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IELTS Oral Part 3: Do people in your country like to grow plants [...]

IELTS Oral Part 3: Do people in your country like to grow plants at home? Do people in your country like growing plants?

This question is from the first question of the third part of IELTS Spoken Language, with medium difficulty coefficient. Both positive and negative answers are OK, there is no right or wrong. Many roast ducks will be confused about how to comprehensively answer similar "large-scale" questions when they answer similar questions for the first time, so they start it depends. Roast ducks can answer more questions from their knowledge range and implementation, without "seeking perfection".

Yes, they enjoy growing plants at home, especially for those seniors who are retired. They usually grow some plants like bamboo, which signifies the meaning of wishing family getting better and better in lives. Also, this article is from laokaoya website, they like to place a pot of Cactus in the living room. They think it is an ideal plant to help absorb some TV radiation, which is harmful to our health.

Yes, they especially like to plant some plants at home, especially for the retired elderly. For example, they often plant some bamboo, which symbolizes that family life is getting better and better. In addition, they also like to put a pot of cactus in the living room. Because the radiation of television is harmful to human body, they think this plant can effectively absorb the radiation.

Click Back to view the topic card: Describe an important plant in your country

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IELTS Oral Part 3: Do people in your country like to grow plants at home? Do people in your country like planting plants Waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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