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How about Beijing University of Chemical Technology

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How about Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Beijing University of Chemical Technology, as the leader of chemical engineering, focuses on science and engineering in discipline construction and has a strong scientific research atmosphere. Chemical engineering, polymer materials, chemical machinery and other majors are quite powerful in China, and other disciplines are of average professional level, which is not outstanding in similar colleges and universities, among which the international trade major has a good reputation.
Beihua has a good style of study. Unlike Beijing University of Technology, the local students account for a large proportion. Beihua students are evenly distributed. There are many rural children from other provinces and cities who are more motivated. In addition, the school creates a "learning bully" atmosphere, and takes measures such as weekend study arrangements, winter and summer vacations, evening holidays, and primary school, as well as the difficulty of examination without water, It has created a group of academic talents. Therefore, the external impression of Beihua students is that they are down-to-earth and pragmatic, and the recognition of enterprises to Beihua is also high.
At one time, the proportion of men and women in Beihua was unbalanced. Later, many liberal arts majors were set up to attract female students to apply for the exam, which made the proportion of men and women in the school close to 1:1. However, it is still difficult to solve the problem of the imbalance of the proportion of men and women in a specific major. For example, the resources of female students in engineering classes are always scarce, especially in machinery manufacturing and automation, The ratio of men to women is generally 10:1. So we must cherish the only girls in our class.
There are many interesting courses in Beihua, such as Polymer Physics, which is jokingly called Polymer Metaphysics, Lao Zhuang Philosophy, which is interpreted in the way of theoretical thinking, Physical Chemistry, which is like a "nightmare", Commodity Inspection Foundation, which analyzes and tests gems, bags, plants, etc., and elite courses full of thinking flashes and collisions.

All the new students of Beihua have settled in Changping Nankou Campus. The dormitory group in the new campus is called "Cherry Blossom Garden". Is it particularly poetic? The dormitory is a four person room, with a wardrobe under the bed and the table, a balcony, heating, air conditioning, and elevators. Although there is no independent bathroom, there is a bathroom on each floor, next to the public washing machine and shoe washing machine. There are bathrooms and toilets on both sides. The bathroom is still a separate room, So the young friends from the south don't have to worry about the big bathhouse style openness.
It is commendable that the decoration materials of the new dormitory are very environmentally friendly, such as diatom mud paint. You can breathe freely in the dormitory.
However, it is said that Beihua has a strict curfew, so you need to ask for leave when you go out to stay overnight. You are not allowed to leave the school after 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. The dishes in the Beihua Canteen are very varied, and they are said to be eaten less than once a year.

First, let's talk about the Zizhu series canteen.
Zizhu No.1 Canteen (per capita: RMB 11-13)
The first canteen is on the first floor, which is the only restaurant that has been open all morning. It is mainly a mix of self selected and local flavors. In the water bar on the left, you can have a cup of cool watermelon juice in summer, and order warm milk tea in winter.
Zizhu Second Canteen (per capita: 7-8 yuan)
The price of the second canteen is very approachable. Here you can eat at the most affordable price.
Zizhu No. 3 Canteen (per capita: 12-14 yuan)
The queue of the Third Canteen is the longest. You can often see long lines in front of several windows.
Zizhu 4th Canteen (per capita: 12-14 yuan)
It covers the four major cuisines of Guangdong, Sichuan, Hunan and Shandong, and its business hours are the latest among Zizhu restaurants.
In addition to the Zizhu series, there are also personalized canteen restaurants for selection.
Halal Canteen (RMB 11-13 per capita)
The decoration style of the Muslim canteen is very exotic. The dishes are mainly Muslim basic meals, supplemented by Muslim local characteristics.
September Bakery (8-10 yuan per capita)
Not only do we often launch "Internet celebrity" desserts here, but also we can customize various types of birthday cakes, which is the best place for students who love desserts.
Mountain Restaurant (RMB 9-11 per capita)
It is the late night canteen at the foot of Yuping Mountain, far from the dormitory building, and has the service of delivering meals to the dormitory.
1958 coffee (RMB 11-13 per capita)
The only cafe in Beihua is located on the first and second floors in the south of Building 5 of Yinghuayuan.

Compared with the headquarters of Beihua, that is, the Chaoyang East Campus on the North Third Ring Road, with its historical sense of vicissitudes and old hardware facilities, the new campus is located in Changping, realizing a qualitative leap in hardware facilities. The modern teaching building, six storey library, three in one gymnasium, outdoor football court, basketball court, tennis court, volleyball court, and underground supermarket are all available, Five new canteens.
The construction of the new campus has freed Beijing University of Chemical Technology from the old and boring impression, and it is moving towards a high-level research university with a new image.

