke down in tears, opened my mouth, spread my tongue, and took a big breath, which reminded me of my neighbor's dog next door in summer. I asked my classmates next to me, what, isn't braised in soy sauce sweet!
The story also goes that one morning, on a whim, I went to the canteen and bought two sesame seed cakes with pepper and salt. Why did I eat three pepper along the way! Three pepper! Three pepper! Fall! I have no feeling on my tongue all morning, and I can't study happily any more. The battle between the north and the south for sweet and salty bean curd will become something in Chongqing. What? Isn't bean curd hot? Well, I want to be quiet.
Two flowers, one for each.
Let me talk about the school canteen first.
The first canteen in Huxi Campus, Xiaogele (gele comes from Geleshan, Chongqing, where Zhou Kehua hides), stalls from northern pancakes to Chongqing noodles, Cantonese style stewed buns, Cantonese style braised wax, Wonton, fried chicken beer, teppanyaki, and pickled rice, can meet most of the needs. One family can eat about 20 days a day without heavy samples. I have eaten in the family for about a month. Moreover, the name of Xiaogele's stall is also very particular. The one who sells egg wrapped rice is Provence, the one who sells soup dumplings is Yizhi Duxiu, the one who sells Korean food is Jeju Island, and the one who sells fried chicken is Turkish barbecue... It is also an elegant thing to pass the time to study the name of the stall after dinner. The Happy Hour Restaurant in the First Canteen, the gathering place for club meetings, can be seen every night with as few as three or five people and as many as dozens of people holding computers and planning lively discussions, which also means that the orientation of Happy Hour is easy, and the canteen with larger pot of rice is slightly high-end. About five or six milk tea shops, I like the black diamond milk tea (which seems to have been transferred now) closest to the Zhuyuan Tea House. It has enough milk flavor. The tea flavor is carefree, and the black diamond is sweet but not greasy. It is the best choice for meeting and chatting. As for the eighteen old men's Kouwan (now it seems to be renamed) blood in casserole, Yi can's braised meat and spring chicken, there is nothing like them in the canteen, so that they will go to Huxi to have a taste occasionally.
The most famous story of Huxi Second Canteen is the stem of "Please find the second girl in the picture below". The Second Canteen is located in the Pine Garden. I lived in several colleges of civil engineering, machinery, electricity, automation, materials, city ring, computer, etc. that year! Health! So when eating, I went to the second canteen. When I looked around, sometimes there was no girl on the first floor. Hmm, the ratio of 7:1 was only applicable to the first canteen. In other times, the ratio of men and women should change with time and place. The Second Canteen is also one of the canteens I go to most often, and I especially like the smell of rice. The owner of this shop is from Anhui. I had fried pork slices with edible fungus and yam in his house for a week. In addition, Jiangsu is next to Anhui, and we are familiar. I found the boss was interesting after I cooked it. He always liked to study new dishes and let me taste them. So when everyone had a lunch of salt fried meat, stir fried meat and double cooked meat, my lunch was Babao meat paste rice, hot pot pig's trotter rice, golden chicken wings rice, golden needle mushroom beef rice... Later, he grasped the idea of men eating rice conveniently, and developed a one minute meal, including braised meat, double pepper fish The chicken with chili pepper is prepared first. When ordering, it is packed in one minute and taken away directly. Later, in order to further reserve customers, he launched a monthly card, which reduced 3 yuan from 15 yuan and 2 yuan from 12 yuan, so I ate at his house for two months! The lunch routine has become an old rule today? Well, egg fried rice with ham and eggs, less oil and salt, no soup. (I love fried rice with eggs, shredded pork with bean curd, and edible fungus with yam, but I really regretted it half a month later. Why did I have to run the card for such a long time!) The stall on the fourth floor became the only one in Rice Flavor, and the rest of the stalls were properly supplemented. This also made me admire the stall owner.
Key words of Huxi Three Canteen, beautiful girl! pretty girl! pretty girl! The Third Canteen is located in the Orchid Garden, surrounded by foreign language and art girls. At the end of the semester, from the library to the nearest Three Canteens, the tired and confused eyes of half a day were all gone when the beautiful girls were seen in the Three Canteens. Beauty's delicious food, even her appetite is good! Well, in fact, the most common food is Maocai and chicken chop rice, serious face.
The junior came to Area A, and there were few canteens. The cypress forest restaurant was recommended. It was clean, tidy, and reasonable in price. There were no more tables.
Apart from the canteen, which one is better to improve the necessary food and have dinner together?
Hot Pot!
Hot Pot!
Hot Pot!
Chongqing hotpot can't wait to have a hotpot shop every 50 meters. The selected ingredients are accompanied by a secret soup base. In the summer, with ice beer, the right taste spreads on the tongue. In the words of Star Ye, it is "like a continuous stream". Moreover, the same ingredients have a bath in the hotpot, and the taste level is more rich, hot, spicy, hot, and fresh, As a result, people's taste root and meaning root are greatly satisfied. The more interesting thing is to find the old hot pot in the memory in the alley, and the process of searching with a bosom friend is to enjoy. Those days when you are angry and become a beauty, and those days when you can travel and pick up express delivery, are mostly created by the wine table, and the life is beautiful and comfortable.
