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How about Beijing International Studies University

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Let's take a look at netizens' comments on Beijing International Studies University

1. It is very close to the media, and the home is over there. The atmosphere of the campus is very good, and the environment is also good. In recent years, it seems that several student apartments have been built, with food and entertainment around. The transportation is very convenient

2. Although the campus is small, the scenery is beautiful. The four seasons are different. There are always gardeners cutting the lawn and changing flowers. The ginkgo tree in front of the boys' dormitory is a beautiful scenery in autumn. Second Foreign Language is full of cats and cat lovers. Not to mention the food in the canteen, big plate chicken in Muslim restaurant, butterfly roll in Japanese and Korean restaurant~

3. Second Foreign Language is very good, both arts and science. In addition to the excellent foreign language, there is another advantage that other schools do not have: tourism. It used to be directly under the National Tourism Administration, another name is China Tourism Institute. Science majors can generally apply for international trade and tourism management majors of the second foreign language. Both of them are good majors of the second foreign language, and the employment rate is very high. Almost all majors in foreign languages are liberal arts students. By the way, there are many beautiful women. In addition, the Beijing Broadcasting Institute next door is also good.

4. The current majors of tourism management and exhibition management are both youth oriented industries, with low income but relatively high cost. I hope young students can seriously consider the choice of majors.

5. The strength of the English major of Beier University is very strong. There is a good hnd program for studying abroad, which cooperates with many British universities. It is a bachelor's degree certificate obtained directly from foreign universities for three years at home and one year abroad. The certificate is certified by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education after returning home. There are many other schools that are good, but I know a lot about second foreign language. My brother is studying this major.

6. I graduated from the School of Tourism Management of the Second Foreign Language School. If you like hotel management very much and your family is very rich, you can consider it. The major of tourism management in Second Foreign Language is the strongest in China. If your career goal is to be a middle and senior manager of a five-star international hotel chain, it is a good springboard to be admitted to Zhongrui Hotel in Second Foreign Language, because the middle and upper levels of international hotel groups require overseas study and industry experience. The Zhongrui Hotel Management of the Second Foreign Language School can meet your needs. It's a good choice to spend two years at home and study abroad.

7. Apart from small languages, it is the Tourism Management College, which has many majors, such as exhibition, tourism management, financial management and hotel management. I don't know whether the cruise ship has been opened in the first year of college. Tourism management is the largest courtyard in the second foreign language, which is relatively good. In addition to the above two, the other is English, and translation is also OK, but language and other things are more on your own. I really like to report again, otherwise you will suffer. No matter what college you are in, you should learn English for all majors except for minor languages.

8. Beierwai: a famous key foreign hospital, a famous Japanese language research center, and a national tourism strategic development center. China's main bases for foreign affairs, foreign trade and tourism. It was created by Premier Zhou himself. It has dozens of national key disciplines. The score is generally high. Tianwai: Erben Outer Courtyard. Once brilliant, now it can only be called the second best. The score is relatively low. It is much better and more difficult. The number of students enrolled is almost the same. It's easier to take an exam outside the sky

9. Beijing International Studies University is the highest foreign language institution in China, known as the "Little United Nations", and one of the key universities in China.

10. My alma mater! c'mon! The school is a little small, and now there are only two canteens. After building a large dormitory building and a teaching building, the facilities should be more perfect. The No. 7 girls' apartment I live in is Princess Building, which has a balcony and independent bathroom.. 4 teaching buildings

11. Very good. (Please see Baidu Encyclopedia for the specific ranking, I will not post it) In Chaoyang District, Beijing, adjacent to China's highest art palace - Communication University of China, the architectural styles of the two schools are very similar, and there is only a wall between them. Because it is outside the Sixth Ring Road, the learning environment is very quiet, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It is a good place to learn. And two famous schools are adjacent, which naturally forms a strong learning atmosphere Shuchang graduated from the English Department of Beijing Second Foreign Language School.

Official introduction

Beijing International Studies University is a famous university with foreign language and literature and tourism management as its dominant characteristic disciplines, and literature, management, economics, law and other disciplines are developing in a coordinated manner. It is an important base for teaching and research in foreign languages, translation, tourism, and economy and trade in China.
Beijing International Studies University II was founded in October 1964 on the basis of the former Xinhua News Agency Foreign Language Cadre School proposed by Premier Zhou Enlai in person. It is the first batch of undergraduate enrollment colleges in China. It was successively under the leadership of the State Council for Foreign Cultural Liaison, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Beijing Municipal People's Government, the Ministry of Education and the National Tourism Administration. In February 2000, it was under the administration of the Beijing Municipal People's Government.
Since its establishment, the school has adhered to the school motto of "being virtuous, diligent, realistic and competitive", and taken "inheriting eastern and western civilizations and promoting exchanges between China and foreign countries" as its own responsibility. It has formed a style of study of "integrating Chinese and foreign cultures, knowing and doing at the same time", and a style of teaching of "being easy to think and being culturally successful". It has accumulated a profound academic tradition, has unique experience in running schools, and has produced a number of famous scholars and teachers. Mr. Li Yueran, Su Qi, Zhou Xiqing, Dong Leshan, Guan Zhenhu, Li Chuansong, Wang Zhiyou, Wang Wenjiong, Shu Yu and other senior translators in the early days of New China have all worked in schools.

