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2024 Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score (Postgraduate

2023 Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line (Postgraduate Reexamination Score Line) [View full text]

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How about Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

 Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Viewpoint 1

Beijing Post is a school with outstanding advantages and disadvantages. Although the school specializes in civilian use, whether it has a particularly long history and is not qualified to be rated as 985 has led to limited development in the past many years. In recent years, we have caught the fast train of the Internet, and the rankings of communication and computer science have always been in the forefront. It is not too much to say that graduates account for half of Internet companies such as BAT. We all jokingly call Baidu the internship base of Beijing Post. During the first year of graduate school, our class had the opportunity to go out for internships. Few of them had ever been to Baidu. Choosing a school is not only to choose a diploma, but also to choose a whole set of school culture and alumni resources, which will be the first symbol on the body when entering the society in the future. Although 985 is good, the concept of 985 and 211 will become weaker and weaker in the future, and the way of efficient assessment will also change. Scientific research ability, regional advantages and employment ability will always be important indicators to measure the quality of a university. If you want to go on the road of planning science in the future, whether you are going abroad or going to Tsinghua University for graduate study, Beiyou people are very popular.
Another aside, the major of computer science is a self-study major all over the world. To be honest, teachers and textbooks do not play such a big role in this major. After you get started, your final height depends on your idea, effort and time spent writing code. From this point of view, I think it is difficult for the schools in the first echelon to open up too big a gap in the teaching of the major of planning. The main reason is that the teaching atmosphere and training philosophy between schools are different. Beijing Post attaches great importance to the ability of hands-on practice. There are a large number of experimental courses in the major of planning, and they need to write code by themselves. In addition, Beijing Post has a strong learning atmosphere. At the weekend, All study rooms are full of people studying.
If you don't care much about social practice and student work and want to focus on scientific research, the size and humanistic quality of the campus will have less impact. Accommodation conditions: there are two old dormitory buildings with eight bedrooms, which is really difficult. There are three new dormitory buildings with good environment. The other buildings can only be described as average. Beijing has a lot of land and a lot of money. There are no large campuses within the Fourth Ring Road.

