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  • Will the Korean IELTS oral test be finished on the same day as the written test?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Will the oral and written IELTS exams be finished on the same day? Answer: Basically. You know, the last thing I worry about when I take the IELTS exam in Korea is that there are too many people. Therefore, no matter where you take the IELTS test in South Korea, the number of candidates will be higher than that in China. Under such circumstances, the oral English test is usually scheduled to be held on the same day. In Seoul to participate in Ya

    IELTS test site information
  • Is there an IELTS test center in Jeju Island, South Korea?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Is there an IELTS test site in Jeju Island, South Korea? Generally, students who want to take the IELTS test in Korea will choose to go to Seoul. However, in addition, is there an IELTS test site on Jeju Island, a famous tourist destination? Today, the Old Roast Duck Editor will give you a specific introduction on this issue. Answer: Yes. Jeju Island in South Korea has an IELTS test site. As far as the South Korean idp is concerned, the government has set up an office in Jeju Island

    IELTS test site information
  • Do I need a visa to take the IELTS test in Korea?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Do I need a visa to take the IELTS exam in Korea? Answer: Yes. To take the IELTS test in Korean cities such as Seoul, you need to apply for a Korean visa in advance. What kind of visa do you need? A general tourist visa will do. If you are a college student, you should be able to apply for a visa valid for at least three months at a time, or for more than five years. For office workers, if your monthly salary exceeds 5000 yuan, you can also use the bank statement

    IELTS test site information
  • How many days does the IELTS test in Korea take?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: How long will it take for the Korean IELTS test? Answer: Normally, the Korean IELTS test can be completed within one day. Compared with the domestic IELTS test, the most significant feature of the Korean IELTS test is that the number of examinees in major test centers in South Korea is much less than that in domestic test centers. It can be said that the scale of examinees is not at the same level as that of domestic examinees. This kind of small-scale examination room also allows us to have more

    IELTS test site information
  • Does Jeju Island need a visa to take the IELTS test?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Does Jeju Island need a visa to take the IELTS exam? Answer: No. Although the mainland region of South Korea requires Chinese tourists to apply for visas in advance, Jeju Island region of South Korea can grant visa free treatment to mainland tourists. You can go to Jeju Island to take the IELTS test without applying for a visa. It should be noted that Chinese tourists need to go to Jeju Island freely when they meet the following conditions: The planned stay time does not exceed

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  • How many days did the Korean IELTS computer test score?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: How many days will the Korean IELTS computer test score? Recently, a student who signed up for Old Roast Duck asked this question. So, today, Old Roast Duck will give you a unified answer to the question about time allocation of the Korean IELTS. Answer: The results of the Korean IELTS computer test are generally released within 3-5 days after the end of the test. Note that the official did not specify whether these three to five days include weekends and other holidays. In general

    IELTS test site information
  • How much will the Korean IELTS exam cost in 2023?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: How much will the Korean IELTS exam cost in 2023? After yq gradually eased, the number of inbound and outbound flights also gradually increased. The day before yesterday, a student who was going to take the IELTS test in Korea asked this question. So, today, Old Roast Duck will give you a detailed answer to the question about the cost of the Korean IELTS test. Answer: Korean IELTS official fees for the 2023 IELTS test are as follows: The registration fee for the traditional IELTS test

    IELTS test site information
  • Is listening to IELTS in Korea with earphones or power amplifiers?

    The Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Does the Korean IELTS Listening Test Wear Earphones or Power Amplifiers? Recently, some students who came to apply for the Korean IELTS asked this question. Then, the old Roast Duck Editor will give you a unified answer to the questions about Korean IELTS today, hoping to help more students with such doubts. Answer: The Korean IELTS is a power amplifier for IELTS listening. When taking the IELTS test in our country, the invigilators present will

    Common sense of IELTS
  • How to register and pay for Korean IELTS?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: How to register and pay for Korean IELTS? Some candidates will choose to take the IELTS test abroad (such as South Korea) for some reasons. Then, Old Roast Duck will give you a unified explanation about the registration of the Korean IELTS today, hoping to help more students who plan to participate in the IELTS flight. Registration: Unlike domestic examiners, South Korea has two officials responsible for IELTS examination. One is our country

    Common sense of IELTS
  • How many IELTS test centers are there in Seoul?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: How many IELTS test centers are there in Seoul? Students who plan to take the IELTS test in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, asked this question. So, today, Old Roast Duck will give you a unified answer to the questions about the IELTS test in Seoul, hoping to help more students with such doubts. Answer: There are no less than 14 IELTS test centers in Seoul. These examination sites are: Dongguk Univers ...