Humanities Building of Beijing International Studies University
The school is located in Chaoyang District, Beijing, adjacent to the Central Business District (CBD) in the west and the sub center of Beijing (Tongzhou) in the east. At present, there are nearly 10000 students at school, including more than 6300 undergraduate students, more than 1300 graduate students, more than 1000 international students, and more than 1000 Guanpei students. At present, there are 22 colleges, 1 department and 2 teaching auxiliary units. The library has a collection of more than 1.17 million books, with an annual subscription of about 200 original newspapers and periodicals in foreign languages (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) and about 850 Chinese newspapers and periodicals; More than 210000 e-books; There are 45 Chinese databases, 44 foreign language databases and 3 self built databases.
The university now has 13 first level disciplines, 44 undergraduate majors (including 26 language majors), 25 second level disciplines authorized for master's degree, 6 professional master's degree authorization points, 5 first level disciplines authorized for master's degree, and 2 joint doctoral training points (jointly with Binghamton University in the United States to cultivate doctor of translation, and jointly with University of South Carolina in the United States to cultivate doctor of tourism) Two postdoctoral research stations (jointly built with Social Sciences Academic Press and Capital University of Economics and Business). One first-class major in Beijing (translation major), four key construction disciplines in Beijing (foreign language and literature, tourism management, enterprise management, international trade), four national characteristic majors (Japanese, Arabic, English, tourism management), and one pilot major for comprehensive reform of majors in the Ministry of Education (Japanese).
The school adheres to serving the national strategy and the needs of the capital as the orientation, and takes the training of high-level, application-oriented talents with international vision and family and national feelings as the fundamental task, and is committed to building a high-end composite talent training system with foreign characteristics. After years of school running practice, it has formed the school running characteristics of "combining learning with practice, and focusing on practice". Foreign language majors emphasize "leading skills, focusing on practical training", and pay close attention to the basic skills training of "listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation"; Non foreign language majors rely on the advantages of foreign language teaching resources and multicultural environment, adhere to the "application orientation, strengthen practice", and take the road of integration of production, teaching and research. Students have a broad international vision, outstanding innovative spirit and practical ability, high comprehensive quality and strong employment competitiveness. Tens of thousands of graduates from the Second Foreign Affairs Department have come from all over the world, including Wang Yi, State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gao Hucheng, former Minister of Commerce, Xu Luping, Vice Minister of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Cheng Guoping, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Liu Hongcai, former Vice Minister of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Wu Sike, Special Envoy for China's Central East Issues, Chang Zhenming, Chairman of CITIC Group Liu Shijun, secretary-general of the World Tourism Alliance, Juan, a new generation of Chinese American film director, and a group of outstanding figures in the political, diplomatic, business, cultural and educational circles.
The university insists on improving the scientific research innovation platform, and its academic innovation ability and social service ability continue to increase. There are six scientific research institutions, including the China "Belt and Road" Strategic Research Institute, the China Tourism Talent Development Institute, the National Cultural Development International Strategic Research Institute, the China Institute of Foreign Cultural Communication, the Intercultural Research Institute, the Beijing Municipal Key Laboratory "Belt and Road" Data Analysis and Decision Support Laboratory, the Beijing Tourism Development Research Base, the Arab Research Center Six provincial and ministerial level scientific research bases, including Beijing Research Base for Foreign Cultural Communication, seven national and regional research centers for record of the Ministry of Education, including the Central and Eastern European Research Center and the UNESCO Research Center, and one Beijing approved Collaborative Innovation Center for Foreign Cultural Trade and International Exchange, have formed a relatively complete philosophy and social science research base, high-level regional and national research bases Think tank trinity basic scientific research platform pattern. He has edited and published such academic journals as Journal of Beijing International Studies University, Tourism Guide, Cross Cultural Studies, and Journal of Chinese Economics. In recent years, the school's scientific research funds have increased by more than 30% annually, the number of high-level scientific research projects has made continuous breakthroughs, high-level academic seminars have gradually become a brand, and high-quality scientific research achievements have continued to grow.
The school has a faculty with reasonable age, educational background, specialty and professional title structure. At present, there are nearly one thousand staff in the editing and teaching department, of which 47% are full-time teachers with doctor's degrees, and nearly 60% have associate professors and above professional titles. The vast majority of teachers have studied or studied for degrees abroad. The university also employs more than 120 part-time professors and has more than 60 foreign experts. The school has 2 national excellent teaching teams, 4 Beijing excellent teaching teams and 8 Beijing academic innovation teams.
The school gives full play to its multilingual advantages and vigorously carries out international exchanges and cooperation. The university has established all-round, multi-level and substantive exchanges and cooperation with more than 160 universities and educational institutions in more than 30 countries and regions. Every year, a certain number of teachers are sent abroad for further study, study visits, cooperative scientific research, teaching Chinese as a foreign language, etc. The average number of students studying abroad is more than 500, and the number of foreign students coming to the university is more than 1000. The university has cooperated with Chihuahua Autonomous University in Mexico, Lancashire Central University in England, Mohammed V University in Morocco, Clermont Ferrand in France, Coimbra University in Portugal and the University of Panama to build six Confucius Institutes. At present, Confucius Institutes in countries along the "Belt and Road" such as Warsaw University in Poland are under preparation.
The development goals set by the 8th Party Congress of the University are:
From now to 2022, with the development orientation of "internationalization, innovation, high level, and application", the fundamental task of cultivating high-level, application oriented talents with international vision, family and country feelings who are "multilingual, multi lingual, and interdisciplinary", and the advantageous characteristic disciplines of foreign language and literature and tourism management, strengthen the connotation development, The university will initially be built into a new type of foreign language university with distinctive capital characteristics, which is first-class in China and has important influence in the world.
By 2035 or so, connotative development will have achieved outstanding results. An internationalized, application-oriented high-end compound talent training system suitable for modern socialist countries will be basically completed. A scientific research system with distinctive characteristics of serving the national strategy and the functional orientation of the capital will have been formed. The advantageous characteristic disciplines will enter the ranks of national first-class disciplines, and China's first-class A new type of foreign language university with important influence in the world.
(Data updated to March 2018)
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