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How about Anhui University of Engineering

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Viewpoint 1
It is inaccurate to see that Anhui University of Engineering is located at the foot of the holy mountain on the Internet. The security project is also separated from the holy mountain park behind, and the traffic is dense, so every time you cross the road to the holy mountain to run is a scary experience.

There are many camphor trees, metasequoia trees, ginkgo trees and sycamore trees in the school. I feel that each road has its own scenery. As for school hardware, just so so, there is no balcony, no independent toilet, the library is very broken, and many books are still not lent. The style of study? Every year, many students choose to take the postgraduate exam and can also get into 985. Although the school is a college, most of the students who come in are within 10 points online. There are many Xueba students, but most of them are loafers. The teacher's teaching is really good. At least he is diligent. Of course, the most important thing is to rely on his own efforts at ordinary times. Some people play games, some people go to the library, some people fall in love and abuse dogs, some people work part-time to earn money. They really understand the saying that university is a small society, where your time is, where your harvest will be, but we should at least be an upward person.
Now it is October, 2016. Many people in the first and second classes study late every day. When they walk through the brightly lit classrooms, they will be filled with hope. Looking at the small library with all the lights on, plus the night, camphor trees, and the gentle chirping of insects, it will really feel very comfortable, because it will arouse people's upward heart. Maybe many people will take the postgraduate entrance exam to a famous school, but I hope they will not forget their undergraduate school. I remember that my modern history teacher was admitted to Nanjing University from Anshi Normal University, but when he talked about his alma mater, he only talked about Nanjing University. Maybe the idea that heroes don't care about their origins is not deeply rooted in our country.
The school has been making progress. The table tennis court and tennis court are still charged in their freshman year, but now they are free. The canteen will distribute moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival, and rice dumplings on the Dragon Boat Festival. Some of the things in Dichao are cheap. There will be many running classmates and lovers on the playground at night. These trivial things may constitute our whole college life. In short, this is a good period of time. I hope that every student of the project can learn something, that every lonely person or one who gags with friends, that every busy person or one who is idle to watch inspirational movies, and that every one who likes sports or who is reading in the popular lake will have something to gain.

Viewpoint 2

An ordinary college striving to develop into a first-class national well-known school in the province. The overall area of the campus is good, but the construction style is chaotic. People often complain that the designers of the safety engineering are in a good mood to draw a building today. Dormitory buildings and teaching buildings are everywhere. But the greening is very beautiful, and it was really amazing at the beginning. The infrastructure of students is really unsatisfactory. The gym is not allowed to enter under normal circumstances, except for indoor physical education classes, it is usually a lot to enter the gym three times a year. I just built a new volleyball court and basketball court when I entered the school, but the tennis court lamp used by the teacher will be turned on at night. The volleyball court lamp has only been turned on once during the Anhui University Basketball League, and has never been used again_ (: ☒ "∠) _ presumably to save money. When it comes to lights, the street lights in this school seem to make me laugh. One of them is that they never light up after self-study in the evening. The orange and white lights are randomly placed (● - ●). Yes, they are not spaced, but random. The school is large and has many gates. The east gate and the west gate face the same direction. There are five canteens, only one of which is in the east area, and there are only male dormitories in the east area. It is said that the five canteens are really disgusting and explosive. When it rains, they will all drown. However, girls and some boys are in the west area, sitting in four canteens, which are also delicious. Although it was reported that there were food safety problems in the five canteens, there was always dark cooking. However, compared with the eastern area, the conditions are still very good. There is an underground supermarket, and some convenient facilities such as printing shop and piano shop are also good on the whole. It's killing to sign in early. 6: At the beginning of 7:00 at 30, the class will decide the time by itself, and randomly select schools. People who stay up late at night say they are helpless. If the class starts at 9:30 in the morning, you have to sign in first and then go to bed. The answer is to sign in early and get ready to sleep in the cage. The network was cut off at 12:00, and there was no power cut. In general, I was satisfied with QwQ, but there was no balcony. If the dormitory was facing the backlight, it would be very sad that most people who could get π π in this school did not get very high scores. A book with 20 scores online or offline would include 90% of people. (But there are also those who volunteer to fill in the college entrance examination at my back desk, 62 points higher than me and one class with me) ('ω ') The teacher is lovely and responsible, and the instructor is lovely and responsible. After all, college practice is personal. In an engineering college, if you want to learn technology, you are still very stable. There are many associations, and academic ones, such as the Electronic Science and Technology Association, are also 6 every year. Although most of them are from the Electrical Institute, they are also very good at basic teaching in the face of new recruits from the whole school.

