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IELTS Writing Sample Essay IELTS Writing Table Education Problem Today we will study the table question in the IELTS Writing Sample Essay

The Educational Problems of IELTS Writing Table

Today we IELTS Writing Let's study the table question. The table shows the various problems faced by the middle school students in the two schools, including reading ability, writing ability, spelling, listening, vocabulary expression, class concentration, following instructions, etc. At the same time, it also compared the differences between these data in 2005 and 2015. Old Roast Duck Xiaobian has collected a relevant model essay for examiners for your reference.

IELTS Writing Essay Title

The table below gives information about the problems faced by children in two primary schools in 2005 and 2015.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Sample Essay for IELTS Writing

The table compares two primary schools in terms of the proportions of their pupils who experienced seven different educational problems in the years 2005 and 2015.

The table compares the proportion of students who experienced seven different educational problems in two primary schools between 2005 and 2015.

It is noticeable that school A had higher proportions of children with all seven educational difficulties in both years. However, while school A managed to reduce the incidence of most of the problems between 2005 and 2015, school B saw an overall rise in the percentage of children who were struggling.

Obviously, in two years, the proportion of children with seven kinds of educational difficulties in School A was higher. However, School A successfully reduced the frequency of most problems between 2005 and 2015, while the proportion of students experiencing difficulties in School B increased as a whole.

In 2005, 42% of school A’s pupils found it difficult to follow instructions, whereas only 6% of pupils in school B experienced this problem. Similarly, between 30 and 40 percent of children attending school A had problems in the areas of spelling, listening, verbal expression and concentration in lessons, while the equivalent figures for school B stood at between 5 and 15 percent.

In 2005, 42% of students in School A felt it was difficult to follow instructions, while only 6% of students in School B experienced this problem. Similarly, 30 to 40 percent of students in school A have difficulties in spelling, listening, vocabulary expression and classroom attention, while only 5 to 15 percent of students in school B have these problems.

In 2015, the difference between the two schools was less pronounced. Notably, the proportion of children who struggled to follow instructions fell by 24% in school A, and this school also saw falls of 22%, 15%, 14% and 5% in the figures for children who had problems with concentration, listening, verbal expression and spelling. Translation from Laokaoya website. In school B, however, the proportion of children who struggled with spelling and following instructions doubled, to 10% and 12% respectively, and there was almost no change in the incidence of listening, verbal or concentration problems.

In 2015, the difference between the two schools was less obvious. It is worth noting that the proportion of students in School A who find it very difficult to follow instructions has decreased by 24%. At the same time, the proportion of students who found it difficult to pay attention, listen, express vocabulary and spell in class also decreased by 22%, 15%, 14% and 5% respectively. However, in School B, the proportion of students who found it difficult to spell and follow instructions almost doubled, to 10% and 12% respectively. However, the data on listening, vocabulary expression and attention remained almost unchanged.

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