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  • Will the price of the second IELTS test rise?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Will the price rise for the second IELTS test? Answer: No, the cost of taking the IELTS test for the second time is the same as that for the first time, and there will be no increase in the cost of the test. Because the exam you take is a standardized exam, there is no so-called "price penalty" mechanism, and the exam fee will not increase because you take the Nth exam. If you are not sure how to sign up, you can check the relevant information written by the old roast duck before

    Common sense of IELTS ,
  • What is the price increase of IELTS in 2020?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: What is the price increase of IELTS in 2020? Answer: The price of this year's IELTS test is 2170 yuan, and the IELTS for UKVI test fee for UK visa and immigration categories is 2220 yuan It can be said that the price of IELTS has been rising year by year in the last ten years. In my memory, it was only more than 1400 years ago, and now all kinds of IELTS tests have entered the new era of 2000. Old Roast Duck Xiaobian thinks

    Common sense of IELTS
  • Is the price of IELTS BC the same as that of IDP

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Are the prices of IELTS BC and IDP the same The question about the sponsor British Council (BC for short) and Australian IDP has always attracted the attention of overseas IELTS students. Among them, the price of the exam is the most important concern. So, is there any difference in the price between the IELTS test held by BC and the IELTS test held by IDP? The Old Roast Duck Editor of IELTS will give you a detailed discussion on this issue today

    Common sense of IELTS
  • How much did the price of IELTS rise in 2017

    How much did the price of IELTS rise in 2017? At present, the latest IELTS registration fee in mainland China: the UKVI exam is adjusted from 2000 yuan to 2070 yuan. The price of the original A-class and G-class IELTS remained unchanged at 1960 yuan. Due to the change in the payment method of IELTS application this year, the most convenient payment is still through Alipay scanning code. This price increase started on October 1, 2017, so I plan to apply for the UKVI IELTS test after October 1

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