Official introduction

Anhui University of Engineering is a provincial multidisciplinary university dominated by engineering and a key construction university in Anhui Province. It is also a construction university of the basic capacity construction project (Phase II) of universities in central and western China. It is located in the national open city of Wuhu. The school started from Anhui Private Neisi Advanced Engineering School in 1935, and went through the school running stages of Wuhu Motor Manufacturing School (affiliated to the former National First Ministry of Machinery Industry), Wuhu Mechanical School, Anhui Mechanical and Electrical University, Anhui Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, and was renamed Anhui University of Engineering in 2010.

At present, the school covers an area of more than 1500 mu, the total building area of the school is more than 500000 square meters, and the total value of teaching and scientific research equipment is 258 million yuan. The library has more than 1.5 million books. At present, there are nearly 1300 teaching staff, including more than 1000 full-time teachers. Teachers with doctorates and master's degrees account for 85% of the total number of full-time teachers. The university employs a group of well-known scholars at home and abroad, including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, as part-time professors, and introduces high-level talents such as "Yangtze River Scholars" as discipline leaders. More than 50 people have been selected as famous teachers in Anhui Province, academic and technical leaders in Anhui Province, top talents, young and middle-aged discipline leaders in colleges and universities, forming a team with rich teaching experience Teaching and research team with high academic level and strong scientific research ability.

The existing disciplines of the school cover engineering, science, literature, management, economics, law, art and other categories; There are 14 teaching units, including the College of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering. In terms of undergraduate training, there are 68 undergraduate majors, including 14 national and provincial characteristic majors, 15 national and provincial comprehensive reform pilot majors, and 12 national and provincial outstanding talent education and training programs; It has built a national off campus practical education base for college students. In terms of postgraduate cultivation, there are 11 first level discipline master's degree authorization points, 3 professional master's degree authorization categories, 5 engineering master's fields, and a provincial demonstration base for joint cultivation of postgraduate students by industry, university and research, a provincial professional degree case library, and a teaching case promotion center. At present, the University and Wuhu Municipal People's Government have jointly built the International Engineering College of Anhui University of Engineering, creating a demonstration area for the reform of talent training model with "internationalization, engineering, entrepreneurship and diversification" characteristics, and a science and technology incubation base for integration of production, learning, research and application; It has established cooperation and exchange relations with nearly 20 well-known universities in the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, South Korea, Thailand and Taiwan, and actively carried out cooperative school running, talent training and scientific research activities.

The university actively carries out scientific research. In recent years, it has undertaken more than 80 national scientific research projects such as the 863 Program, the National Natural Science Foundation, the Social Science Fund, more than 30 scientific research projects of ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education, and more than 400 provincial scientific research projects; It has won more than 40 provincial and ministerial level scientific research awards. There are provincial major construction disciplines of control science and engineering, as well as six provincial key disciplines of machinery manufacturing and its automation, detection technology and automation devices, textile engineering, fermentation engineering, management science and engineering, and design art. Cooperate with Anhui Evert Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. to jointly build a national and local joint engineering research center (engineering laboratory), with 15 provincial-level scientific and technological innovation platforms, including a national textile industry innovation service center, a provincial collaborative innovation center for high-end equipment manufacturing in Wanjiang, and a provincial key research base for humanities and social sciences in the "Design Art Research Center". The school's analysis and testing center has the qualification of a provincial food inspection agency. Journal of Anhui University of Engineering was selected as the source journal by American Chemical Abstracts and Russian Abstract Journal.

The guiding ideology of the school is clear. The school adheres to the school running philosophy of "building the school with quality, strengthening the school with talents, and prospering the school with characteristics and harmony" and the educational philosophy of "being honest, practical, and knowledgeable". The school motto of "upholding virtue and learning, being practical and innovative" is adopted, and the strategy of "strengthening the school with talents, innovation driven, open school running, and characteristic development" is implemented, Adhere to the connotative development path with improving quality as the core, and actively cultivate high-quality application-oriented talents with a sense of social responsibility, innovative spirit, entrepreneurial awareness and practical ability. The university is one of the top 50 universities with typical employment experience of graduates in China, and a demonstration university of innovation and entrepreneurship education for college students in Anhui Province. It has won the advanced commendation for the employment of college graduates in Anhui Province for eight consecutive years, of which it has been a pacesetter for five consecutive years.

As a pilot unit of comprehensive reform of colleges and universities in Anhui Province, and a pilot unit of innovation autonomy reform of colleges and universities systematically promoting comprehensive innovation reform in Anhui Province, the university is striving to make new and greater contributions to the construction goal of "domestic well-known, provincial first-class, high-level university with local characteristics" and to the modernization of the five major development and beautiful Anhui and the building of a well-off society in an all-round way.

(Data as of November 2017)

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