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  • Is it difficult to take the IELTS exam in September?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Is it difficult to take the IELTS exam in September? August is almost halfway through, and school is not far away. Some students plan to take the IELTS exam in September, the first month of school, but they have some questions about whether the exam will become difficult. So, the old roast duck editor will give you a unified explanation about the difficulty of the IELTS test in September today, hoping to help more students. In fact, the IELTS exam in September

    Common sense of IELTS
  • How difficult is the IELTS exam in July and August in the summer?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: How difficult is the IELTS test in July and August in summer? The summer vacation is approaching, and many students are already considering applying for the IELTS exam in the summer vacation. So, the old roast duck editor will give you the same explanation about the difficulty of the IELTS test in July and August this summer. Answer: In terms of the content of the exam, the difficulty of the exam in July and August has not changed. Because all the questions used in the IELTS test are from the official test group

  • Which months are difficult for IELTS?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Which months are difficult for IELTS questions? Answer: January, May and September are relatively difficult. In fact, it depends on the subject and the situation. Usually, only the oral part can tell the difference in difficulty between months for examinees. The months of January, May and September just mentioned are for oral English tests. Because there is a change of topic season in IELTS oral English, you can refer to the old roast duck

    Common sense of IELTS
  • Which months is the IELTS test easy?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Which months is the IELTS test easy? A new roast duck who is preparing for the IELTS exam asked this question. Then, the old roast duck will give you a unified answer to the question about the relationship between the difficulty of the IELTS test and the month of the test today, hoping to help more new candidates who are preparing for the IELTS test. Answer: It is relatively simple to take the IELTS test in February April, June August and October December. First of all, the old roast

    Common sense of IELTS
  • Is the IELTS exam in September difficult?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Is the IELTS exam difficult in September? September is coming, and some students asked this question. Then, the old roast duck will give you a unified answer to the question about the difficulty of this exam today. Answer: Yes, neither. When it comes to the difficulty of the IELTS test, we should look at it in many ways. First of all, there is no month difference in terms of the test questions (question type, test difficulty and depth). So

    Common sense of IELTS
  • Which is difficult, BEC beginner or IELTS?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Which is difficult for BEC beginner or IELTS? Yesterday, a roast duck asked such a question. Compared with IELTS, the BEC exam launched by Cambridge is more difficult? Answer: Generally speaking, the difficulty of IELTS is higher than that of BEC primary examination. 1. As the developer of the exam is Cambridge University, you will find that the BEC exam mode and the IELTS exam mode have many similarities, such as the layout of the real question set used in the exam is very similar

    Common sense of IELTS
  • Is it difficult to learn IELTS with 60 scores in college entrance examination

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Is it difficult to learn IELTS at 60 points in the college entrance examination "Teacher, I am in Jiangsu Province. I have just finished the college entrance examination and my score is 60 or less than 70. Do you think it is difficult for me to learn IELTS with such a score? Thank you for your advice!" Answer: Hello! First of all, learning IELTS with 60 points is promising. The difficulty depends on your goal score. If you are determined to take the IELTS exam, please stick to it. The details are as follows: 1. In fact, there are still English and IELTS in the college entrance examination

    Common sense of IELTS
  • Is full score difficult in IELTS test

    Is full score difficult in IELTS test Some students, out of their confidence in previous English exams, have set great ambitions when they just came into contact with IELTS, and want to get full marks to prove their strength. Some students will inevitably be full of questions about the difficulty of the IELTS test when they see the roast duck around them complaining about the IELTS test every day and fail it several times. Is it difficult to get full marks in IELTS? Or is the difficulty highlighted only because most candidates have poor foundation? The answer is IELTS

    Common sense of IELTS
  • How many scores can pass CET-4 in IELTS

    How many scores can pass CET-4 in IELTS Although most of the students finished the CET 4 and CET 6, they didn't have the idea of going abroad until their junior year and senior year, and began to prepare for IELTS. However, many students have made an early plan to go abroad and get the IELTS scores before CET-4, so it is hard to avoid thinking about how many IELTS scores they can get or pass CET-4. Today, the old roast duck editor came to talk about this problem with everyone. First of all, IELTS and CET-4 are two