Viewpoint 2
1. Poor dormitory conditions
I have lived in Gongzhufen for three years. This is the general way to introduce Gongzhufen to others. If my dormitory were put in the Cultural Revolution, it would be a top presidential suite. Besides, even Gongzhufen has lived in the basement. How can we not adapt to the harsh environment in the future, right?! When I first came to Gongzhufen, the toilet of General Zou (the opposite of "grave", which is known by Beiyou people) was still blocked, and the toilet water room was full of xiang, which was a spectacular scene. Therefore, the dormitory conditions are really poor. However, the dormitory will rotate every time, so it may not be the worst dormitory.
Basically, the teaching building or innovation base has fast Internet speed, sufficient air conditioning in summer, sufficient heating in winter, and a good learning environment, so the dormitory is a place for breaking sleep. I really think it is not a place that needs special attention.
2. The campus is too small
When you need to go to the bathhouse to take a bath in winter, go to the canteen when you are hungry, run to the teaching building when you are going to be late, and go back to get your ID card left in the dormitory, you will find how livable it is. When I was in Xiaopo Post, I would go to see an all night movie, go to Xiaoxi Tianzhuan, and go to the North Gate to eat fried rice, all of which could be done on foot. Only if you have a wave like heart, the whole Beijing can be your campus
3. Cost performance
I say three points, only for the computer industry.
The first point is the advantage of geographical location. As far as the Internet atmosphere in Beijing is concerned, there is nothing to say. In this regard, there is no way to compare it with Chengdian, Shanda and Sichuan University.
Second, alumni resources. In 2015, I interned in T (backstage R&D post). Eight of the ten interns were from Beijing Post, and the remaining two only learned about the recruitment information through the Beijing Post Forum. The whole R&D department on the second floor can always see the uniforms of Beijing Post. It has been said before that Beijing Post accounts for half of China's Internet, which is reasonable. During the research guarantee period, the seniors and sisters contacted were very enthusiastic. At that time, they were taught a lesson. Did you write an email to contact the tutor like this? Later, under the guidance of the seniors, I changed the email again, and the response rate was greatly improved. Now, as an experienced person, I will also give back to my younger brothers and sisters carefully. Later, he met a student from a foreign school. He said, "TutTutTut, Tut, Tut, Tut, Tut, Tut, Tut, Tut, Tut".
Third, the Internet or the technological atmosphere. A person who can write code has a high position in the small broken mail. There are many competitions, innovative projects and lectures. In my junior year, I spent almost all my time doing projects in the innovation base, except for classes in classrooms and dormitories.
4. Compared with Chengdu Dianshan Dachuan University
Now there are senior brothers and sisters from Sichuan University of Chengdu Dianshan University in the laboratory. When they see me, they will say that they seldom see girls who are willing to write code and do engineering (they feel like they will be sprayed here). However, such girls are very popular in the Beijing Post Science and Technology Department.
In fact, I always think that universities are almost the same, and learning depends on oneself. So, I think the main topic of this comparison should be the reputation of the school. Let's put it this way, Beijing Post is only 211, not 985, which is not comparable to Chengdu Dianshan University, Sichuan University, but the employment rate of computer science is more than 0.99, which still has the capital to be proud of.
5. It's not very difficult to go to the north of Qing Dynasty
The top 5% of Beijing Post majors can reach the threshold of Tsinghua recommendation. The top 10% will increase the probability of applying for good tutors at Peking University. In 2017, the first professional course of Peking University's postgraduate entrance examination for information science was the program of our small broken post. So, the difficulty depends on the individual? With the increasing number of people studying abroad in northern Qing Dynasty, the difficulty of escorting northern Qing Dynasty has been reduced. However, since Beijing Post is in Beijing, many of our students have been working in the laboratories of northern Qing Dynasty as sophomores, which is not an advantage
6. How about the Beijing Post Planning Department?
I can search the ranking myself. I was ranked 12 that year, and I was also rated as a national key discipline in 2016. However, this ranking does not affect job hunting and research guarantee. How is Beiyou doing in the Internet industry? Basically, it is no problem for Beiyou to pass the resume test, but the computer industry ultimately depends on its strength? In the end, it is ability that can help you get your resume, promotion and salary increase.
7. Where will the computer industry go?
There is a jargon in our small broken post that the resumption of Qingbei is to write codes for the US emperor, and the Huake of Beiyou is to write codes for the Chinese people.
Qingbei Resumption with China University of Science and Technology
Beijing Post Huakeha University of Technology
But since we are going to be engaged in computer science, our school is still located in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Viewpoint 3
Everyone has different opinions about this. I can only talk about my experience:
1. The power of information shocks me:
