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Visit the webpage and be redirected to pornographic website? When will traffic hijacking stop!

The Descendants of Light 7 years ago (2017-02-12) internet three thousand one hundred and thirty-five

Note: I know that online police will pay attention to my blog, please pay attention to such events!!! It was discovered yesterday that when my computer was browsing the web, the first time I visited a new domain name, it always jumped to a pornographic website Searching this website on the Internet can not find any useful information. It seems that it is the kind of money to run. How can a good computer behave like this? Every time you open a new page, it will jump. If you visit again, it will not jump. This traffic hijacking is shameless!!! After several tests and exclusions, it was finally confirmed that it was hijacked by the operator. The specific analysis process is as follows:

1. Because Google Browser is commonly used, it is suspected that it is caused by an extension application. However, after disabling all plug-ins, hijacking still occurs.

2. Using other browsers, such as IE browser and Firefox browser, hijacking also occurs. When using Firefox, I found a useful information, that is, before jumping, I jumped to a traffic statistics interface and then to a pornographic website. However, the link of this traffic statistics is open, which means that I can see the general situation of this traffic (detailed analysis will be made below).

3. When using mobile phones and TVs to access web pages, we found that there were advertisements inserted (in the past, when mobile phones used to browse web pages at night or use the client, there were advertisements inserted and pages jumped to pornographic websites. Why is it sure that it was hijacked by the operator? Because there was no such situation when using mobile networks.), but there was no jump. It may be that the system environment is different and the jump condition cannot be triggered.

4. No abnormal virus was found using anti-virus software.

5. After the VPN software is used to replace the IP address, all suspicious jumps disappear. Finally, it is confirmed that this is broadband operator traffic hijacking!!!

Broadband operators do not respond well to the national call and focus on reducing fees and speeding up, but they shamelessly focus on hijacking user traffic to make money! How outrageous!!! What do you think, cyber police?

The following is the public traffic statistics address: I asked for traffic ranking: 3587

I have to say, the traffic is really TMD! PV and UV are so much higher than IP!!! It seems that every device is skipped many times every day!!! Look at its comprehensive data:

Take a closer look at the traffic ranking and find that The webmaster is: Discourse Technology (related news: 315 TRACK AGAIN! Discourse technology: ignorance of pornographic content There are a lot of traffic statistics under the name of, and the traffic is very large!!! For example: (The website on the information must be false) ... So much traffic must be related to the hijacking of operators. I hope that the enthusiastic online police can check it and give netizens a quiet online world!

Query the microblog related to Discourse Technology and find: Introduction to Deng Xin of Discourse Technology Telecom Advertising Alliance Founder Deng Xin!!! It seems to be a euphemism for the cooperation with Telecom!!!

Through packet capturing, we found that traffic hijacking is related to this website: (The excellent platform belongs to Chongqing Qutan Technology Co., Ltd., which is the same as Chongqing Discourse Technology Co., Ltd., and they must be related), as shown in the following figure:

Details (a lot of information has been recorded, such as what website to jump from, and my IP address):

That's it. What can a company do? I can't catch them!!! There are so many black interest chains involved. As a small netizen, I really can't do anything!

The black hearted profit earns ceaselessly, when will the traffic hijack stop! Do you know that broadband operators are so shameless?

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Copyright notice: The successor blog of Light Released. If it needs to be reproduced, please indicate the source.

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Comment List

 2688 Goddess second shot MV
7 years ago (2017-02-24)

Big trees catch the wind

 The Descendants of Light
7 years ago (2017-02-14)

I also use 114dns, which is useless~

 Do not earn money by routine online
7 years ago (2017-02-14)

Alas, this kind of thing shows great helplessness

7 years ago (2017-02-14)

I also encountered the same problem. Later, I modified DNS and deleted the two IP addresses of 114DNS. After half an hour of testing, I did not find the same problem.

I also use 114dns, which is useless~
7 years ago (2017-02-14)



 I can't see it clearly. Change it

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