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IELTS Writing Model Essay IELTS Writing Discussion Both sides' views on whether learning history is necessary

IELTS Writing Model Essay IELTS Writing Discussion of Both Parties' Views on the Necessity of Studying History

Today we IELTS Writing It is necessary to study history in this article. The IELTS writing composition often examines whether it is necessary to study a subject. Its theme is usually music, history, politics and other humanities and social sciences subjects. The underlying logic is that natural science and technology subjects can directly improve people's quality of life, but these music, history, etc. cannot. So learning them has no effect. I wonder if everyone agrees with this view. The old roast duck editor searched a related high score model article for your reference.

Title of IELTS Writing Composition

Some people think that studying history is a waste of time while others think it is essential to learn history. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people think that learning history is a waste of time, while others think it is necessary to learn history. Discuss the views of both sides and give your own opinion.

Sample Essay of IELTS Writing

People have different views about the outcomes of learning history. Although some people argue that studying history has nothing to offer and is a waste of time, others opine that studying history has a great prospect for discovering our past and using the wisdom to shape our future. This essay investigates both views but I am personally inclined to the latter opinion.

People hold different opinions on the way out for learning history. Although some people think that learning history is useless and a waste of time, others believe that learning history is very useful for exploring our past and using the wisdom of the past to shape our future. This article will discuss the views of both sides, but I personally prefer the latter views.

On the one hand, according to a group of people, learning history is insignificant and a waste of time and energy. In addition, they consider learning technology and science brings immense benefits to the humankind and the knowledge could be correlated to the future development. History, on the contrary, is difficult to apply in daily life. For instance, science students can experiment and actually build helpful tools, devices and this can lead to a magnificent future invention. Pupils with history major are imposed to memorize dates and events from the past, and perhaps have little to do with our daily life.

On the one hand, according to some people, learning history is not important at all, it is a waste of time and experience. In addition, they believe that learning science and technology can bring great benefits to mankind, and these knowledge is closely related to future development. On the contrary, history can hardly be applied to daily life. For example, students of natural science can do experiments and really build useful tools and equipment, which can lead to more important inventions in the future. History majors only need to remember past dates and events. This has nothing to do with our daily life.

But this is not the whole picture. Learning history not only tells us about past events, it actually prepares us for the future. How can we avoid a largescale catastrophe if we do not know why it happened in the first place and what went wrong to curb it?

But this is definitely not all. Learning history not only tells us about the past, it actually helps us prepare for the future. If we cannot know in advance the causes of large-scale disasters and where they go wrong, how can we avoid and suppress them?

In the 19th century, for example, Ireland suffered the blight of potatoes, known as the Irish Potato Famine, and it happened because Irish was totally dependent on potatoes. Had they plant another crop, this could have been avoided. This translation is from Laokaoya website. However, this unpleasant history has taught the human being a great lesson – to cultivate a wide diversity of crops. Another reason urges people to learn history is that the knowledge instills good characteristics and foster patriotism among the youth.

For example, in the 19th century, Ireland suffered a large-scale potato withering, that is, Irish potato famine. The reason for this is that Irish food is totally dependent on potatoes. If they had planted other plants, the disaster could have been avoided. However, this unpleasant history has taught mankind a valuable lesson: to cultivate diversified crops. Another reason to urge people to learn history is that it can cultivate young people's good qualities and encourage patriotism.

In conclusion, people learn both from their success and failure and to build a prosperous nation. We must learn from our history. Without the knowledge of history, scientific discoveries cannot bring a wide range of advantages.

In general, people need to learn from their successes and failures to build a prosperous country. We must acquire relevant knowledge from our history. Without them, scientific discoveries cannot bring about progress in all aspects.

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