Beiyou has a forum called Beiyou Forum. People in the field of IT should know that not only Beiyou people, but also students from Tsinghua University, Beihang University, Peking University, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences all attend this forum. Everyone shares information on this forum, which brings great convenience to me and my classmates and friends.
2. Beijing Post has been making progress:
Beijing Post was confused for a period of time, during which the life of its operators became more difficult. But 10 years later, Beijing Post recovered, actively embraced the mobile Internet, and revitalized itself. Previously, it had been criticized for its lack of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial atmosphere. The disadvantages of no entrepreneurial atmosphere have also been fundamentally changed in recent years, and the campus has incubated such as 36 krypton, semi dimensional For projects like V Movie, the product manager culture has also been gradually established in Beijing Post.
3. The school is pitifully small:
It is said that many schools have more than ten times as many as Beijing Post. One student joked that no matter when you are waiting for me in Beijing Post, I will be in front of you in five minutes;
4. Internet atmosphere:
It should be the best in domestic colleges and universities. Whether it is the technical atmosphere or the product atmosphere, in Beijing Post, whether you have product problems or technical problems, you can quickly find people to have high-quality discussions. You can listen to others' statements, or you can lead;
5. Accommodation conditions:
There is no air conditioning, no independent bathroom, and the undergraduate dormitory is extremely poor. The graduate students have improved slightly, but there are still many slots. For example, the Xueshi building is really a tofu dregs project! You know, Beiyou students.
6. Course:
One convenience in Beijing is that if you can spare no effort, you can go to nearby schools to take courses in other subjects. Professional colleges and universities will not limit your vision to a large extent.
7. Study abroad:
It has been misunderstood before that the rate of going abroad of Beijing Post is not as high as that of comprehensive universities. However, the data released by Beijing Post recently shows that the rate of going abroad of Beijing Post is the highest in China. Thank you for the forum of Beijing Post people and the spirit of Internet sharing.
8. Full network WiFi coverage in campus:
As the "Information Whampoa", of course, no network is not popular. In the campus of Beijing Post, there is WiFi coverage. Previously, the network of Beijing Post was free. I heard that after the headmaster who dug coal came, the network of Beijing Post began to charge. I don't want to say anything. Is it still like "Information Whampoa"?
9. All kinds of students:
There are all kinds of students, which is the same as other schools. Some of them went to Google four years later, and some of them didn't learn anything after four years. They worked with the reputation of the school.
10. Lack of humanistic atmosphere of Beijing Post:
It's very serious. I'm not the only one who thinks so. Many alumni also know this. Many professional schools have this kind of problem. But I think Beijing Post should find a way to solve it. Otherwise, it will always be a senior technical school to train senior technicians.
11. The sister of Beijing Post is cute:
Compared with other universities of science and technology, the girls of Beijing Post are very beautiful.
12. Canteen of Beijing Post:
On the whole, it's pretty good, but the number is a little small. The environment of the new canteen is better. The spicy pot in the old canteen is nostalgic.
Having said so much, let's talk about some more questions:
As the "Information Whampoa", Beijing Post has the best Internet atmosphere among domestic universities. There is no doubt about this, whether it is the technology atmosphere or the product atmosphere. But can the leaders of Beijing Post also have some Internet thinking! Can we use the idea of making products to manage the school! Let me briefly say my opinion:
L First of all, Beijing Post should be regarded as a product:
1. For the sake of learning from principals, pay attention to subject ranking: computers like Beijing Post rank 12th, which is not commensurate with the dominance of Beijing Post in the Internet industry. Most examinees will pay attention to subject ranking. If the subject ranking is not good, it is difficult to attract high-quality examinees. I believe teachers also know what it means to not attract high-quality examinees, so those bosses, After making money, do some academic work!
2. For the sake of school principals, more consideration should be given to students: such as curriculum reform, such as installing air conditioners, such as charging for Internet access (is charging also called "Information Whampoa"?), and such as strengthening the construction of humanities to enhance the humanistic atmosphere of the school.
3. Going out for the sake of learning from the president: Going out may find abuse, but it is better than staying at home for self entertainment. Look at Sun Yat sen University. Computer science has made great progress in recent years.
4. Develop new disciplines for the purpose of learning from principals: Yes, not all majors of Beijing Post can be opened and students can not be trapped, but disciplines with Beijing Post characteristics can be opened. For example, if Internet finance is so popular now, can the school consider opening an Internet finance major and running such cross disciplines? No school has the advantage of Beijing Post!