But in terms of transportation, the geographical location is really not very good. Every time you fill in the address of Jingdong, you have to write it outside the city, which is really a bitter tear. Every time I go to the city, it takes me more than four hours to go back and forth by bus and subway. It's really a waste of time. Only Chang 68 passed by the school gate, so it was crowded every time, and occasionally I had to take a black car or Didi. There will be shuttle buses to and from the subway station and school in the evening. Learning. There are many places for self-study in the new campus library and No. 1 Teaching Building, and the environment is also very good and clean. There will also be air conditioning in summer, which can make people comfortable to study. There are four floors in the library. There are many books, which can meet the needs of all aspects. The first teaching building is divided into A and B, which are connected by a corridor in the middle, which is very convenient. There are many classrooms.

At the east gate of the school, there is a bus every half an hour from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. You can take the bus directly to Changping downtown, 20 minutes away, or you can take the bus to the subway station and transfer to the subway to Beijing downtown. The Beijing subway is absolutely convenient. In addition, Didi is also very convenient. The school also has a shuttle bus to the subway station or the east campus.

If you want to go shopping and eat, it is convenient to take a taxi to Badaling Outlets or Leduogang Outlets, or take the bus directly to Changping City. If you want to visit the scenic spots, Huyu Scenic Area is behind Beihua. You can walk to the Ming Tombs and Juyongguan Great Wall, which are very close to the school. So it is definitely not isolated from the world.

Then let's talk about the situation in the school. The first is about learning. As a 211 and double first-class university in Beijing, the academic and learning resources in the school are absolutely enough. The school has also purchased resources on many websites, and there are also a large number of books in the school library, which can also be borrowed from each other to ensure that you can borrow the books you want. Moreover, because the campus is newly built, all kinds of teaching equipment are advanced enough, all kinds of laboratory rooms are well built, and there are enough seats in classrooms and libraries. Even in the exam week, you can easily find empty seats to ensure that you have enough time for self-study. There is a 24-hour self-study area in the dormitory building, and there is also a place for you to study all night long. The playground, gymnasium, basketball court, tennis court, volleyball court, gymnasium and so on are available, and the swimming pool will soon be used, which can definitely meet your sports needs.

In addition to the "official" introduction of Beihua students, we can also take a look at the netizens' wind comments.

1. The materials and chemicals are very strong. The specialties derived from these two are both strong. The machinery is good, but it is hard to learn. The pharmacy is not as good as the upstairs said. Don't study arts. You will be depressed to find a job after graduating from science and engineering universities.

2. All the new students are in the North District, namely Changping District, and the third and fourth year students move to the third ring road. The north area is not bad. The building is newer than the east area. The dormitory has independent bathroom and balcony. It is also convenient to buy food around, next to the University of Political Science and Law of Petroleum University.

3. Beihua inorganic non graduate students are good, supported by the National Technology Center for Carbon Fiber, carbon materials are a good choice, and there are several excellent teachers, but if you learn pure water glass ceramics, it will be ordinary However, the graduate students of the School of Materials are not very good at taking the exam. They should be prepared mentally. If you don't know anything, you can ask me: I am a non organic person

4. Huada has developed well in recent years, such as materials, chemical process, machinery, automation and bioengineering in Life College. However, it is generally consistent with the social status quo, and engineering is generally easy to find. For example, although bioengineering is relatively good, it is still difficult to find a bachelor's degree at present, because as a new and popular major, it still stops in research, and the bachelor's degree is not qualified for this job. Of course, if we engage in research and come to these majors, the prospects are good. There are six or seven people who have submitted their lives to Tsinghua University. Not to mention the material, there is only one word to describe "cow".

5. The best major, high analytical materials science and engineering, ranked in the top three nationwide (claimed by the university). Other majors such as materials, equipment and chemical engineering are all good. I should be able to get 37 points in the first year of senior high school, but I am not sure I can go to a good major~

6. It depends on what major you like. The strong majors of Beihua are polymer materials and chemical industry, and machinery and automation are also good. Biology, grammar and economics are all new disciplines. It is recommended not to choose them. The hardware conditions of Beihua are not very good.

