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Losing traditional skills

Losing traditional skills

Today we IELTS Writing The article of the big composition idea is to study the lost traditional skills. With the development of industrialization, machines began to replace manpower in all aspects. Compared with traditional skills, that is, all kinds of handcrafts, modern machines produce goods with lower cost, more guaranteed quality and faster speed. In addition to special high-end handmade products or traditional handicrafts, most craftsmen have lost the battle with machines, and their living space is getting smaller and smaller. Their traditional skills are also gradually lost. Although this is a regrettable loss, it is also a necessary price for progress. Old Roast Duck has collected some ideas and materials in this regard for your reference.

Losing traditional skills

Because of industrialization and global trade, many traditions have disappeared

Because of the development of industrialization and global trade, many traditions have disappeared.

Global advertising encourages everyone to buy the same products

Global advertising encourages everyone to buy the same product.

Most products are now made in factories

Nowadays, most products are made in factories.

Machinery has replaced skilled human labour

Machines have replaced skilled labor.

Factory work is boring and leaves people feeling unfulfilled

Factory work is boring and can't make people feel satisfied.

Goods are produced very quickly and in large numbers

The production of goods is very rapid and the quantity is huge.

Products are cheaper, which means that more people can buy them

Things are cheaper, which means more people can afford them.

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Losing traditional skills: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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