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  • Notice for minors to take IELTS test in Finland

    Notice for minors to take IELTS test in Finland Recently, a roast duck who has not yet reached the legal adult age asked about taking the IELTS test in Finland. Then, the old roast duck will make a unified analysis here today, hoping to help more roast ducks who are preparing for the IELTS test in Finland. First of all, the IELTS official has a special requirement for minors to take the IELTS exam: candidates are required to submit a copy of the IELTS exam signed by minors and their guardians

    Common sense of IELTS
  • Finland Helsinki

    Finland Helsinki Some roast ducks plan to go to Northern Europe to play and take an IELTS exam at Christmas, but it is not clear which IELTS test centers are available in Finland. So today, the IELTS Editor of Roast Duck will give you a detailed introduction to the IELTS test sites in Denmark. I hope it can help more roast ducks who are preparing for the IELTS exam and are going to Finland to take the exam. Finland is one of the Nordic countries in the world

    IELTS test site information
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