7. Hello, there are seven restaurants in the east area of Beijing University of Chemical Technology. The prices are almost the same, but the high-end restaurants on the third floor in the northeast corner are very expensive. Students don't go there. The third floor in the southwest corner is also a little expensive, but the environment and taste are both good. Hehehe~In fact, eating at school is an atmosphere. Now I think of the school food as particularly delicious. I wish you happy.

8. Overcontrol is a good major, but not suitable for girls. If you are a male student, you are an iron rice bowl major. Although the advanced talents and chemical engineering of Northern Chemical are very good, you may not have equipment (that is, you say over control, as our school calls it) to find a job. Because it is difficult for advanced talents to find a job if they do not go to graduate school or go abroad. However, the reputation of our school is much better than that of advanced talents of other schools, Better employment~If you are equipped for the postgraduate entrance examination, the graduate students in our school are also very good~So this major is very good in our school!

9. I belong to the University of Chemical Technology. In fact, the major of mechanical and electrical engineering, chemical engineering and materials is good, and the rest is average, such as management and grammar. But if you only want the school brand, the national key, 211, is reasonable.

10. Beijing University of Chemical Technology is very good. It is a college with strong polymer materials and chemical engineering majors, but North College of Beijing University of Chemical Technology is no good. It just has the name of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, which is three schools. But the good thing is that many teachers of Beijing University of Chemical Technology go there to give lectures, Whether you can learn something depends on your own efforts! I hope it is helpful to you.

11. The automation major ranks average in the school. Of course, the most excellent one is polymer materials. Chemical engineering and technology are also quite good. However, it is very easy to find a job in automation, because the chemical industry of Beihua is absolutely among the best in the country, and it is very famous. Petrochemical companies are very fond of our school, so it is certainly very easy for automation majors to find a job in petrochemical industry! And the process equipment and control are very good, and employment is very easy.

12. The public relations level of the school is not very good, there is not much advertising outside, and it is not famous in the public's impression. However, other non advantageous majors with good reputation in the industry are generally similar to other non advantageous majors in 211 comprehensive colleges, and the teachers are relatively good, stronger than the local one, The school spirit and learning atmosphere of Beihua is relatively good. The hardware facilities and research facilities in teaching are relatively good, which is the best in China. The classroom environment is also gradually improving. In the past, most classrooms and study room libraries did not have air conditioners to cool down, and electric fans were rarely used. I suffered a lot in Beijing's rainy season, Now the school is gradually paying attention to these things and has gradually improved. This year, the classroom study rooms in the north and east areas will be decorated and painted and equipped with air conditioners during the holidays. Large classrooms, such as the staircase classroom in the north area, now each classroom has four air conditioners, ordinary study rooms also have one air conditioner, and ordinary medium-sized classrooms also have two air conditioners, This is quite good. Beijing is mainly stuffy and humid. Now it's much better with air conditioning.

Official introduction

Founded in 1958, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, formerly known as Beijing Institute of Chemical Technology, is a high-level university established by the People's Republic of China to "cultivate advanced chemical talents required by cutting-edge science and technology". As a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education and a key construction university of the national "211 Project" and "985" advantageous discipline innovation platform ", it shoulders the mission of cultivating high-level innovative talents, basic and forward-looking scientific research and original high-tech development.

After more than half a century of construction, Beijing University of Chemical Technology has developed into a multidisciplinary key university with a solid foundation in science, strong strength in engineering, and distinctive disciplines in management, economics, law, literature, education, philosophy, medicine, etc., and has formed from undergraduate education to master's, doctoral Multi level talent training pattern, such as post doctoral mobile stations and international student education. Since its establishment, Beijing University of Chemical Technology has sent more than 100000 talents to the country.

The school has 14 colleges, with 14999 full-time undergraduate students, 6358 full-time graduate students (including 780 doctors), 4979 vocational students, correspondence students, night university students and other continuing education students, and 497 foreign students with academic qualifications; There are 2298 faculty members, including 1106 full-time teachers, 781 professors and associate professors, 7 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3 experts introduced by the national "QR" program, 1 national outstanding professional and technical talent, 11 distinguished professors of the "Yangtze River Scholars Award Program" of the Ministry of Education, 2 chair professors, 8 "973" first scientists, and 19 winners of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, There are 5 winners of the National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars, 2 young scholars of the "Yangtze River Scholars Award Program" of the Ministry of Education, and 71 trans (new) century outstanding talents of the Ministry of Education.