The first recommendation is Shapingba Hot Pot, including Dalong Hot Pot, Pufan Hot Pot, Quanniu Hot Pot, Tangke Hot Pot, Memory Hot Pot, etc. If you go further, the team leader seems to have a good evaluation. Hot pot is the last straw from the beginning to the end, so you have to eat hot pot once before leaving Chongqing to remember. Every time you return to Chongqing, when you are still on the light rail, you have to think about who you are going to ask for hot pot with today. During the holidays, you have more fun looking for authentic local hot pot restaurants. In addition to hot pot, Chuan Chuan, a catering form with Chongqing characteristics, is worth a try. Of course, if you like others, such as the Three Gorges Square in Shapingba, Jincui River in Causeway Bay, Dongying Palace of Thai fragrant rice, Shunfeng green tea, Japanese food and Korean food, and the Italian life experience hall hidden in high-rise buildings. Willing to go further, Nanping Jiefangbei Hongya Cave is a good place to have fun.
Besides dinner, Chongqing has many snacks. Cold Noodles Cold Shrimp Hot and Sour Noodles. You can see people queuing up every time you go to the Three Gorges Square. Innocent, I once thought that cold shrimp was boiled and cooled shrimp, but I didn't expect that it was a kind of rice paste dessert with a big head and a small tail similar to shrimp. It was really speechless. Another example is the blood and twist in Ciqikou, the barbecue in Jiucun, and the Jianghu dishes, which are all worth trying.
In a word, the food in school is good, the food is more, the food outside school is beautiful, and the food is enjoyable. At first, I thought it was difficult to survive, but later, I thought life was beautiful. I chose fifty fifty per cent on campus and off campus. My attitude was personal.
3.2 Living
Neither Xiamen University nor Wuhan University.
Neither Xiamen University nor Wuhan University.
Neither Xiamen University nor Wuhan University.
Democracy Lake, Yinchu Pavilion, a historical gathering; Ginkgo Avenue, Yunhu Jinhu Lake, the scenery here is unique. The botanical garden is full of flowers, the Lover's Slope is full of lotus leaves, the black swan is elegant and graceful, and the tulip is fragrant.
Huxi is a place especially suitable for living. The scenery is so beautiful that it is often occupied by people who travel in spring and autumn.
Lover's Slope overlooks the library and takes a close look at the lotus pool. On Thursday afternoon, when it is a public holiday, someone will sing on the guitar. Every time you sing, the time will become very slow. You can talk with your boyfriend, girlfriend and boyfriend. Even if you don't talk, the wind will blow like this.
The dormitory in the new campus is four people, with a balcony, a bathroom, an air conditioner, an electric fan, a water dispenser, a water heater, and unlimited power. If you are in the old campus, you may be inferior to the new campus, which is absolutely first-class nationwide. If you are lucky enough to be assigned to the dormitory reconstructed from the activity room, how can it be summed up by a big house? Apart from the bed and the cabinet, there can be two billiard tables in the middle of the dormitory. Yes, you heard it correctly. Two billiard tables, so it is true that the net reports that the dormitory with a parking capacity of 1200 yuan a year.
There are many convenience stores around the school. According to textual research, there are 14 Rosens along the AB district. Their distribution characteristics have become a story in the class of a teacher in charge of management, including several seven, Meihao, Watsons, Wal Mart, Bufeng Lotus, and Yonghui.
3.3 Lines
Why is it not next to the light rail?
Why is it not next to the light rail?
Why is it not next to the light rail?
Objectively speaking, the transportation is convenient, but compared with Chongqing Normal University, the last two kilometers from Chongqing University to the subway is really a pain for students and teachers. Personally, it also increases the school bus operating costs and school teaching and research costs. A 20 minute walk to the light rail station and a 20 minute walk to the Three Gorges Square are particularly painful in Chongqing's summer and winter.
4、 Academic Research of Chongqing University
Since I am a student of the Electrical College and do not know much about the discipline construction of other colleges, I will only talk about some stories of the Electrical College here.
Personally, I think the teacher is very responsible.
There is a particularly famous experiment teacher in the School of Electrical Engineering. Jianghu people call him "there is no drizzle in summer". Yes, he is Xia Mingfeng, who represented the School of Electrical Engineering in the election of the most popular teacher of Chongqing University. He not only taught me analog electrical experiments, but also later taught me digital electrical experiments. His strictness deserves his reputation, or his strictness deserves his reputation. However, the particularly solid part of my analog, electrical and digital electronics was learned in the experiment class, because from the writing of the experiment preview report to the signing of the experiment, this period is a period of deeper and deeper understanding of knowledge points, combined with hands-on experiments and solving strange problems in the experiment. Although