Official introduction

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, co built by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and one of the first batch of "211 Project" construction. It is a key construction university of the "985 Advantage Discipline Innovation Platform" project. It is a multidisciplinary and research-oriented university characterized by information technology, dominated by engineering disciplines, and coordinated development of industry, management, arts and science, It is an important training base for information technology talents in China. In 2017, "Information Network Science and Technology Discipline Group" and "Computer Science and Network Security Discipline Group" entered the ranks of first-class discipline construction.
The university adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adheres to the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, and takes root in China to run a socialist university with Chinese characteristics. The school has always shouldered the family and country feelings of "mailing thousands of miles of national connections". Since its establishment in 1955, after more than 60 years of construction and development, the full-time education of the school has formed a school running pattern with rich information background, distinctive professional characteristics and prominent disciplinary advantages. The school now has the School of Information and Communication Engineering, the School of Electronic Engineering, the School of Computer Science, the School of Automation, the School of Software, the School of Digital Media and Design Arts, the School of Modern Posts, the School of Cyberspace Security, the School of Optoelectronic Information, the School of Science, the School of Economics and Management, the School of Humanities, the School of Marxism, the School of International Studies, the School of Network Education, the School of Continuing Education Eighteen teaching units, including the Institute of Ethnic Education and the Ministry of Sports, as well as three research institutes of network technology, information photonics and optical communication, perception technology and industry, and the 2011 Collaborative Innovation Center of Trusted Network Communication, have set up graduate schools. At present, the disciplines have covered nine disciplines, including science, engineering, literature, law, economics, management, education, philosophy and art, involving 22 first level disciplines. The school's three first level disciplines, namely, information and communication engineering, computer science and technology, and electronic science and technology, were rated as Class A disciplines in the fourth round of discipline evaluation by the Ministry of Education, of which the information and communication engineering achieved A+excellent results.
The school has Xitucheng Road Campus, Shahe Campus, Hongfu Campus and Xiaoxitian Campus, and has research institutes in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province and Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. There are nearly 23000 full-time undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and international students, and nearly 55000 officially registered part-time students.
In recent years, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications has focused on the major strategic needs of the country, guided by the strategic goal of network power, followed the law of running higher education, followed the strategic thinking of "comprehensive reform drives and scientific development", firmly established career oriented thinking, and launched the comprehensive reform of the school's education. With the joint efforts of all Party members, teachers and students, the reform and development of the school has entered a new stage.
——Firmly establish the idea that talent training is the fundamental task of colleges and universities, vigorously promote the implementation of the "quality project", actively promote the reform of undergraduate education and teaching and the innovation of postgraduate training mechanism, and achieve the coordinated development of quality and scale. In March 2008, the Ministry of Education officially announced that our school passed the "Undergraduate Teaching Level Assessment" with "excellent" results, marking that our talent training quality has stepped onto a new level. In recent years, our school has made good achievements in various kinds of selection work at all levels, including the national hundred outstanding doctoral dissertations, national quality courses, Beijing quality courses, national bilingual teaching demonstration courses, high-quality textbooks for general higher education, national teaching teams, Beijing excellent teaching teams, national education achievement awards, Beijing education achievement awards, etc. For a long time, the employment rate of students in our university has always been in the leading level of universities in China. He has achieved excellent results in major competitions for college students at home and abroad, represented by English, electronics, mathematics and physics competitions, and ranks in the forefront of national key universities. For nine years in a row, we have set up a college students' innovation and entrepreneurship achievement exhibition exchange meeting and innovation and entrepreneurship forum, and a graduate students' innovation and entrepreneurship achievement exhibition. Students' innovation and entrepreneurship practice activities have made outstanding achievements.
——We have always adhered to the guiding ideology of taking teachers as the basis for running schools, and actively promoted the "talent project". The talent team has been growing, and the teacher structure has been constantly optimized. At present, our school has a team of national candidates, including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering, foreign academicians, chief scientists of the 973 Program, innovation research group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, innovation team of the "Yangtze River Scholars and Innovation Team Development Plan", "Yangtze River Scholars", "QR", "New Century Hundred and Ten Thousand Talents Project", national experts with outstanding contributions Winner of "National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars", winner of "Cross Century Excellent Talents Program" of the Ministry of Education, winner of "New Century Excellent Talents Support Program", Beijing outstanding teaching team, Beijing science and technology stars, provincial and ministerial "young discipline leaders", provincial and ministerial "outstanding young backbone teachers", government special allowance experts A strong teaching team with national famous teachers as the backbone. Teachers with doctoral and master's degrees account for 88% of the total number of full-time teachers, and nearly 100 foreign teachers.
——Focusing on the construction of the "211 Project" and the construction of the "985 Innovation Platform for Superior Disciplines", we continued to strengthen discipline construction and further optimize the discipline layout. At present, the university has 10 first level discipline points authorized for doctoral degree, 22 first level discipline points authorized for master's degree (including 10 first level discipline doctor points), 7 types of professional master's degree authorization points, 43 undergraduate majors, and 6 post doctoral research mobile stations. The disciplines cover nine disciplines, including science, engineering, literature, law, philosophy, economics, management, education, and art, and initially form a multidisciplinary discipline structure with prominent advantages in information disciplines and mutual support between engineering, management, arts, and science. In terms of key discipline construction, our school has 2 national key disciplines, 7 Beijing key disciplines and 8 ministerial key disciplines.
——Strengthen the base construction, and the scientific research work develops well. Our school has several high-level scientific research bases represented by the national key laboratory, national engineering laboratory, key laboratory of the Ministry of Education, key national defense laboratory of the Ministry of Education, engineering research center of the Ministry of Education, and discipline innovation and talent introduction base of the Ministry of Education. The university has two national key laboratories, five national engineering laboratories (two of which are leading and three are cooperation), two engineering research centers of the Ministry of Education, five "111 innovation and talent introduction bases" of the Ministry of Education, one Beijing laboratory, and nine key laboratories of various ministerial levels. Based on the base construction and team construction, the scientific research work of our school shows a rapid growth trend in both quality and quantity. In recent years, it has won dozens of national scientific and technological invention awards, national scientific and technological progress awards, and provincial and ministerial scientific research awards. At the same time, our university has built a national university science park, which has laid a good foundation for promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.
——Strengthen international cooperation and exchange, and further improve the level of international education. In 2004, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, our university began to implement the bachelor's degree joint training program with Queen Mary College, University of London, and established the International College. In recent years, the International College has been widely praised by the whole society for its strict management and high-level talent training quality. In 2011, our school cooperated with Jinan Pacific University to build the Confucius Institute. In 2017, the Cook Islands Confucius Classroom won the title of "Advanced Confucius Classroom". Our university has established profound cooperation and exchange relations with more than 150 well-known universities, scientific research institutions and well-known enterprises at home and abroad.
Our school has built five national "111", including "communication and network core technology innovation and talent introduction base", "advanced intelligence and network service innovation and talent introduction base", "wireless network integration innovation and talent introduction base", "information network system construction and integration discipline innovation and talent introduction base", and "information network system construction and integration innovation discipline innovation and talent introduction base" The innovation and talent introduction base has introduced world-class academic masters and scientific researchers represented by the Nobel Prize winner in physics, Jores Alferov, and formed a strong international research team. Actively hosted high-level and high-level international conferences, built an academic exchange platform between the university and international high-level universities, enhanced the academic exchange and dialogue between the university and international high-level universities, and further enhanced the international influence of the university.
Guided by the school spirit of "unity, diligence, preciseness and innovation", the motto of "virtue, erudition, professionalism and joy" and the spirit of "advocating dedication and pursuing excellence", Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications is striding forward towards the grand goal of building a world-class research university with distinctive characteristics, prominent advantages.
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