The university has 7 post doctoral mobile stations, 6 first level discipline doctoral programs, 29 second level discipline doctoral programs, 96 master's programs, 5 professional master's degree categories, 10 engineering master's programs in engineering fields, and 50 undergraduate majors; One national first level key discipline (covering five second level disciplines), two national second level key disciplines, one national key (cultivation) discipline, three Beijing first level key disciplines (covering 14 second level key disciplines), two Beijing cross key disciplines, and three Beijing second level key disciplines; 8 national characteristic specialty construction sites, 16 Beijing municipal characteristic specialty construction sites, and 3 engineering education specialty certification majors of the Ministry of Education; 2 national key laboratories, 1 national engineering laboratory, 10 provincial and ministerial key laboratories; 1 national engineering technology research center, 15 provincial and ministerial engineering technology research centers.

The school actively carried out teaching reform, comprehensively promoted quality education, and steadily improved teaching quality. At present, it has 12 national off campus practical teaching bases for college students, 2 national experimental teaching demonstration centers, 1 national talent training mode innovation experimental area, 2 national virtual simulation teaching experimental centers, 1 Beijing municipal cultural quality education base, 1 Beijing philosophy and social science research base, and 6 Beijing municipal experimental teaching demonstration centers, 4 Beijing municipal off campus talent training bases; There are 5 national level famous teachers in colleges and universities, 23 Beijing municipal level famous teachers in colleges and universities, 5 national level teaching teams, and 10 Beijing excellent education teams; 15 national quality courses, 15 national resource sharing courses, 37 Beijing quality courses, and 5 provincial and ministerial bilingual demonstration courses.

The scientific research work of the university has developed rapidly, and its ability to undertake major projects and solve the major needs of national economic and social development has been further enhanced. The scientific and technological funds have constantly reached new historical highs, and the per capita scientific research funds of the whole university rank among the top universities in the country. Since 2001, the university has won 25 scientific research projects with the National Science and Technology Award, 3 innovative research groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and 6 innovative teams of Changjiang Scholars from the Ministry of Education, ranking among the top universities in China. In 2015, the school received nearly 650 million yuan in science and technology funds, 6 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards, and 432 patents.
The university has been committed to the transformation and industrialization of high-tech achievements. The Science Park of Beijing University of Chemical Technology has been recognized as the "National University Science Park". The university's science and technology industry has more than 20 science and technology industry entities closely integrated with teaching and scientific research. Relying on the university's advantages in science and technology and talent, and taking the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements as the business purpose, the university has formed a high-tech industry with northern characteristics. It has formed a series of technologies and a variety of products in the fields of biochemistry, daily chemical industry, fine chemical industry, new chemical materials, etc. In recent years, the university has also set up local research institutes of advanced materials, industrial biotechnology and other university local cooperation, focusing on the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and Bohai Rim regions, in combination with the demand for improving the university's advantageous disciplines, local economic development strategies and enterprises' scientific and technological innovation ability.

The university focuses on international academic, cultural and educational exchanges, and has established academic cooperation with 102 universities in Britain, the United States, France, Germany, Australia, South Korea and Japan. At present, the university has carried out more than 40 overseas learning programs with more than 30 foreign universities, including exchange of students, joint cultivation, degree study, overseas summer schools, overseas internships, and participation in international conferences and competitions. In 2015, the university sent 479 students to study abroad. The school enrolls multi-level foreign students from language students to undergraduate students, master students and doctoral students. In 2015, there were 497 foreign students in China, including 305 academic students. The university has a number of high-level international cooperation projects, such as the "Program of Introducing Talents for Discipline Innovation in Colleges and Universities" ("111 Program" for short), "Program of Introducing Overseas High level Cultural and Educational Experts", "High end Foreign Experts", and "Overseas Famous Teachers", which are gradually leading our scientific research team to the world.

The school attaches great importance to student employment work, lists employment work as one of the four key tasks of the school, and promotes employment work with the strength of the whole school. It has established a perfect employment guidance and service system, attached importance to the whole process of employment guidance for students, and actively played the leading role of the school in the process of meeting the demand and supply of graduates and employers, and making two-way choices. For many years, the one-time employment rate of graduates has been among the best in colleges and universities nationwide. In 2015, the employment rate of college graduates was 97.62%, and the overall employment rate of graduate students was 95.70%.

In the 21st century, an era full of opportunities and challenges, all teachers and students of Beijing University of Chemical Technology will continue to adhere to the school motto of "great virtue and erudite learning, chemical education and natural engineering" and the big spirit of "unity and dedication, hard work, practical strength, erudite innovation", and strive to build Beijing University of Chemical Technology into a distinctive A high-level research university with international influence.
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