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  • Will there be power failure during the IELTS computer test?

    As for whether the IELTS computer test will be powered off, the old duck editor also thinks that this problem is a very common one. However, in order to satisfy the curiosity of the students, the old Roast Duck Editor will give you a unified explanation today. Answer: In most cases, there will be no power failure. Because the vast majority of IELTS computer test sites are located in colleges and universities. That is to say, the probability of power failure when you take the IELTS computer test may be higher than that when you take classes in the university

  • Can I take the IELTS test at home?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Can I take the computer test at home? A new roast duck was going to take the IELTS computer test, and came to ask such a question. In this question and answer column, the old duck editor felt it was necessary to further popularize the IELTS computer test for more new examinees, hoping to help more students who had such doubts and planned to take the IELTS computer test. Although the IELTS computer test is essentially a computer based IELTS test

  • Is the IELTS speaking computer test card

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Is IELTS Spoken Computer Test Card? During the COVID-19 epidemic, the IELTS official changed all oral tests in mainland China to online (how to take the IELTS computer-based oral test). Although the epidemic has ended, offline oral tests have not resumed. How about the Internet speed of each IELTS test site? Will you get stuck when taking the computer oral test? Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you. A: Almost not. Official use of IELTS

  • Will the difficulty of the IELTS computer test be hot?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Will the difficulty of IELTS computer test be hot? I believe that many students who are preparing for the IELTS test have heard of the saying that the IELTS test is hot because it is too difficult. But the test mentioned here is often a paper and pencil test rather than a computer test. So is the IELTS computer test hot? Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you. A: It's very difficult, or it hasn't happened so far. But this is not because the IELTS computer test is better than the paper and pencil test

  • How long does the IELTS computer test rest?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: How long does the IELTS computer test rest? The written IELTS computer test will take three consecutive tests on listening, reading and writing on that day. The total time is 2 hours and 32 minutes. It is a great test for the examinee's mental and physical strength. So is there a break during the IELTS computer test, or how long is the break? Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you. A: It's a pity that the IELTS official did not set up a special recess during the written computer test

  • Is it best to play blind in IELTS computer test listening?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Is it best to play blind in IELTS machine test listening? The biggest difference between the IELTS computer test and the paper and pencil test is that one is to write answers with a pencil, and the other is to type answers with a keyboard. Therefore, the typing speed is directly related to everyone's final results. As we all know, there is no pause in the audio of IELTS listening, so is it best to play blindly when listening on computer? Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you. Answer: Yes, I want to participate in the IELTS machine

  • How many times can the IELTS computer test be transferred?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: How many times can the IELTS computer test be transferred? After registering for the IELTS computer test, some students were unable to take the test due to temporary affairs, so they had to choose to transfer to another test. But I have turned it once before, can I turn it again? Or how many times can the IELTS computer test be transferred? Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you. Answer: It can be turned again. The IELTS official does not limit the number of transfer tests. As long as conditions permit, big

  • Will the IELTS computer test start early?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Will the IELTS computer test begin in advance? As we all know, in the IELTS paper and pencil test, even if the test papers have been distributed and all the preparations have been completed, the invigilator will wait until 8:58 or 9:00 to announce the start of the test. So what is the situation of computer test? Or will the IELTS computer test start early? Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you. Answer: Yes. According to the official instructions, as long as

  • How difficult is the official IELTS simulated computer test?

    How difficult is the official IELTS simulated computer test? In order to facilitate candidates to adapt to the operating habits of the IELTS computer-based test in advance, the IELTS official launched its own model test service. However, many students found that the feeling of this set of questions was completely different from their usual practice. So how difficult is the simulated computer test? Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you. Answer: Whether it is from the way of making the question, the feelings of the old roast duck, or many others

  • What's wrong with a 0 on the IELTS computer test?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: What's the point of 0 in the IELTS computer test? After taking the IELTS computer test, some students opened the score query page full of expectation, but found that the four items of listening, speaking, reading and writing and the total score were all 0. Why does this happen? According to the experience of the old roast duck editor and the official instructions of IELTS, there are three reasons for 0 on the computer test: 1. I missed any exam. According to the official regulations of IELTS, examinees must participate in four courses: listening, speaking, reading and writing

  • Is there any invigilator for the IELTS computer test?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Is there an invigilator for the IELTS computer test? Compared with the traditional paper and pencil test, the process of IELTS computer-based test is much simpler. At least don't keep sending and receiving test papers and checking candidates' information. And there is also a partition between the two adjacent seats, so there is no need to worry about examinees peeking. So are there any invigilators for the IELTS computer test? Answer: There are others. The invigilators in the IELTS computer-based test still need to perform the following duties: 1. Before the examination begins, the examinee shall

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