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  • 2016 Annual Report on Government Information Disclosure of Longjing Local Taxation Bureau

    Release date: 2017-03-20 Number of hits:

         This annual report is prepared in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Disclosure of Government Information (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations). The full text includes: basic work, active disclosure of government information, disclosure of government information according to application, administrative review and litigation, charges for government information disclosure, main problems and improvement measures. The statistical period of the data listed in this report is from From January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. If you have any questions about this report, please contact the Government Information Disclosure Leading Group Office of Longjing Local Taxation Bureau. (Address: No. 999, Hailan Road, Longjing City, Zip code: 133400, Tel: 0433-5032142)

          1、 The implementation of the Opinions of the General Office of the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee and the General Office of the People's Government of Jilin Province on comprehensively promoting the work of making government affairs public

         In strict accordance with the requirements of the open system of government affairs, our bureau has made all kinds of documents that can be released public in a timely manner and kept them on file as required; The documents related to business handling at each window are required to be disclosed at the window in a timely manner; Through the daily morning patrol system, check the disclosure of window instructions.

         1. Timely disclose relevant rules and regulations, personnel appointment and dismissal and expenditure information to internal staff. Our bureau timely releases various systems, internal and external documents and notices through the internal LAN; The construction of a clean and honest government and other relevant contents are made public through the LAN, and are actively supervised; All kinds of annual advanced evaluations are publicized through the office system.

         2. Build a comprehensive information release system. All kinds of information are released through electronic LED screens, internal and external websites, local media, etc., and notices, announcements and other contents are published in a timely manner to ensure the public's right to know and supervision.

         2、 General Office of Jilin Provincial People's Government Implementation of 2016 Division of Key Tasks of Government Affairs Publicity

         1. Timely clarify and publicize the key points of government affairs disclosure. Our bureau conscientiously implements the spirit of the General Office of the People's Government of Jilin Province on Printing and Distributing the 2016 Key Tasks of Government Affairs Publicity, clarifies the key points of publicity according to the actual work, forms the working mechanism of government affairs openness, and makes timely disclosure through various channels.

         2. Timely publicize the latest tax policies. Through various WeChat groups, internal and external websites, timely and comprehensively convey the latest tax policies to taxpayers, and actively issue notices to enterprises that meet the policy provisions to ensure that the policy benefits are in place.

         3. Timely reply to all kinds of questions on the people's hotline. Clarify the responsibility of the people's hotline of Yanbian Information Port to the people; Carefully handle all kinds of matters in the people's hotline, and the immediate settlement rate is 100%. Yanbian People's Hotline County and City Hotline answered the call on the spot once.

         5、 Disclosure of handling results of NPC deputies' suggestions and CPPCC members' proposals

         There is no handling of the proposals of NPC deputies and CPPCC members in this department.

         1、 Basic working conditions

         In 2016, Longjing Local Taxation Bureau closely focused on the work of the tax center, vigorously organized the tax revenue, continuously improved the quality of tax collection and management, optimized tax service, achieved the double improvement of tax quality and scale, and greatly supported the development of local economy and society. While implementing the central work, our bureau attaches great importance to the publicity of government information. According to the unified deployment of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, we strengthened organizational leadership, improved the working mechanism, conscientiously implemented the requirements of the Regulations, and solidly promoted the publicity of government information, playing an important role. To this end, our bureau has set up a special leading group and an office to specifically organize and coordinate the work of government information disclosure, and staffed special personnel to be responsible for the work of government information disclosure, forming a perfect mechanism for government affairs disclosure. In the work of government information disclosure, we focused on exploring various forms of disclosure, constantly improving the traditional way of disclosure, carried out extensive publicity, and paid attention to the exchange of experience with other units. In 2016, according to the annual tax work arrangement and government information disclosure plan, Longjing Local Taxation Bureau broke down and implemented various government affairs disclosure work, released relevant tax information in a timely manner, issued 112 tax policies, regulations and tax information, and did not receive reports and complaints related to government information disclosure work. At the same time, our bureau also paid attention to the education and training of the personnel related to government affairs disclosure, subscribed to relevant magazines and newspapers, and conducted corresponding business training and learning, which further improved the comprehensive quality of government affairs personnel, reserved talents, and laid a solid foundation for Longjing Local Taxation Bureau to carry out the government information disclosure work in the next stage.

         II Actively disclose government information

         (1) Number of open numbers

         In 2016, according to the arrangement and deployment of Longjing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and the actual work of Longjing Local Taxation Bureau, 112 pieces of active public information were released.

         (2) Public content

         Among the active public information, all are tax policy and regulatory information, mainly the announcements and notices of local tax administrations on tax policies and some policy related notices of provinces and states.

         (3) Public form

         First, an electronic display screen is set up in the tax service hall, so that the public can instantly access public information such as tax procedures; The second is to release government information online.

         3、 Disclosure of government information according to application

         The department has not disclosed government information according to the application

         4、 Administrative reconsideration and litigation

         There is no administrative review or litigation in this department

         5、 Fees for government information disclosure

         There is no charge for government information disclosure in this department

         6、 Main problems and improvement measures

         according to According to the situation of government information disclosure in 2016, the main problems are as follows: first, the channel for government information disclosure is narrow, and the content of the disclosure needs to be deepened; Second, the timeliness of information disclosure needs to be further improved; Third, the form of publicity still needs to be innovated, and the contact with local party and government departments and mainstream media should be strengthened. In 2016, we will continue to vigorously promote the work of government information disclosure in accordance with the relevant work requirements of local, provincial, state and municipal governments. To this end, we should also focus on the following aspects: First, we should improve our understanding and continue to promote the standardization, institutionalization and procedural construction of government information disclosure; The second is to innovate the form of government information disclosure, actively innovate working ideas, create a new platform for information disclosure in combination with modern new media, and strive to make government information disclosure become a booster to close to and help people solve practical problems, and become a bridge between the government and people.



                                                                                                            Longjing Local Taxation Bureau

                                                                                                                                                                                                  March 20, 2017