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  • Is there an IELTS paper and pencil exam every day?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Will IELTS paper and pencil tests be available every day? Recently, a new roast duck asked this question. Then, the old Roast Duck Editor will give you a unified answer to the questions about the IELTS paper and pencil exam arrangement today, hoping to help more students with such questions. Answer: No, the IELTS paper and pencil exam is usually only once a week. Occasionally, it happens twice a week. Another paper and pencil exam

    Common sense of IELTS
  • Can I take the IELTS exam in the summer of 23 years?

    Can I take the IELTS exam in the summer of 23 years? Some time ago, it was reported that the official IELTS test in China would be held in the same way as in some foreign countries. That is to say, before that, you can only take the IELTS listening, speaking, reading and writing test at one time, while the individual test allows you to select a single item for assessment. If there is a chance of this single subject examination, it means that the examinees can avoid the pain caused by the score brushing. After all, if a single item is not enough, you have to listen, read, write and start again

    IELTS News
  • Instructions for the Arrangement of IELTS Speaking Test on March 6, 2021

    Instructions for the Arrangement of IELTS Speaking Test on March 6, 2021 The latest report of Old Roast Duck IELTS: According to the news from the IELTS test sponsor and the IELTS Test Center of the Ministry of Education, the national IELTS speaking test arrangement has been released on March 6, 2021. So, today, Old Roast Duck will make a complete summary of the detailed arrangements for the National IELTS Speaking Test on March 6. I hope it can help you. All students who need to take the IELTS exam on March 6 need to stay

    IELTS News
  • Arrangement of IELTS Speaking Test on March 4, 2021

    Arrangement of IELTS Speaking Test on March 4, 2021 Old Roast Duck IELTS Frontline Report: Recently, BC, the organizer of IELTS, announced the specific arrangements for the national IELTS speaking test on March 4 this year. The arrangement includes the location of the oral test, the specific time range of the test and other details. Then, Old Roast Duck will organize this arrangement for you today, hoping to help more students who are going to take the oral exam on this day. The specific arrangement is as follows

    IELTS News
  • Tianjin IELTS Exam Cancellation in January and February

    Tianjin IELTS Exam Cancellation in January and February Due to the needs of the epidemic situation, Tianjin has cancelled the IELTS test of Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Nankai University and Tianjin University in January and February 2021, which is used for the IELTS test and IELTS life skills test for British visas and immigrants. The specific contents of the notice are as follows: According to the notice of the British Culture and Education Association, the IELTS test of Tianjin International Studies University, Nankai University and Tianjin University in January and February 2021 will be used for UK visa

    IELTS News
  • Schedule of IELTS Speaking Test on September 5, 2020

    Schedule of IELTS Speaking Test on September 5, 2020 Recently, the IELTS official announced the specific arrangements for the IELTS oral test on September 5, 2020. From the table, we can see that all the oral tests are arranged before the written test, except for the test center of Jilin University. In addition, it is worth noting that Shenzhen SEG Talent Training Center also arranged an oral exam on August 31. That is to say, the students who take this exam are likely to be at the end of August

    IELTS News
  • Schedule of IELTS Speaking Test on September 3, 2020

    Schedule of IELTS Speaking Test on September 3, 2020 Recently, the IELTS official announced the arrangement of the IELTS oral test on September 3, 2020. As can be seen from the table, there are not many test rooms for the exam on September 3. Except for Beijing National Test Center and Sichuan Xihua University, they are basically arranged near the test sites where there are organic tests at the same time. The details are as follows. According to the notice of the British Council of Culture and Education, the oral arrangements for candidates applying for the IELTS test on September 3, 2020 are as follows

    IELTS News
  • IELTS official: update of IELTS exam arrangement in mainland China in September 2020

    IELTS official: update of IELTS exam arrangement in mainland China in September 2020 Today BC China updated the previously announced IELTS exam schedule for September. The old roast duck IELTS is reproduced as follows: In September, four new IELTS paper and pencil test centers were added, including Hefei University of Technology (Feicuihu Campus), Jilin University, Shenyang Normal University and Yunnan University of Finance and Economics. In September, the following test dates were added to the test sites where IELTS paper and pencil tests have been resumed: Ocean University of China Fushan Campus Examination Center New

