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Today, we are going to study the content review of the IELTS composition ideas. The so-called content [...]

Review of IELTS writing ideas and contents

Today we IELTS Writing The article of the big composition idea studies the content review. The so-called content review refers to the inspection of the contents of magazines, newspapers, books, games, movies, TV dramas, etc. before their publication, and the deletion and modification of the unqualified parts. Although there are some complaints about content censorship on the Internet, its existence is very necessary. In addition to such obvious violations as reactionary, splitting the country and undermining national unity, some games or movies may contain too bloody or violent content. If rectification is not carried out before publication, it may leave an indelible shadow on children's or teenagers' psychology and unconsciously affect their behavior. Old Roast Duck has collected some ideas and materials about content review for your reference.

Content review

Governments can censor what the public sees or reads in the media

The government can censor what the public sees or reads in the media.

To a certain extent, censorship is necessary

To some extent, review is necessary.

We should use censorship to protect children from violent images

We should use censorship to protect children from violent pictures.

Some computer games involve killing people or committing crimes

Some computer games involve killing people or committing crimes.

The Internet also needs to be controlled

The Internet also needs control.

Many websites show pornography and violence

Many websites display pornographic or violent content.

There should be age limits for websites and computers games

Age limits should be set for websites and computer games.

Parents need to take responsibility for checking what their children watch

Parents should take the responsibility of checking what their children see.

It is impossible for governments to control everything we see

The government can't control everything we see.

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