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Describe a time you feel happy that you used [...]

Describe a time you feel happy that you used your cell phone

Ideas: The following ideas are for reference only. I hope you can write your answers according to your real experience

This topic has two information points: cellphone and happy. Cellphone has become an indispensable item in our daily life. However, it should be noted that the word "cellphone" is used instead of "smart phone" in the title, so we should pay more attention to the call function of mobile phones. It is not the additional functions of games, email, weather, etc. brought by smart phones. The second information point Happy is hard to understand. Many students may wonder why they are happy to use mobile phones. Old Roast Duck Xiao Bian speculated that this should be an oral topic long ago, but this time it has been turned out again. The question itself wants us to compare mobile phones with fixed phones. What benefits does the mobile phone bring. Therefore, we can expand the content as follows: I received a phone interview when I was riding in the car, I successfully called for help in the wilderness, and I received a phone call on the way to inform me that I was admitted to the university I wanted.

The following is the reference answer compiled by the old roast duck editor according to the specific topic requirements

You should say:

When it happened

Where it happened

Who you were with

And explain why you felt happy by using your cellphone

I want to tell you that my experience took place a year ago when I was applying for many universities in the UK. I hope I can go there to complete my graduate degree. At that time, it was April, and many schools had closed their applications. I also heard that many students had received notices. One of the three schools I applied for has rejected me, and the other has put me on the waiting list, but the school I most want to go to has not received any reply. I began to think that I might not have a chance to study in England.

The experience I am going to tell you happened last year, when I was applying for universities in the United Kingdom, hoping that I could complete my mater degree there. It had come to April. Many colleges’ applications had met their deadline and many of my classmates had received their offers. However, among the 3 universities that I applied for, one had declined me, one had put me on the waiting list, and the last one, UCL, where I wanted to go most, still had no news. I began to wonder maybe I could never go to study in the UK.

Then, one afternoon, I went to take a bath with my classmates. At that time, I was still living in the school. There was no bathroom in the dormitory. It took me 20 minutes to walk to the public bathhouse. I was complaining to him on the way when my mobile phone rang. After connecting, we found that the opposite side was UCL's admissions office. He said that he had read my ps and recommendation letters and thought that I was very competitive, but he could not decide whether to offer or not for the time being. He hoped that a brief telephone interview could be made for reference. I wonder if I have time. I said of course. Then he asked me a few simple questions, and the interview ended.

One day, I went shower with my best friend. I was living in school, and we did not have bathroom in the dormitory. If we wanted to go shower, we would have to walk for 20 minutes before we reached the public shower room. On the way, I was complaining to my friend about my application, and then my cellphone rang. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. It turned out to be the UCL student admission office. He found my qualification was very competent through the personal statement and the references, but could not make decision without a brief telephone interview. He wondered whether it was possible to do it right now. I said of course. Then he asked a few simple questions and hang up.

Two days later, I received the admission notice from UCL. I am very excited and happy to take my mobile phone with me when I go to take a bath. Otherwise, I will probably miss the interview and lose the opportunity to study at UCL.

Two days later, I received an offer from UCL. I was so excited and felt happy to have my cellphone. Otherwise, I might has missed the interview and lost my chance to go to UCL.

When talking about mobile phones on the topic card, the examiner will continue to ask you Questions about the use of mobile phones (Click to view the analysis), the roast ducks should be carefully prepared, and should not be taken lightly.

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Describe a time you feel happy that you used your cell phone!


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