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  • Cambridge IELTS 12Test8 Listening Answers

    Cambridge IELTS 12Test8 Listening Answers The themes of the four parts of the eighth set of questions of the Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Comprehension are respectively: the application for a riding leader, the sheepmark art park, the evaluation of Shakespeare's film adaptation, and the noise in the city. In terms of question type, all parts of this set of questions are very consistent with the real situation of the exam. Of course, it would be better if the blank filled table in front of Section 3 could be replaced by a single choice. After you have finished, you can check the IELTS listening scoring standards and see if you have

  • Cambridge IELTS 12Test6 Listening Answers

    Cambridge IELTS 12Test6 Listening Answers The themes of the four parts of the sixth set of topics of the Cambridge IELTS 12 listening are respectively festival arrangement consultation, Munich theatre trip, Scandinavian research, and conflict in work. In terms of question type, Section 1, Section 2 and Section 4 of this set of questions are all quite consistent with the situation in the exam, and only Section 3 has a relatively new process matching (the frequency in the exam is low). After you finish, you can check the IELTS listening scoring standard

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