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  • How many audios does IELTS listening have?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: How many audio frequencies does IELTS listening have? A new student asked this question. Then, Old Roast Duck will give you a unified answer to the questions about IELTS listening audio today, hoping to help more students who are preparing for the IELTS listening test. Answer: There are 4 audio. When I go through the formal IELTS test, I will hear four parts of the listening questions (four parts) prepared by the exam authorities for candidates. The first two

  • The Distribution of Selective Test in IELTS Listening

    The Distribution of Selective Test in IELTS Listening Compared with the variety of IELTS reading questions, the content of listening test is relatively simple. In addition to a few matches and maps, it is filling in the blanks and selecting. How about the distribution of these two types of questions in the exam? Today, I will talk about this topic with you. First of all, in the IELTS listening test, the blank filling questions are mostly concentrated in Part 1 and Part 4. The investigation point of Part 1 is mainly personal information

  • Is IELTS listening recording loud?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Is IELTS listening recording loud? Some students are accustomed to listening to loud music at ordinary times, which leads to people not listening clearly when their voices are slightly lower. So, is the recording of the IELTS listening test loud enough (is there any audio in the IELTS listening question bank)? Can't you hear clearly? Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you. First of all, the IELTS listening test recording in mainland China is played by wireless headphones

  • How many IELTS listening multiple-choice questions are there?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: How many IELTS listening multiple-choice questions are there? In IELTS listening, there are more choices than filling in the air crash, especially the choice of Part 3, which is a nightmare for many students. How many multiple-choice questions will there be in an exam? Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you. A: In the IELTS listening test, there are about 10 single choice questions, mostly in Part 2 and Part 3. But their distribution is not necessarily average. Sometimes P

  • How do you write "cafe" in IELTS listening?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: How to write "cafe" in IELTS listening? Cafe has always been a favorite word in the IELTS listening test. It often appears in the IELTS listening blank filling questions and map questions as the answer (what are the map questions in Cambridge IELTS listening). But as a foreign word, the formal spelling of "cafe" needs to add an apostrophe to "e" (caf é). This is easy to operate in the IELTS paper and pencil test. What should I do in the computer test? Or is it right to say that it doesn't add prime

  • Are all the original words in the IELTS listening test?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Are IELTS Listening Tests Original Words? The blank filling questions are an important part of the IELTS listening test. Almost every test has about 20 questions (are the blank filling questions mostly nouns?). So is the answer to the blank filling question the original word in the recording, or do we need to understand the meaning of the recording and write it ourselves? Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you. Answer: All the answers to the IELTS listening blank filling questions come from

  • Is it wrong to add the in IELTS listening?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Did you add the wrong number in IELTS listening? According to the requirements of English grammar, the noun often has the function of modifying or limiting. So when we write the IELTS listening answers, did we not add the wrong number? Answer: No mistake. First of all, most listening questions require write only one word and/or a number for each answer, that is, the answer can only be one word and/or one

  • Is there any number in IELTS listening?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Is there any number in IELTS listening? Students who are new to the IELTS listening test may be curious about the content of the test. For example, recently a student asked, "Is there anyone who listens to numbers in IELTS listening?". Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you. Answer: Yes. Numbers have always been one of the most important test points for IELTS listening. Specifically, it can be divided into three forms of investigation: first, the distinction between dozens and dozens

  • Do you want to add th after the IELTS listening date?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Do you want to add th after the IELTS listening date? Date is one of the most important test points of IELTS Listening Part 1. Almost four out of every five exams will get relevant content. What is the correct way to write the date? Do you want to add th at the back? Answer: The th after the day in the date can be added or not. For example, if you hear the Fifth of March, the answer can be written as March 15th or March 1

  • Is there 10 minutes to fill in the IELTS computer test listening card?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Is there 10 minutes to fill in the IELTS computer listening test? Students who have taken the IELTS paper and pencil test or paid attention to the introduction part during practice should know that there is still 10 minutes to fill in the answer card after the completion of the listening test recording. Is there the same arrangement for the IELTS computer test? A: No. According to the official instructions, after the fourth part of the IELTS computer-based listening test ends, candidates will first have 30 seconds to check this part

  • Is the IELTS listening test mostly a noun?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Are IELTS Listening Test Questions More Nouns? When you do the questions, you will find that the answers to the listening blank tests in the Cambridge IELTS series books seem to be mostly nouns (what are the types of IELTS listening blank tests). Is that the same in the exam? Or is it just the deviation caused by the small sample size? Answer: This is also true in real exams. From the teachers of the old roast duck to the listening test of the past ten years

  • Do you want to write the IELTS listening percentage sign?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Do you want to write the IELTS listening percentage mark? From time to time, the percentage of IELTS listening will be tested (what are the contents and types of IELTS listening test). For example, this year's recycling of glass has increased by 15%, or the ticket price has decreased by 35% compared with last year. Do you need to write a percent sign in this case? A: It should be discussed according to the situation. If there is a per cent (the symbol% rarely appears in the IELTS listening test) behind the question stem, then we must

  • Is IELTS machine test listening scored by examiners?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Is IELTS Computer Test Listening Scored by Examiners? In the traditional paper pen IELTS test, the listening answer card is corrected by a real person examiner, and it needs to be corrected twice to avoid mistakes (there is no 10 minute time for the IELTS listening test). So is the IELTS machine test listening scored by the examiner? A: Not really. The listening score of the IELTS computer test is automatically judged by the system. That is to say, the moment you submit the test paper, the results are already

  • Is IELTS Listening Part 1 the easiest

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Is IELTS Listening Part 1 the easiest As we all know, the IELTS listening test is divided into four parts, from Part 1 to Part 4. So is Part 1 the simplest (I really don't blame you for the poor performance of some IELTS listening questions)? Answer: Yes, IELTS Listening Part 1 is simple in the following three aspects. First, listening audio is simple. According to the official instructions of IELTS, Listening Part 1 is a life scene where two people talk, that is, one person goes to

  • Is there an example in IELTS Listening Part 1?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Is there an example of IELTS Listening Part 1? All the students who have worked in Cambridge IELTS 4-14 must know that there is an example in Listening Part 1. The corresponding recording will be read first, and the exam will not start until the answers are given. Is there any example in Part 1? According to the current exam situation, the answer is definitely no. A few years ago, Part 1 of the IELTS listening section did start with examples. Most students

  • Can I send paper for IELTS computer test listening?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Can you send paper for IELTS machine test listening? Many students have the habit of taking notes in the IELTS listening test. In the paper and pencil examination, we can write our notes directly on the examination paper. What about the computer test (is the listening of the IELTS computer test the same as that of the paper and pencil test)? Can the invigilator hand out draft paper? Answer: Can send paper, but not draft paper. Before the listening part of the IELTS computer-based test begins, the invigilator will issue an information card. In fact, it's a piece of paper with test number and password

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