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  • Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: Money

    Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: Money The p1 topic related to money is very close to everyone's life, and related issues may involve payment methods and habits, including but not limited to cash payment (no cash payment) such as Alipay and Wechat Pay. You can combine your own life experience and the current social situation to answer the question, which is reasonable. How do you save money? How do you save

  • Answers to IELTS Spoken Part 1: Celebrity News

    Answers to IELTS Spoken Part 1: Celebrity News In this topic, students should pay attention to the meaning of the word "celebrity". It includes not only well-known celebrities in the entertainment industry, but also famous people in other fields, such as scientists, politicians and sports celebrities. Therefore, we can open the topic range when answering relevant questions. Who is your favourite celebrity in ...

  • Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: Feeling Bored

    Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: Feeling Bored Boredom is a common topic in life, so it is not difficult to tell your own experience or feelings. The old roast duck reminds students of the difference between boring and bored. Common boring situations include: repetitive work/study for a long time, boring waiting for the bus to arrive for a long time, talking about topics that are not of interest to others, doing nothing alone, etc. Do you often fe ...

  • Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: Crowded Place

    Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: Crowded Place This topic is not new to all Chinese IELTS examiners. We can often experience the crowding situation by taking the bus during the rush hour when commuting to work or going to school, as well as going to the railway station during the Spring Festival. Other possible environments include canteen, shopping mall, concert, subway station and hospital. Is the city where you live ...

  • Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: Video Games

    Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: Video Games The old roast duck needs to remind students that video games here refer to the kind of entertainment software that interacts on computers and game consoles. For example, the most common games are various games on Nintendo and other game platforms, such as The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario. It also appears in various game consoles, including Microsoft's Xbox

  • Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: robots

    Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: robots From the definition of the Cambridge IELTS Dictionary, as long as the machine is controlled by a computer to automatically perform some tasks, it is a robot. Therefore, it may not be the kind of humanoid robot with high intelligence that we see in science fiction movies or the kind of humanoid robot that we see in airports, but it can also be a machine with other shapes or even original mechanical assembly structures. Are robots important? Robot weight

  • Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: Chatting

    Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: Chatting Chatting is a very common behavior in daily life, so this topic range will not be particularly challenging for all examinees. However, we need to distinguish chat from meeting. The former is relatively easy and natural, while the latter is relatively formal. Do you like chatting with friends? Do you like chatting with friends? Yes, I do. I ch ...

  • Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: Friends

    Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: Friends Whether we are extroverted or introverted, there are always several precious friends around us. Compared with their families, they are more similar to our experience and can understand our sadness and happiness better. When you see this topic, the first person you think of is your friend. Just use him/her as a template to answer. How important are friends to you? How important are friends to you? I ...

  • Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: Week

    Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: Week There are two ways to answer this question. On the one hand, we can adopt more conventional answers, emphasizing that we like Friday best, hate Monday most, study and work hard in the middle of the week, and relax in leisure on Sunday. On the other hand, we can also take an unusual approach and focus on the content of a certain day. For example, we like Tuesday best because of what's delicious in the canteen that day. What is your favorite day of ...

  • Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: Teacher

    Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1: Teacher This topic mainly revolves around everyone's perception of teachers. On the one hand, we can certainly praise teachers according to the mainstream values and emphasize their help to us. On the other hand, students who have been hurt by teachers should not be afraid to express their ideas and share their experiences. This unique content will make the examiner refreshing. Do you want to be a teacher ...

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