I want to forget the painful experience during this period, it is quite unforgettable. Later, I took the lead in opening academic laboratories and holding electronic design competitions. During this period, I was extremely nervous to invite Mr. Xia and collect his opinions. He was unexpectedly kind and warm-hearted. He was really kind and warm-hearted. He also told me that there were no windows in the laboratory in those years, and a group of national first prizes in electronic design competitions were produced under such difficult conditions, You must make good use of Yunyun. After getting acquainted with each other, the Chongqing University Branch of Chongqing Institute of Electrical Engineering, under the guidance of Mr. Xia, would also contact me when carrying out volunteer service activities, hoping to do a good job together. Another story that many people do not know is that a teacher in the college was also a student of Mr. Xia. He said that he learned slowly that year, and that Mr. Xia had to let him stay and think because he could not do the experiment. In the past three decades, the student who learned slowly in those years has also become a teacher. When I think of the days when I did experiments in those years, I still thank Mr. Xia very much.
In addition, many young teachers in the Institute of Electrical Engineering are really struggling. I often see that at 11:00, the six teaching offices are still brightly lit.
The students study hard and are under great competitive pressure.
A considerable part of the efforts here are forced. At the end of the semester, the Eighth Teacher came home with a saxophone version. When he walked into the elevator, he often saw many electrical students. Because there are many courses and difficulties, students who give up treatment will not talk about it. Even those who do not love learning will study hard and meditate before the exam in order to pass the course exam. It is better to sharpen a gun at the moment than not to sharpen it.
The leaders of the college have been talking about strengthening the construction of the style of study. I think more of it is to strengthen the enthusiasm of students' active learning, because there are always slack times when forced to learn, and autonomous and voluntary learning can play a more subjective role.
An interesting move of the Electrical Students' Union is to organize the members of the Learning Department and the Youth League representatives to call the roll in class. Although everyone was very resistant at the beginning, it has been effective for a long time. The class attendance rate has significantly improved. Everyone has come, so let's listen more. As for the studious and diligent students, the college will also have many opportunities, such as cooperation projects with some American schools, entering laboratories with tutors, and so on.
5、 A jumble of ideas
After reading some answers upstairs, I think some of them are pertinent and some of them are extreme. Let's talk about two areas where there is room for progress.
First, the development of schools is not very balanced.
The level of teachers and the quality of students in different colleges are quite different. So that some students from strong colleges have an inexplicable sense of superiority, even to the extreme, some colleges have "accompany" doubts. This feeling is especially profound because I have transferred to the college. Of course, I'm not saying that it's bad to love your college, but once this love turns into blind confidence and proud capital, it really hurts the harmony between students and is detrimental to your own growth. It is also hoped that the school can consider how the colleges and departments that started late can come from behind to improve the comprehensive strength of the school while developing the advantageous majors, so that Chongqing will no longer be underestimated.
Second, the students' independent spirit and sense of social responsibility are not enough.
To paraphrase Hu Shi's words - "What is independence?" Independence "is your own business. To give you freedom without independence is slavery. Independence is not blindly obedient, not deceived, not attached to the door, not dependent on others, not using others' ears as ears, not using others' brains as brains, not using others' eyes as eyes. This is the spirit of independence." The students around complained that the school was not democratic enough and students' autonomy rights were not enough, but they did not actively fulfill their obligations after becoming student representatives, even felt it was a formality; Some complained that the school platform was too small and the comprehensive quality of the surrounding students was not high, but they complained that their roommates still played games and slept.
When I came to Chongqing University, I met many Miao people who were called Qingbei in those days. So why is there such a big gap between Chongqing University and Qingbei where there are many Miao people in Qingbei? I think that a large part of them have lost the lofty ideals and young people's responsibilities that they wanted to be admitted to Qingbei and tied the country's destiny with their own future. To tell you the truth, if you told me that you missed Qingbei in your freshman year and sophomore year, I really admired you and would care about how you are doing now. But I still heard that "if it weren't for the mistakes in the college entrance examination" in my junior year, I was really annoyed. The junior has not learned to adapt to the environment and stop complaining and regretting. It is not enough to become a healthy and positive ordinary person, not to mention a talent.

