A kitten

diary |May 13, 2024 | Browse: 439

As soon as I walked into the office and turned around, a black object flashed through the foot of the door and hid in the gap between the desk and the door. I stopped, hesitated for a moment, and went forward to gently lift the curtains. Suddenly, a kitten ran out, scaring me into a cold sweat. I looked in the direction that the kitten passed by. It was curled behind the curtain, poking out its little brain. Two glass ball eyes were watching me carefully. I have never raised a small animal, and I am at a loss for this sudden little guy.

We just stared at each other quietly. For a moment, the kitten slowly came out. It put down its guard and tried to approach me. I hoped to keep a distance from it. Seeing that it did not continue to move forward, I relaxed my suspense and started today's work. After a while, there was a noise under the desk. I didn't know when the kitten came under the desk. I pretended not to notice it and let it play underneath. It was a wonderful feeling. I watched the kitten's movements through the corner of the table. It tried to chew some things, sometimes rolling on the ground, sometimes moving from side to side. The kitten should have noticed that I was peeping at it, so it rolled over and leaned against the foot of the table to look at me, making a sound of "peeking". I smiled at it slightly, and it ran to my feet coldly. I subconsciously retracted my legs, but it was scared to run away.

Bad things

diary |March 26, 2024 | Browse: 758

It's probably because the temperature is hot and cold these days. I accidentally caught a cold, and my limbs are weak and dizzy, and my mouth is dry. I took a few pills last night to relieve some symptoms, but I still wake up today feeling dizzy. I listen to music with headphones, Looking at the roadside through the glass door, the sun is shining, the shadow of the tree is swaying with the wind, and the thoughts are myriad. I can't help recalling the past, but the fragments flash into my mind, which is vague. For a moment, I felt as if I had returned to my childhood. A small figure sat quietly under a tree, staring at the horizon in a daze, confused but longing.

Just as I was about to go out, a friend who had not been contacted for a long time walked into the company. I looked up and called her. She recognized me after a moment of hesitation, exchanged greetings and asked each other about the recent situation. She said that I had changed a lot and matured a lot. As time goes by and the seasons change, people are also changing. In the past 40 years, people of different ages have different arrangements. When you listen to the old songs of a certain age, how can you not sigh?

Come together

diary |March 15, 2024 | Browse: 731

When I was over 40, I saw all kinds of people. As time went by, I forgot about them when I walked. Finally, I could remember very little, which is in line with the principle of "birds of a feather flock together". People do not distinguish between high and low, but in reality it has become a measurement criterion. Wealth, occupation, ugliness and beauty and other appearances impact people's hearts all the time, and how many people can put them down.

The rainy season is relatively long in the south. The whole city has not seen sunshine for half a month. Almost noon, it was getting ready to go off work. Suddenly, it was dark again. The sign of a heavy rain was disturbing. I turned to my friend and said that I could drive him home. Although the journey was not far, I could at least avoid the bad weather for a short time. I met my friend a few years ago. Because of the company's business needs, I often asked him to deal with them. After a long time together, I became a friend. My friend came here to work 20 years ago from other provinces. He is honest and dutiful. Since I knew him, I only knew that he was living alone with his children. I didn't ask him why.

carefree and contented

diary |March 7, 2024 | Browse: 679

Tomorrow is March 8. My friend asked me if I would buy flowers for free? I pondered for a moment and tried my best to search for memory. For decades, buying flowers was not my temperament. Maybe I was dull and didn't know anything romantic. Undeniably, although everyone's perception of life is different, most people agree that life needs a "sense of ceremony", so festivals must have corresponding forms to express their feelings.

In retrospect, the customs handed down by our predecessors are also a reflection of the "sense of ritual". Most of these traditions have been passed down from generation to generation through words and deeds, which are precious. With the change of the times, new things are emerging in endlessly. The ideas of the young generation are in line with the tide of the new era, and parents may not be able to fully adapt. To be exact, the new sense of ritual makes them feel overwhelmed, at least it is enough to respect each other.

No full moon

diary |February 29, 2024 | Browse: 705

On the night of the Lantern Festival, a friend from the north took a picture of the street scene for me on the way home. On a quiet night, I saw the wide road stretching far away, with many tall buildings on both sides, and the street lights were shining pale yellow, disappearing at the end of the road. A round silver moon hung in the night sky between the buildings. The bright moonlight sprinkled on the snow on both sides of the road, rendering a layer of warmth for the cold winter. I opened the curtains and looked up through the window glass. I could not find the shadow of the moon, so I ran to the roof of the building to look around. The cold weather was drizzling. I sent a message to my friend: "It's raining in the south."

The next day, a friend asked if the moon appeared tonight? I said, "The rain is still falling." It can't help but disappoint my friends. I don't know when I have paid no attention to the bright moon and stars in the night sky. If not mentioned by my friends, how can I recall those distant memories, vague but warm. After a few days, the light rain still drizzles and never stops, as is the case in spring in the south.

Domain name renewal

diary |February 27, 2024 | Browse: 806

The space of this website is in Hong Kong. Although there are speed restrictions, it is enough to carry personal blogs. The price is cheap, and it also saves the trouble of filing domestic hosts. This is the reason why I insist on using this website. Anyway, the Alibaba Cloud host used before is quite good, but the renewal price is too high. For me, the cost performance ratio is not high, so I have to abandon it. In recent years, this website has been updated intermittently and nearly deserted, but it is reluctant to stop because it is engraved with the story of the years, and it reviews the past time from a few words.

Speaking of domain names, the top domain name was chosen only for fun. Over the years, it was very comfortable to use it. In my memory, the top domain name was just popular at that time, and the price was very cheap, but now the price has doubled. If I had foresight, I would definitely register for 10 years. Now the top domain name is the same as the com domain name. I don't know when it will rise. To re register a website, I searched many websites, but I didn't like them, so I didn't bother. This is also very good.

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  • Wander under the sky in northern Guangdong, pick up and cherish the rest of your life carefully, build a nest, and place the erratic soul.
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