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IELTS of the University of Newcastle in Australia requires a detailed explanation of the University of Newcastle in Australia, English: The University of Newcastle [...]

Detailed explanation of IELTS requirements of University of Newcastle, Australia

The University of Newcastle, Australia. Although its name is the same as that of Newcastle University, its style is different. The university was founded in 1951 and became an independent university in 1965. At present, the university has opened more than 300 undergraduate courses and graduate project courses, including economics, law, medical information technology and other aspects.

What is worth mentioning is the medical achievements of Newcastle University. The medical school of Newcastle University is the first medical school in Australia to truly implement PBL (problem oriented teaching). This PBL teaching system has been adopted by the Australian Medical Council and promoted to all medical schools in Australia due to its excellent performance.

The University of Newcastle in Australia requires applicants to have a total IELTS score of no less than 6.0( What is the IELTS 6 score )The scores of listening, reading, speaking and writing should not be lower than 6.0. For applicants of law school, the total score cannot be lower than 7.0, and the four individual scores cannot be lower than 6.0. Medical pharmacy and other professional requirements such as Nursing care are more stringent. The total IELTS score of the applicant should not be less than 7.0, and the four items should not be less than 7.0.

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The IELTS of Newcastle University in Australia requires detailed explanation: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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