Official introduction

Chongqing University is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education and a high-level research comprehensive university under the key construction of the "211 Project" and "985 Project". The school is located in Chongqing, an important industrial and commercial town in the southwest of China, and the economic center in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. It is also located in Shapingba District, a famous cultural area with a great number of talents.

Chongqing University was founded in 1929. As early as the 1940s, it became a national comprehensive university with six colleges of literature, science, engineering, business, law and medicine. Ma Yinchu, Li Siguang, He Lu, Feng Jian, Ke Zhao, Wu Mi, Wu Guanzhong and many other famous scholars have taught in the school. After the adjustment of the national departments in 1952, Chongqing University became a multidisciplinary university directly under the Ministry of Education, focusing on engineering, and was identified as a national key university in 1960. Since the reform and opening up, the school has vigorously developed humanities, economics and management, arts, education and other disciplines, promoting the coordinated development of multiple disciplines. In May 2000, the former Chongqing University, Chongqing Jianzhu University, and Chongqing College of Architecture merged to form a new Chongqing University, making Chongqing University, which has always been famous for its advantages in electromechanical, energy, materials, information, biology, economics and management and other disciplines, also at a national high level in architecture, civil engineering, environmental protection and other disciplines.

Chongqing University now has 34 colleges, including the Department of Humanities and Literature, the Department of Social Sciences, the Department of Science, the Department of Engineering, the Department of Architecture, and the Department of Information Science, as well as the Graduate School, the School of Continuing Education, the School of Network Education, and the School of Urban Science and Technology of Chongqing University. There are 96 undergraduate majors covering 10 disciplines including science, engineering, economics, management, law, literature, history, philosophy, education and art. There are more than 50000 full-time students, including more than 20000 master's and doctoral students, nearly 27000 undergraduate students and more than 1600 international students. There are more than 5300 in-service teaching staff, including 5 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 4 candidates of the National High level Talents Special Support Program (Ten Thousand Talents Program), 13 candidates of the national "QR", 10 candidates of the "Youth QR", 6 candidates of the "Foreign Experts QR", 10 members of the academic evaluation group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, and 3 chief scientists of the "973", There are 7 young and middle-aged experts who have made outstanding contributions at the national level, more than 70 experts who enjoy special government subsidies, 3 famous teachers in colleges and universities across the country, 22 winners of the Changjiang Scholars Award Program, 11 winners of the "National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars", 19 candidates for the national "Hundred and Ten Thousand Talents Project", 4 winners of the China Youth Science and Technology Award, 1 national "Four Talents" There are more than 240 candidates for the municipal key talent project, more than 2000 teachers with professional and technical titles above deputy senior level and other professional and technical personnel, and more than 600 doctoral supervisors. There are 3 innovation research groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 6 innovation teams of the Ministry of Education, 1 innovation team of the Ministry of Science and Technology in key fields, 1 innovation team of national defense, and 15 innovation teams of colleges and universities in Chongqing.

At present, Chongqing University has 29 post doctoral mobile stations, 28 first level discipline doctoral degree authorization points (covering 90 second level discipline doctoral degree authorization points), and 3 second level discipline doctoral degree authorization points; There are 51 primary discipline master's degree authorization points (covering 181 secondary discipline master's degree authorization points), and 4 secondary discipline master's degree authorization points. 19 professional degrees. There are 3 first level national key disciplines, 19 second level national key disciplines (including 2 cultivated disciplines), 14 national "211 Project" key construction disciplines, and 38 provincial and ministerial level first level key disciplines (including 1 approved project). There are 13 national key research bases, 8 national experimental teaching demonstration centers, 3 national virtual simulation teaching laboratories, 3 national basic course teaching bases and national college students' cultural quality education bases, 8 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education, 1 national defense key discipline laboratory, and more than 180 other provincial and ministerial level and various research bases. The Ministry of Education has 4 academic innovation and talent introduction bases ("111 Plan").

