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When can I read the IELTS listening test paper? As a Chinese student, I have fought all the way from the sea of books and papers, and I have already been familiar with all kinds of overt and covert means in the examination room. […]

IELTS Listening When can I read the test paper

As a Chinese student, I have fought all the way from the sea of books, and I am already familiar with all kinds of overt and covert means in the examination room. When the test paper is handed out, first open it and scan it casually to get a sense of the difficulty of the topic or have some impression on a topic, then write the name while listening to the invigilator's wordiness while thinking about the solution of the problem, which is more conventional. No one thinks there is anything wrong with this. Even the invigilator will turn a blind eye. The organization will make people feel abnormal.

However, the IELTS test is not like this. Whether it is the notes to the examination room written on the admission card or the notes for the invigilator to read in the examination room, it clearly states that opening the examination paper in violation of the regulations will be warned. The two warnings will be expelled from the examination room, or the article from the old roast duck IELTS was judged invalid. Some invigilators are soft hearted and may just give oral hints; But there are invigilators who will record. Here, the old Roast Duck Xiaobian advises everyone not to go crazy on the verge of death. It's really possible to cancel the score.

So when can I read the IELTS listening test paper? First of all, the recording is not good at the beginning. At this time, the introduction of the test will be played, which will generally say that the listening test is divided into four parts; A certain inspection time will be given after each part is completed; There will be time to read questions before each section starts. There is 10 minutes left to transcribe the answer sheet after the exam. Then, you will hear an obvious Now turn to section 1. At this time, you can read the test paper with confidence and boldness. In fact, there is enough time to read the questions in section 1, so there is no need to take risks and take a peek first.

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