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  • Second Nature

    Cambridge IELTS 10Test4Passage2 Reading Answers Analysis Second Nature The 13 questions in the second article of the fourth set of questions of Cambridge IELTS 10 Reading consists of 5 summary questions, 4 person name opinion matching questions, and 4 paragraph information matching questions. The difficulty gradually increases. In particular, the last paragraph information match usually appears as the reserved track of the third article. Below are the answers to each question. Click to view the IELTS reading needs

  • Beyond the blue horizon

    Cambridge IELTS 10Test3 Read Passage3 Answer analysis Beyond the blue horizon Lapita's navigation exploration The 14 questions in the third article of the third set of questions of Cambridge IELTS 10 Reading Comprises 5 word choices, 4 single choices, and 5 YES/NO/NOT GIVEN judgments. All three types of questions tend to investigate details, which needs to be carefully searched in the original text. Because the article is too long and difficult, the following are the answers to each question. Click to view this

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