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  • Do you want to memorize words in IELTS test?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Does IELTS test need to memorize words? Answer: Yes. Words are the foundation of the foundation for the IELTS test. Without the foundation of words, it would be a dream to achieve ideal IELTS scores. Why do you say that? Because there is not a single Chinese character in the whole English of IELTS. If you can't even read the question, you have to roll dice to do the multiple choice question. For filling in the blank, you may be due to the lack of vocabulary

    Common sense of IELTS
  • How does the IELTS vocabulary win the classics

    How does the IELTS vocabulary win the classics The Book of IELTS Vocabulary is an IELTS vocabulary book published by Qunyan Publishing House in 2010. The author is Sun Tao and Mei Han, two former New Oriental teachers. Compared with other IELTS vocabulary books, its advantages mainly include the following aspects: 1. According to the difficulty and the real situation of the IELTS test, the vocabulary is divided into 6 words and 7 words. This operation greatly facilitates the use of students at different levels

  • Which is a good IELTS vocabulary book

    Which is a good IELTS vocabulary book Vocabulary is an unavoidable hurdle in preparing for the IELTS test. However, there are numerous IELTS vocabulary books on the market, each of which seems to be very powerful, and it is easy to be fussy. So which IELTS vocabulary book is the best? Unfortunately, there is no unified answer to this question. The examinee's English level is different, the purpose of preparing for the exam is different, the preparation period is different, and the vocabulary book suitable for him is also different. Now we recommend the corresponding

  • IELTS Red Book or Green Book

    IELTS Red Book or Green Book Students who are preparing for the IELTS test and need to make up their word base may be confused about whether to buy a red book or a green book. Although both are published by New Oriental Dayu Publishing House, the former is known as "enhanced edition", and the latter is known as "disorderly edition". Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you. First, in the scope of application. These two books are more suitable for students who have 6.5 points and want to achieve higher results

  • What is the required vocabulary of IELTS 6

    What is the required vocabulary of IELTS 6 Many students who are preparing for the test will be curious about the vocabulary required by IELTS 6, and worry that they are not up to the standard in this regard, which will lead to their failure to achieve the desired results. Unfortunately, the IELTS official did not give a specific statement, so we can not find the exact answer. Today, based on my practical teaching experience and students' feedback, I would like to discuss this issue with you. IELTS Listening 6 participle vocabulary ...

    Common sense of IELTS
  • IELTS vocabulary accumulation related to body language

    IELTS vocabulary accumulation related to body language Why is body language important? Body language can be used to feel people's personality or style, and it is also a way to feel the personality of strangers. If the language is not particularly easy to express, body language can more intuitively reflect the thoughts you want to express. Body language is often used in the process of work or interview. Of course, body language in different cultural backgrounds

  • IELTS plant vocabulary must read before the exam

    IELTS plant vocabulary must read before the exam Today, the Old Roast Duck IELTS Editor will introduce the IELTS vocabulary related to plants in detail. These words can be flexibly used in IELTS writing and oral IELTS. In addition, if you have not contacted the IELTS test and prepared for the test before, you can practice together with the related IELTS oral topic cards and the questions and answers in Part I and Part III of IELTS oral. Common IELTS colloquial language related to plants

  • An essential part of IELTS for describing people's faces

    An essential part of IELTS for describing people's faces In the oral part of IELTS, there are many requirements for examinees to describe a person. We often draw some oral topic cards related to people, and these related words will come into use. Today, the little editor of the IELTS for Roast Duck told us about the English words related to human faces, hoping to help more roast ducks who are preparing for the IELTS exam. It is suggested that you should first make clear these words

  • Vocabulary Accumulation of Oral Vegetables in IELTS

    Vocabulary Accumulation of Oral Vegetables in IELTS Vegetable vocabulary is quite common in the IELTS test, especially in the use of oral IELTS. So, today's Old Roast Duck IELTS Editor wants to share some common vocabulary related to vegetables, hoping to help more students who are preparing for the IELTS exam and plan to continue to consolidate their English vocabulary foundation. You can try to use the following words by yourself after understanding their pronunciation, meaning and vocabulary

  • Is there 7 points and 9 points in IELTS vocabulary

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Does IELTS have 7 points and 9 points in vocabulary Recently, a little roast duck asked the old roast duck IELTS editor such a question: "Is IELTS vocabulary graded, such as IELTS 7 words and 9 words?". So, today's Old Roast Duck IELTS Editor will give you a specific explanation of the IELTS vocabulary level, hoping to help more roast ducks who are preparing for the IELTS exam. First of all, IELTS itself is

    Common sense of IELTS
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