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What are the IELTS requirements of City University of Hong Kong

The full English name of City University of Hong Kong is City University of Hong Kong, also known as Da. It is a public university located in Kowloon, Hong Kong. The City University of Hong Kong was founded in 1984. According to the QS ranking, Chengda ranked 55th in the world, third in Hong Kong and eighth in Asia. Due to its short history and rapid development, it was rated as one of the top 7 young universities in the world with less than 50 years by the Times.

City University of Hong Kong is famous for its major: sociology (top 50 in the world), accounting and finance (this major once ranked top 50 in the world), architectural environment (top 50 in the world), civil engineering and structure (top 40 in the world), linguistics (top 18 in the world), mathematics (top 30 in the world), etc.

 Logo of City University of Hong Kong

IELTS Requirements of City University of Hong Kong : Applicants are required to achieve a total score of 6.5 points( What is IELTS 6.5 )There are no specific requirements for listening, reading, speaking and writing. However, some majors have special requirements. For example, the Master of Law program requires applicants to achieve IELTS 7.0, and no single small score is required.

For college entrance examinees, the City University of Hong Kong also has high requirements for college entrance examination scores, which requires more than one level to apply. Generally, for example, candidates in Jiangsu Province may need more than 100 points from one level.

The following is the discussion of the students on City University of Hong Kong for your reference:

Which university is better for computer or Ai undergraduate- Hello, I wonder if you asked about the undergraduate application in Hong Kong? If you are studying in A-level/AP in China, you can try to apply for an undergraduate degree in Hong Kong. HKU and HKUST are good computer majors. If you are a domestic student participating in the college entrance examination, it is relatively difficult to apply for an undergraduate course in Hong Kong, unless you start from an associate degree before applying for a formal undergraduate course.

I want to ask how to apply for a doctor- 1. IELTS test 2. Prepare resume 3. Set of magnets 4. Prepare application materials after the successful set of magnets, such as personal statement (different schools have different requirements, which can be clearly understood on the official website) 5. Submit application materials 6. Wait for the results (generally, if the set of magnets is successful, there will be no major problems in admission). It is difficult to apply for a doctor, and every link is very important.

What is the situation of undergraduate application this year? Will it be more difficult- According to the college entrance examination results of Hong Kong undergraduate students, the top three applicants are at least 160 points higher than the undergraduate level. The difficulty varies from person to person, depending on the score.

The above is a detailed introduction to the IELTS requirements of City University of Hong Kong, hoping to help more students who are planning to apply for CityU.

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