The campus of Chongqing University covers an area of 5443 mu, with four campuses A, B, C and Huxi, and the building area of the campus is more than 1.5 million square meters. It has a modern library with advanced facilities, with a cumulative collection of 4.4 million books and more than 6500 Chinese and foreign journals; There are more than 100 authoritative literature databases, including more than 3 million e-books and nearly 90000 Chinese and foreign electronic journals. There are Chongqing Central Node Station of China Education and Research Network, Distance Education Center and a number of laboratories or training centers of well-known foreign enterprises. It has National Class A Architectural Design and Research Institute, Planning and Design Research Institute, National Key Publishing House, National Periodical Publishing House that publishes professional publications and National University Science Park.

Since the "Eleventh Five Year Plan", the school has undertaken more than 5800 national, provincial and ministerial scientific research projects, such as the National Natural Science Key Fund Project, the 973 Project, the 863 Project, the National Science and Technology Support Plan, the National Defense Research Project, and won more than 450 national, provincial and ministerial (science and technology) awards, 40 national teaching achievement awards, 121 municipal teaching achievement awards, and 20 national quality courses (including the Internet) There are 47 municipal quality courses, 3 national bilingual teaching demonstration courses, 6 municipal bilingual teaching demonstration courses, 1 national quality video open course, 11 national quality resource sharing courses (including network) and 16 municipal quality resource sharing courses.

Adhering to the international development strategy, Chongqing University has established good cooperative relations with 107 well-known universities in more than 20 countries, such as the United States, Britain, France, Germany and Russia, as well as with many foreign and overseas companies and research institutions, such as Rockwell, Microsoft, Lippo Group, Siemens, Tokyo Foundation of Japan, and Hong Kong Meishi Power Group. Several heads of international organizations, national dignitaries, celebrities and presidents of internationally renowned universities have visited the university, and Nobel laureates John Hall, Ada Yonath, Robert Mundell, George F. Smoot, Albert Fert, Danielle Shechtman, Kenneth J. Arrow, James Mirrlees, Akira Suzuki and other internationally renowned scholars have visited the university for many times to give lectures. As an institution designated by the Ministry of Education to accept Chinese government scholarship students, CUIT has accepted 138 foreign students from five continents, including the United States, Canada, Italy, France, Belgium, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil, Australia, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Congo (Brazzaville) and Tanzania, It was listed by the Ministry of Education as one of the first batch of universities to study in China. The school has a Confucius Institute in Budong, Thailand, a Confucius Institute in Pisa, Italy, and a Confucius Institute in La Trobe University, Australia. It actively carries out teaching Chinese as a foreign language and educational and cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and foreign countries.

Chongqing University has long adhered to the path of industry university research cooperation in running schools and worked hard to serve the local economic and social development. The university has become an important base and scientific research center for national talent training, and has trained and delivered more than 300000 senior professionals for the country, of which more than 40 were elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

The construction and development of Chongqing University has always been highly valued by the party and state leaders. Xi Jinping, Zhang Dejiang, Liu Yandong, Li Yuanchao, Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, Li Lanqing, Wu Bangguo, Wen Jiabao, Jia Qinglin, He Guoqiang, Fang Yi, Yang Rudai, Chen Zhili and other leading comrades have visited the university to guide and care about its development. Leading comrades from the Ministry of Education and Chongqing Municipality have also visited the school for many times to inspect and guide the work.

Chongqing University adheres to the school running purpose of "studying academic, cultivating talents, enlightening the country and invigorating the society", carries forward the great spirit of "being hardworking, frugal, industrious, and loving the country", and advocates the fine school spirit of "unity, diligence, realism, and innovation" and the school spirit of "seeking knowledge, refinement, realism, and innovation", Adhere to the school running idea of "rooted in Chongqing, based in the southwest, facing the west, serving the whole country, and going global", solidly promote the "211 Project", "985 Project" and "2011 Plan", deeply implement the construction of "world-class university and first-class disciplines", and make unremitting efforts to build a high-level research university with distinctive characteristics and international reputation.
  • Graduate Enrollment Network of Chongqing University
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  • Tel: 023-65105286023-65102374023-65111374 (fax)
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  • Mailing address: No. 174, Shazheng Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing
  • VR panoramic aerial map of Chongqing University
  •  VR panoramic aerial map of Chongqing University

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