    IELTS News
  • Latest arrangement of IELTS test in September 2020

    Latest arrangement of IELTS test in September 2020 According to the latest report of Old Roast Duck, the IELTS official announced the arrangements for the IELTS exam in September today. Compared with August, four new test centers for IELTS and UKVI were added, including Changsha Hunan Institute of Mass Media, Wuxi Jiangnan University, Luzhou Southwest Medical University, and Zhejiang Education Examination Service Center (Wenzhou Business School). So far, there have been 36 paper and pencil examination sites and 6 computer examination sites in China. Meanwhile, September

    IELTS News
  • Arrangement of IELTS oral test on August 16, 2020

    Arrangement of IELTS oral test on August 16, 2020 According to the first-line report of Old Roast Duck, after yesterday's official release of the details of the oral test arrangement for the IELTS test on August 15, 2020, the official release of the oral test arrangement for the IELTS test on August 16 today. Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will make a detailed arrangement for the oral arrangement on the 16th of this month, hoping to provide some help for more roast ducks. For a detailed introduction of the examination site, please click

    IELTS News
  • Details of Oral Test Arrangement for IELTS on August 15, 2020

    Details of Oral Test Arrangement for IELTS on August 15, 2020 The first-line news of the old roast duck is that the IELTS official has made a detailed interview arrangement for the IELTS test on August 15 this year. This arrangement is nationwide, including all IELTS test centers open during the epidemic period. Then, the old Roast Duck Editor will make a detailed arrangement for you based on this arrangement, hoping to help more candidates who are preparing to take the IELTS exam on August 15. Entire Schedule Package

    IELTS News
  • Precautions for IELTS test of Suzhou University during the epidemic

    Precautions for IELTS test of Suzhou University during the epidemic According to the first-line report of old roast duck, the IELTS official announced the epidemic prevention and control measures and relevant requirements of the IELTS test site of Suzhou University today. Here, the old Roast Duck Editor made a complete arrangement and shared the prevention and control news for everyone, hoping to help more roast ducks who plan to take part in the IELTS test at Suzhou University during the epidemic. The epidemic rehabilitation plan and requirements for Suzhou University are as follows: ...

    IELTS News ,
  • Notice on the Arrangement of IELTS Speaking Test on July 12, 2020

    Notice on the Arrangement of IELTS Speaking Test on July 12, 2020 According to the official tradition of IELTS, the oral test was usually arranged before the written test. However, due to the special reason of the epidemic situation, the time of the oral test has been greatly adjusted. Basically after the written examination. The following is the official IELTS "Detailed arrangements for the IELTS oral test on July 12, 2020": According to the notice of the British Council of Culture and Education, the candidates who apply for the IELTS test on July 12, 2020 are speaking well

    IELTS News
  • Arrangement of IELTS Speaking Test on July 11, 2020

    Arrangement of IELTS Speaking Test on July 11, 2020 The official of IELTS today announced the schedule of the IELTS oral test on July 11. Compared with the past, there are two points worth our attention. First of all, this oral exam is generally arranged after the written exam; Secondly, the venue of the oral English test in Yangzhou University and Shenzhen SEG Test Center has been adjusted, which requires special attention. The specific contents of the notice are as follows: According to the notice of British Culture and Education Association, apply for 2020

    IELTS News
  • Precautions for IELTS test of Guangxi University during the epidemic situation

    Precautions for IELTS test of Guangxi University during the epidemic situation Although the IELTS test in some test sites was resumed on July 11 (the computer-based test was resumed on July 9), the process of taking the test is much more complicated than before, and the arrangement of each test site is not the same. According to the information on the official website of IELTS, the Old Roast Duck Editor timely summarized the examination precautions of each examination site during the epidemic period for your reference. The following is the latest release of Guangxi University Examination Center

    IELTS News
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