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How to acquire sampling code Acquisition method steps

Updated on: 2022-03-18 14:13:39 Source: Internet

How to obtain the sampling code? The sampling code is something we need to prepare in the process of nucleic acid detection, which can help us quickly check our own nucleic acid results. With the emergence of the epidemic, everyone needs the corresponding sampling code for nucleic acid detection, but many partners do not know how to obtain their own sampling code, and I have organized the relevant data, Here, you can quickly learn how to obtain the sampling code. If you don't know, please come here to have a look.

Sampling code acquisition method steps

1. Open WeChat, find the search function on the WeChat discovery page, and click to enter.

2. On the Search page, find the sampling code function to search, and click Search.

3. On the following page, find the top and click to add a registrar.

4. On the subsequent page of adding detection registration information, enter your own information, and then click Submit to automatically display your own exclusive sampling code.

The above is the sampling code acquisition method steps, and I hope it will be helpful to my friends.

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