    Common sense of IELTS
  • A comprehensive analysis of the difficulty between IELTS and postgraduate entrance examination English

    A comprehensive analysis of the difficulty between IELTS and postgraduate entrance examination English Some students originally planned to take the IELTS test abroad, but for one reason or another, they later changed to take the postgraduate entrance exam. Some students also need IELTS scores to facilitate their further study after being admitted to graduate school. In the process of preparing for the new exam, these students will inevitably wonder which is more difficult, IELTS or postgraduate English. Today, Xiaobian, the old roast duck, will analyze it from all angles. Investigation contents 1. ...

    Common sense of IELTS
  • What is the equivalent of IELTS 7 to IELTS 6

    What is the equivalent of IELTS 7 to IELTS 6 Most of the students didn't have the idea of going abroad for the IELTS test until they finished CET-6 in the second semester of their sophomore year or the first semester of their junior year. However, some students took the IELTS exam early and even got a good score of 7 points. When it comes to CET-6, it is inevitable to wonder how much IELTS 7 is equivalent to CET-6? Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you. The first thing to note is that no matter in

    Common sense of IELTS
  • How many IELTS 6 scores are equivalent to Level 6

    How many IELTS 6 scores are equivalent to Level 6 Because of the wonderful arrangement of their school, many students often have to take the CET-6 exam in the second semester of their sophomore year or their junior year. At this time, some people actually had 6 IELTS scores. It's hard to avoid wondering how much IELTS 6 is equivalent to CET-6. Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you. First of all, if the students with IELTS score of 6 have prepared carefully for a period of time, they will get 550 in CET-6

    Common sense of IELTS
  • Those who plan to immigrate to study abroad have a few IELTS scores

    IELTS scores Students who have just come into contact with the IELTS exam may be curious about the score of IELTS, or how many scores Ya can think about before going to his ideal university or realizing the idea of immigration, so as to set a goal for himself. Old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this with you today. First of all, unlike the exams we have been exposed to before, there is no pass line in IELTS. That is to say, as long as you pass the exam, you will pass it. But whether it's

    IELTS score requirements
  • What is the general score of IELTS

    What is the general score of IELTS The average score of Chinese students in IELTS, or the average score of most people in IELTS, is a lingering question among many students. For candidates who have not yet taken the IELTS test, knowing this information can better assess their own level. For candidates who have completed the IELTS test, this score can be used to assess whether their performance is qualified. Today, Old Roast Duck Xiaobian starts from his own experience and combines with the IELTS officer

    Common sense of IELTS
  • Official version of IELTS and CET-6 score comparison table

    Official version of IELTS and CET-6 score comparison table Students who have passed CET-6 and are preparing for the IELTS test, or whose IELTS scores meet the requirements but have not yet passed CET-6, will inevitably be curious about the corresponding relationship between their scores. Think about what kind of score you can get in another exam at your current level. According to the information jointly released by the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education and the British Culture and Education Association, the Old Roast Duck Editor sorted out the IELTS and CET-6 scores

    Common sense of IELTS
  • How difficult is the IELTS four seven? What is the concept?

    How difficult is the IELTS four seven? What is the concept? Some students who intend to apply for skilled migration or ace majors in Oxford, Cambridge and other famous universities may meet the requirements of IELTS Four Seven. So what is the concept of IELTS Four 7s? How difficult is it to take the test? To be honest, the difficulty of getting 7 points in all four IELTS subjects is inconsistent. Listening and reading are relatively simple. As long as you do more than 30 correct answers to 40 questions. Most College English Band Six

    Common sense of IELTS
  • Is IELTS easy to take

    Is IELTS easy to take Students who have just thought about going abroad but are still hesitating will inevitably be curious about whether the IELTS test is good or not. Unfortunately, there is no unified answer to this question. The specific situation depends on the gap between your current English level and the target score. Generally speaking, about 130 scores in college entrance examination English is equivalent to 5 scores in IELTS, 5.5 scores in IELTS for just passing CET-4, and 6 scores in IELTS for just passing CET-6. And the world ranking

    Common sense of IELTS
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