    IELTS test site information
  • What is the code of the Korean IELTS test room?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: What is the code of the Korean IELTS examination room? Answer: The test arrangement of Korean IELTS is very similar to that of domestic IELTS, and there are also test room codes similar to our CNXXX format. For example, KR001 is preceded by the abbreviation of country. However, students do not need to remember it. When you enter the exam room, invigilator will tell you the exam room code. In most cases, invigilators will write the examination room code in black and white for your reference. This

    IELTS test site information
  • How many days does the Korean IELTS test take?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: How many days does the Korean IELTS test take? Students who work or study in Korea and want to go to Korea to take the IELTS exam will have questions about this problem. After all, the time span of the exam will affect your schedule. Today, the old duck editor will give a unified answer to the questions about the time of the Korean IELTS test, hoping to help more roast ducks. Answer: Usually 1 day. And the majority in China

    Common sense of IELTS
  • Instructions for Cancellation and Transfer of IELTS Test in Korea

    Instructions for Cancellation and Transfer of IELTS Test in Korea Some students take the IELTS test in Korea, but for some personal reasons, they may consider temporarily canceling the test or transferring to another date. So, do you have any specific requirements for the transfer or cancellation of the Korean IELTS test? Today, Lao Roast Duck will give you an explanation on this issue, hoping to help more roast ducks in South Korea. The Korean IELTS official, like the mainland IELTS official, has a special selection

    Common sense of IELTS
  • What certificates do you need for the Korean IELTS test?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: What certificates do you need to bring for the Korean IELTS exam? Many students have plans to go to South Korea to take the IELTS test, and many students have already studied and worked there. However, everyone is not particularly clear about the certificates that the Korean IELTS test needs to carry. Then, the old roast duck will answer this question for the students today. Answer: In South Korea, for example, Se0ul, you need to bring the following certificates to take the IELTS computer test When registering for the exam

  • Instructions for Registration of Korea IELTS Test Fees in 2022

    Instructions for Registration of Korea IELTS Test Fees in 2022 Latest report on the old roast duck IELTS: The organizer in charge of the Korean IELTS exam will adjust the prices of various IELTS exams in 2022 after receiving the latest news from the Korean IELTS official. So, today, Old Roast Duck will make a detailed introduction to the adjusted exam fees for students, hoping to help more students who plan to take the IELTS exam in Korea in the future. The current registration fees for IELTS in Korea are as follows

    IELTS News
  • Is Korean IELTS fast?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Is Korean IELTS fast in listening and speaking? These days, a student who is going to take the IELTS test in Korea asked this question. For a long time, there are not many people going to South Korea to take the IELTS exam (second only to Thailand). Then, the old roast duck will give you an answer to this listening related question. Answer: Basically consistent with domestic. Generally speaking, the speed of the IELTS listening test in Korea is the same as that in China, and it is also the same as that in the whole country

  • Is the Korean IELTS spoken question the same as that in mainland China?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Is the Korean IELTS oral question the same as that of the mainland? Answer: The same. The content of spoken IELTS in South Korea is consistent with that in China. The details are as follows: 1. Many people say that it is different, which is nonsense. Here, the old roast duck needs to debunk this rumor. In fact, no matter the examinees from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan, when taking the IELTS speaking test, they encounter

    IELTS test site information
  • Schedule of IELTS Test in Seoul, South Korea, November 12, 2020

    Schedule of IELTS Test in Seoul, South Korea, November 12, 2020 The latest report of the old roast duck IELTS: The IELTS exam schedule for the last two months at the end of this year in Seoul, South Korea has been released. In the examination column of this issue, the young editor of Roast Duck will make a detailed arrangement of the IELTS examination in Seoul, South Korea, hoping to help students who are currently in South Korea or plan to go to South Korea to take the IELTS exam. According to the official arrangement of IELTS South Korea, during the epidemic

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